Totally agree Terry. I have retired now, and was in fact able to retire six years early because of so many inprovements in my life. I marvel every day about how lucky I am to be living at this time. In my view the BEST time in human history.
Posts by alanv
If I Were Still A JW I Would Think We Had To Be Living At The Time Of The End!
by minimus inwith all the terrible things happening on this earth, i bet most witnesses feel that jehovah god has to step in..
I tried to make an elder feel guilty for shunning his 2 children.
by Jeannette ini ran into an elder the other day at walmart.
he's a fairly good man and has a wife that is very sickly.
so sickly in fact i don't know how she's holding on.
I think as well it makes a difference why the children were disfellowshipped. Was it really because they were totally unrepentant sinners, or did they simply say they no longer wished to be JWs. Or maybe they were disfellowshipped for something the bible says nothing about, like smoking maybe. JWs have a long list of their very own rules which the bible says nothing about.
"The Friends"
by FeelingFree ini have only come across this term very recently on jwn and in an "apostate" video i watched yesterday.
never have i heard anyone refer to jw's as "the friends" here in the uk.
is it just used in america?.
I am from the UK and have heard it said occasionally, but normally most witnesses say 'brothers'
The Faithful Slave - An Obvious Question I Haven't Heard Asked
by berrygerry insince the big 7 have appropriated this "blessed" title for themselves, and disavowed the existence of this slave prior to 1919, an obvious question comes up.. was it not the apostate maria russell that proffered that ctr was "the slave," and was the coiner of the term "the faithful slave"?.
if the slave did not come into existence until 1919, then how was it possible that prior to 1919 that anyone knew that it existed, or would have been able to foretell that it would come into existence?.
was maria a prophetic apostate?.
Anything wrong with what was written or what was said by the bibkle students before 1919 has now been trashed. The society now say that God was not using them or guiding them before 1919. At a stroke they can now say that Russell was just a keen bible student. They have had to distance themselves from him because he got most things wrong.
How to capitalise on recent unwise appointment with my wife.
by disposable hero of hypocrisy ina brother was appointed recently in the cong, he's got a dodgy history, doesn't really have the respect of many in the cong.
it's surprising to me, but i don't really care, good for him.
my wife, on the other hand, is angry!
The link below shows the socirties view of being appointed by holy spirit. However any appointment is based on what the person appears to be, not necassarily what is in his heart. So it is perfectly possible for a sex abuser or someone with an undesirable trait to be appointed.
TV Broadcast - December 2014
by Listener ina widow with 3 dependant children.
the jw widow was having a lot of trouble paying her bills and the family was poor.
she had a visit from 2 elders who sat down with her and discussed her situation.
by mikeypants ini'm sure this has been brought up before but.... i was talking a lil bit with the wife today about things as she brought it up.
she's baptized and all that, i'm not.
after the zone meeting i said enough.. anyway, she mentioned there's about 6000 anointed left and that armageddon would come before they all croaked.
My first thought is that at present there are around 12000 taking the emblems, and that figure has been going up not down every year recently. So does she already think that half of those are imposters?
A Non J-Dub paying a visit to KingDumb Hall!
by J-DUBBED ini was thinking of doing a pop-in visit when they're doing their thing(what ever that might be).
to just see what it is that lures and hooks people, like our son.
i was worried there is some sort of subliminal messages in audio or video that start to brain-wash a person.
Navytown. Yes good question. They nearly always try to sidestep that question and say how Jehovah is to bring back to life all the billions that have died over the milleniums. But if a person sticks to their guns about who will die at Armaggeddon, they have no sensible answer.
Study Article In 15/2/15 WT Praises Peace in Twentieth Century
by BluesBrother infor a hundred years or so the wts has been drumming into it's readers that these are "critical times" and the "last days" are marked by warfare , destruction & bloodshed.
a typical quote might be this :.
wt 1996 4/1 p 19. that an age of turmoil dawned early in the 20th century has been acknowledged by many.
Yes I had a quick read through of it and you can see they hate to admit it but they have showed that many things have improved in the last 100 years.
This will be useful to show our family and friends who are still in the cult.