Unbelievable. The indoctrination process continues even during a massive disaster. While their having a Watchtower study people are dying around them. Surely their time could be spent helping those in real trouble and go back to Watchtower studies after all has been done. Praying will do know good at all. The witnesses are not being protected from this calamity just as no one else is. All have to pull together and each one must do their utmost to help at this particular time.
Posts by alanv
news from the jw's in haiti
by highdose inthis is an email going round the jw's, contains several accounts.
here are some new reports that i received today about our brothers in haiti.
for those unfamiliar with the geography of the area, haiti shares the island with the dominican republic which is referred to as "dr" in the report.
New 'Generation' light? Its just the "Governing body being the Governing Body"
by dissed inwe used to have a nutcase of a friend in the jw's who was always saying 'off the wall' things.
he was exasgerating interpretations, making idle threats that he would 'bump off' a jw if they do him wrong.
nobody took him seriously, because he said these wacko things all the time and never did them.
No I am sure they have no remorse or regrets. The gov. body are totally convinced in their own mind that God reveals things gradually. Most witnesses will just accept the 'new light'. And the thread title is spot on. This is what they do. As soon as something is proved wrong they change it for something else.
About a week ago there was a video on youtube showing how wonderful JWs were at dealing with emergencies. I find it sickening how they have to brag about what they do. All other agencies just get on with the work in hand but JWs have to show off abou it.
Look out for bragging articles in the magazines and probably in the 2011 yearbook next year.
Searching for a WT quote about skills needed post armageddon
by boyzone inanyone remember a watchtower study about the skills brothers would need after amageddon?
i vaguely remember it but i've scoured the cdrom and can't find it.
somethng about being gardeners, carpenters etc and how we need to develop those skills now.. anyone got any ideas where its from?
I see that the WT is from 1952. I would be very surprised if the society encouraged anyone now to spend a few years getting a skill, ready for post Armageddon.
Sure fire fast track route to the big DF...
by creativhoney inok so when i finally didnt care, i did attend a jc, but i wanted closure, deep down i actually wanted them to df me.
- has anyone else been in this scenario, and what did you say at your jc that ensured the right action was taken.. they asked me how i felt about my relationship with jehovah - i simply said, i dont feel anything since i dont have one.
i dont pray, i dont study, and i dont show much interest.
Good for you taking the plunge. I presume you wanted to tell them to there face why you wanted out.
For others who may not know, all you need to do is send the elders a letter stating you no longer wish to be a JW. You don't have to go through a judicial hearing if you don't want to. It would go down that you dissassociated yourself which is the same thing as far as the elders are concerned.
Is The Internet The Worst Thing That Could Happen To The Organization?
by minimus inthe witnesses try to demonize the internet.
in your opinion is the internet the biggest problem for the watchtower organization?.
I faded years ago when there was very little information around about JWs. Nowdays it really is easy for anyone to check out if the are being told the whole truth by the WT.
The internet is almost totally responsable for the low increase in numbers and the many tens of thousnds who leave each year.
the bible, not for the frail hearted
by DaCheech inmy mom told me this the other day (she was born catholic, and converted to jwism in the late 30's):.
when she was a late teen she asked this question to her catholic priest uncle: "why doesn't the catholic church encourage us to read the bible"..... the man told my mom "if the general public read the bible they would be terrorized by scandalous stuff that only the clergy can sift through".. instead of taking this answer and leaving it alone, it started her quest to find the truth, and what religion would teach the bible.. as we know, i, through her came in this wreatched religion that hides behind the bible to scam us.
Interestingly the WT do not encourage anyone to read the bible without WT publications. Try asking your mum if it is good to read the bible itself. If she is honest she will quote the society when they said if you read the bible by itself you will never come to an acurate knowledge of the truth.
So not very different to the Catholics
How long will it be before ALL the Governing body are in their late 30's and 40's???
by Witness 007 inas the oldest members die off in 2010 it's going to be very hard to find qualified men from the anionted who are capable of joining the governing body.
most are just too old, so the new trend is younger members.
in 10 years i can imagine the governing body members looking like a young boy band, eating pizza at their meetings and saying things like "dude, like what's up with this blood doctrine?
I'm pretty sure reading between the lines that most of the research and number crunching is done by those not proffesing to be of the anointed.
There is no reason why books and magazines can not be written by brothers or sisters.
The main criteria seems to be that the governing body simply have to intial an article to say they agree with it. Ray Franz dealt with this in his books .
Certainly none of the older members are going to spend hours reading every article written for publication, they will rely on others to do that.
The whole faithful and discreet thing is a joke as is the growing numbers who proffess to be of that class.
by steve2 incould someone with access to the jw yearbook provide a scan of the country-by-country figures for 2009?
i've seen the overview page scanned from the yearbook of the worldwide totals, but so far no scan of the figures for each country.
many thanks in advance for the scan!.
Hi Steve I posted the totals last week, but to my knowledge the actual Yearbook is not around yet. I am sure as soon as it is, someone will scan it for us. I am interested as well in the individual countries.
Would it be fair to compare JWs to Terrorist Organisations?
by african GB Member in-terrorists are prepared to die for their course,.
-jws are prepared to die for jehovah.. 2 terrorists treat those with different views as enemies,.
2 jws treat 'worldly people' as enemies.. 3 terrorists are brainwashed from a young age,.
I'm sure terrorists families love each other but that does not stop them being suiside bombers with full family approval. They are indoctrinated from a young age to die for the cause if necessary exactly as JWs are.
They are taught that only they are right everyone else is wrong or at best misguided. They are taught to obey the rulers with no questions asked.
So there certainly are some strong similarities.