The sheep are constantly programmed for the society to change things as light increases. They would not bat an eyelid if that quote was pointed out to them.
Posts by alanv
Prediction in "Bible Teach" book is already a false prophecy
by hamsterbait inthey warn the person actually reading the book that they should heed their warnings of armageddon, as it "will come in your lifetime".
since they now pin it on the life of anybody who reads the book, only one of those who read it needs to die to prove them wrong.. if i die it didnt come in my lifetime neither!
don t these clowns really think about some of the stuff they print?.
They are also available on the societies 2011 Watchtower library CD, but only as single copies. Depends what you want them for.
2011 service report more details from jw archive
by alanv ini know that many will have seen the site before, but i have only just discovered it.
someone has taken the trouble to give more details about the 2011 service report.. for instance it shows the actual increase or decrease in publishers not just the rounded up or down figures.
it also shows percentage increases for certain areas like europe or africa.. apologies if this has already been shown, but i found it very informative and interesting.. i can't get a link to it to work, but to get there, copy and paste the web address below, then select ' updated full report via pdf'.
I know that many will have seen the site before, but I have only just discovered it. Someone has taken the trouble to give more details about the 2011 service report.
For instance it shows the actual increase or decrease in publishers not just the rounded up or down figures. It also shows percentage increases for certain areas like Europe or Africa.
Apologies if this has already been shown, but I found it very informative and interesting.
I can't get a link to it to work, but to get there, copy and paste the web address below, then select ' updated full report via PDF'
Have fun
Worried about my friend
by pharmer ini have a friend who has been a jw for a couple years (baptized).
she might have to undergo gallbladder surgery.
i'm worried for her (about the blood issues)and have made that known.
I had my gall bladder out a couple of years ago. It was done by key hole surgery and is a very common operation with minimal chance that a blood transfusion is needed.
Ban Higher Education = Witnesses have a HUGE number of cleaners and Window washers?
by Witness 007 inevery cong.
i ever went to in australia had a high number of 1. window cleaners.
2.general cleaners.
We were talking about this on Topix the other day. I beieve that some congs are better than others re getting a decent job. One witness said that they had many proffesional people in the cong. However in my experience there are certainly more cleaners etc in the organisation than in the general workplace percentagewise. Which is hardly surprising as the society do not encourage further education.
New Documentary to boost JW's stand on blood
by discreetslave inthis trailer is circulating on jw apologist sites and youtube channels just in time for their annual reminder on no blood.
I think most people would agree that blood transfusions come with a risk. However to say that they do more harm than good is stupid. Why would a doctor give blood if it was not needed or if it would give the individaul more problems in the long run. These days, often just fractions of blood are given. Clearly there is a reason for that. The doctors are just giving what the person actually needs.
Thanks for downloads. Anyone in UK got scans of the British addition with the field service highlights. It would be good to see what is happening here.
An Article From The Canadian Medical Association
by Bangalore inan article from the canadian medical association.. .
As technology improves so do medical procedures. It used to be that the body was opened up for most operations on the bodies organs. Nowdays keyhole surgery is used, as the patient recovers much quicker and with much less scarring after the op. More now is known about blood. Transfusing and transplants have always been a problem, but as technology has improved, the use of blood transfusion has become less necessary. Nowdays it is often just blood componants that are used, for that is better for the patient. Every doctor has always known that there is a potential from ablood transfusion going wrong, which is why they do not give one unless they feel it is necessary.
Before modern technology, transfusion was given as there was nothing else and so some diedxand some others lived. Nowdays if a transfusion can be avoided, it will not be given. However there are still some situations where the choice is either a transfusion or certain death.
JWs have the right to accept death if they want to.
How many trees does it take to print WTB&TS mags each month?
by wannabefree inif my math is correct .... public watchtower printed each issue: 42,182,000. awake printed each issue: 41,042,000.
7.24" x 9.47" x 16 pages two sides.
16 x 9.47" x 41,042,000. one magazine end to end - 151.52".
And in the end most of it is treated as junk mail. It is obvious, actually very few people are influenced by it by the very low increases the society have every year.
Shy JW at the door ... the pain of it
by MrMonroe insomeone tweeted today: "a jehovah's witness who is shy to people at the door.
those few words paint such a sad picture.
how many jws with little self-esteem and self-confidence, particularly born-ins who have never known anything different, are sent out into neighbourhoods to knock on the doors of strangers and speak to them, knowing the householder resents them being there?
You are right. I think what gets them through it, is that they are trained to answer the most used rebuttles. For instance many people tell the witnesses they are not interested. The response? 'What is it you are not interested in?' Householders reply 'I am not interested in Jehovah's Witnesses'. Witness replies 'Oh we are not here to speak about Jehovah's Witnesses, we are here to speak about the bible'.
I remember there were many times I and others used that type of answer. Ah the good old days. Not!