My son is a JW elder, and has not phoned me once during the crisis, even though i am nearly 70 years old. Same as always he is quite ok talking to me when i phone him, but he only phones me when he wants something.
Posts by alanv
Young children and Corona @ OMG
by Gorbatchov inexploiding children for remember i was a young child, 40 years ago i wrote an article about the bible, from watchtower and awake sources.. still wish i never did.
my teacher gave me hell and said no more of this shit.. since then i was scared for being a jw.. now, i read this, shit hit the fan again..
15 yrs ago Jehovah needed $50 million for new printing presses
by Hotpepper inwhat happened to all those new printing presses?
the wt said they were going to double the amount of mag's every month.
i wonder what ever happened.
Watchtower were very slow to embrace the internet. So probably while other businesses were arranging togoing online, Watchtower were busy warning their members about the dangers of the internet. They would have had no idea that Watchtower online would take over most of their printing.
Experience given @ Phillipines Memorial Talk on JW.Org
by smiddy3 inand i would like as many as possible to view it and comment on it as possible because i cant believe they are still pulling this shit and the rank & file are still lapping it up .?
in this year of 2020.. i`m sorry i do not have the nouse to make a link or attachment or whatever and hope someone can do so .. i know, i had doubts about looking at it also , its on ,whats new or something phillipines memorial and an experience was given their about a young pioneer girl that had eyesight problems and how she got her doctor and hundreds more to go on line to watch the special talk .
and they even went on to say they had 30,000 non jw`s log on to the special talk.?
The org has the whiole world to pick a good story from. Its really not that hard. Wont change the fact that they have almost as many leaving by the back door as those coming in the front door.
Absolute proof world conditions are getting better
by nowwhat? inthis century vs. beginning of last century-.
we had the great recession they had the great depression!.
so far 125k dead.
For anyone who takes the trouble to research the subject, it is far, far better to be living now than any time in past centuries. I was lucky I was born after WW2, so missed some of the bad things that happened then. So although there have indeed been reports of war, it is nothing compared to past centuries. Same for food shortages and pestilences.
My dad is now a ministerial servant tonight
by Wagurl inmy dad just became mistrial servant should i move out i’m almost 18. what the hell should i do?
I used to be a mini servant. They have to be seen as setting an example, and in my case two elders came round asking me why i wasnt having a bible study with my unbaptised son. So Im just warning you. But dont get baptised whatever happens otherwise they will have a very strong hold on you.
Circuit storehouse
by road to nowhere ingot more info.
donate canned food, stable things.
if there is a need go to family, friends, neighbors, food banks, government, then congregation, and next to last circuit.
Yes a new elders letter is basically reminding the sheep to carry on donating electronically as most are no longer going to the Kingdom Hall
2020--04--07 Inbox Disaster relief Committee--Zone 3!
by Atlantis in2020-04-07 inbox disaster relief committee zone 3..
Most of that letter was just saying what the governments have been saying anyway. It sickens me that jdubs will think the org is taking care of them, when actually all the advice and rules are coming from 'Satan's governments'
Curious to know the Zoom attendance figures for for the memorial
by joe134cd ini’m just curious to know the local attendance figures for the memorial.
my father told me they had an attendance of 140. not flattering for a cong of 100 pubs.
i was sort of surprised at this considering the quarantine measures and everyone being forced to stay at home.
Any figures this year are not very likely to be accurate. I know the org still want those figures, but they wonr be able to do any bragging about increase this year. I suppose all they can say is that the memorial still went ahead world wide so that shows Jehooba is blessing his people lol
Covid 19, is this the WT new push to bring back ex JW's before the end of the system?
by William Penwell innot sure if this was covered as i could not find anything on it but talking to my son he tells me one of the gb had a talk telling them this is a sign of the last days.
have the jw's being pressured into talking to relatives and friends to bring them back into the fold before the end of the system blah blah blah?
the reason why i ask is my son was saying his mother has being on his case the last few weeks and then two days ago i got a telephone message from my sister, that hasn't spoke to me in 4 years, asking how i am doing.
Whenever there is any large disaster the JWs jump on it to prove that we are living in the last days. The latest virus pandemic, is tailor made for them to frighten people to come back to the org. However once its all over, it will be interesting to see what happens. My guess is that there will be a small increase this service year in publishers, but then less and less in the years to come.
How are they handling the memorial this year with the Coronavirus?
by Mandi init’s cognac.
couldn’t sign-in for some reason so i created a new account.
just was wondering what’s going on with the memorial this year cause my kids father wants to have them during that time.
Does anyone know if its true the elders are taking bread and wine round to everyone's home before the event starts? And is this worldwide?