I remember even after I had made my decision not to go any more to the hall, I felt really bad about reading the so called apostate book 'Crisis of conscience'. Once I had read it I was so pleased that I had. From that point on, there was no stopping me. I exposed the society when ever I got the chance.
Posts by alanv
Thought Control - Yes, the JW's Use It Too
by Crisis of Conscience inthe following highlighted info is taken from pg.
62 of steve hassan's combatting cult mind control:.
if information transmitted to a cult member is perceived as an attack on either the leader, the doctrine, or the group, a hostile wall goes up.
Kingdom Interlinear = apostate literature?
by brotherunsure inhas anybody else come across jdubs that have never heard of the kingdom interlinear translation?
i noticed this artcle http://www.soundwitness.org/jw/kit_part1.htm and i've found when i asked witnesses about it some never heard of it and other's had heard of it but didn't have one and didn't know if they were still in print and one got all weird and suspicious saying "well what do you want it for?".
when i called the watchtower and asked if it was still in print the guy had to put me on hold and look it up somewhere, he didn't know off the top of his head.
I was just wondering if anyone knows the reason why they produced the Interlinea. Was it just because the Diaglot did not have the name Jehovah, or was it more than that?
What Does The GB Really Believe?
by Murray Smith ina speculative question i suppose .
but i am quite intrigued by this.. .
a witness for 20-odd years .
Ray Franz who was on the governing body but left the organisation, felt that they did believe in what they were saying and doing but it was all about 'the organisaton' They feel there has to be loads of rules and regulations to protect the org. This is very different to the what the bible teaches
facebook will be the end of me!!
by finallyfree! inso lately ive been getting friend requests from jw's who i knew from before i faded.
now my mom is on facebook and just sent a friend request, ya cant ignore your moms request...lol!.
i will accept her and this will probably be the end to my fade.
Good for you finally free. As long as you are sure you do not mind JWs knowing your life now. Remember Facebook pictures may show that you should be disfellowshipped. You need to be sure that is ok with you
by St George of England indid not see this as i cannot stand the programme personally, but tonight's episode was about a jw mother who died after refusing a blood transfusion.
they apparently dealt with all the disfellowshipping, shunning etc.
sounds like good advertising!.
I just finished watching it. The jw bit was just part of the storyline.It was about a witness couple and the wife was pregnant. She was admitted to the emergency dept and at first said no blood when they told her she would probably die without it. She apparantly changed her mind at the end, although we did not see that happen. Her husband was busy praying the Lords prayer which seemed to fall on deaf ears, as she died before she had the transfusion. But the good news is the baby survived and the husband allowed the staff to make the decision to give it a transfusion he needed to survive.
Is the Internet killing our sense of EMPATHY?
by brotherdan inthis is a pretty interesting article on cnn.
i can see how we are being desensitized to others feelings.
there are things that i've said to others online that i never would say to someone face to face.
I find it good to post online as I have more time to think what I want to say. Sometimes on the phone or face to face it is easy to blurt out something that I later MAY regret.
For instance I just emailed a friend to say how sorry I was that her brother had just died. I was able to say exactly what I wanted to her rather than saying something inapproriate in a face to face or on the phone.
Time magazine-JW's high turnover
by Lunatic Faith ini know this is a couple years old but i found it referenced on another site and had to share it--assuming it hasn't already been shared.. www.time.com.
This survey clearly shows that if witnesses new all the negative things about being a witness, instead of only being told about the positive things, many would not join up and so less would leave. However that aint gonna happen.
For those that are and have been married,did the JW lifestyle aggravate "typical" marital and family problems?
by miseryloveselders ini ask this in consideration of last week's and this week's congregation bible study which focuses on the responsibilities of christian parents, and husbands.
i also ask this in harmony with itscrap&theyknowit's thread which is a heluva opening post by the way.
i linked it below for those that aren't familiar with it.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/206133/1/why-i-eventually-left.
I think that anyone who has bible principles in their life, are probably going to have happier family life.
Having said that, the head of the family thing I'm sure must annoy a lot of women who are more than capeable of being the chief organiser in their family.
I did find it frustrating in the bedroom department that my wife stuck rigidly to what was allowed and what wasn't!
Is Job 1:4 regarding a birthday party
by jwfacts ini have heard it stated before that job 1:4 is referring to job celebrating his children's birthdays.
others have claimed this is not the case.
does anyone have a good explanation of what this scripture is referring to?.
When I was a witness I could never understand why we could celebrate wedding anniversaries but not birthdays. The Job scripture is just another proof that Birthday celebrations are fine. The governing body use every trick in the book to keep JWs seperate from the rest of humanity.
Looks like NLT is one of the few translations that actually use the word birthday, so it probably would not help to use that arguement with a witness
Incidently I enjoy usung your website very much and seeing the updated figures every year.
Look forward to seeing the Australian figures on the site when you get time to update it.
Jehovah's Witnesses - Once Again the Fastest Growing Faith in the U.S.
by davidl7 inaccording to the latest statistics published by the ncc in its yearbook of american and canadian churches, the jehovah's witnesess had the highest growth rate, in 2010 growing 4.37%.
this is, i believe, is the 4th year in a row, that the witnesses had the highest growth rate.
roman catholics grew by less than 1%, as did most of the other churches listed.
The 4.37% figure is based on this books figure from last year. Unfortunately both figures are wrong. So the true figures are as the society have said which is 2%. This has been rounded up. The true figure is actually around 1.7%