You are Jean-Luc Picard
Picard, Spock, LaForge my favorite charecters!
my family's been having a lot of fun with this!
You are Jean-Luc Picard
Picard, Spock, LaForge my favorite charecters!
hey everybody, i had an interesting time pushing a tract that i don't believe in this weekend.
i had to develop my own method of placing it without having to talk about it, since i fear if i was confronted by someone asking "do you people think you're the only true religion", i might break down and tell the person at the door "no, i don't".
the witness at the door with me would scream in terror, and i would be insta-dfed.
Well I have made up excuses for not going out in service so far. So it hasn't been a problem yet. It probably won't work for the entire campaign so I plan saying I put them in magazines and place magazines. Their encouraging placing magazines on Sat. Of course there will be a corresponding number of tracts in a trash can somewhere. It is hard enough for me to place magazines let alone those tracts. It is far safer to knock than to ring the doorbell. I always knock very softly. I often go many Sats without speaking to anyone. I am surprised no one has noticed yet. I haven't heard anything about how its going in the cong. No stories of persectution or hundreds instantly converting. No one seems to excited.
women today fight for `women`s right`s` but are they doing women any favours?
as far as i can see, they have just made it harder for them.
now they are expected to have the kids, work full time, clean house, cook, babysit, taxi drive, nurse, etc., i think they have done us a disservice, by trying to be `equal` to men in the workplace.
Wow, I was surprised at what I was reading. If you want to stay at home and be a mom, then fine. That is what my mom did. That may be right for some people, but certainly not everyone. Is it so terrible to get equal pay for equal work? To not be the property of some man? To vote? To own property? How has women's rights hurt women? This topic does touch a nerve for me because I get tired of hearing that weaker vessel crap at the meetings. I just can't understand how a woman could feel this way. Whats wrong with women having a choice about what they want to do with their life?
mine is garak because he has a healthy cynicism about everything, yet is good deep down.. .
I liked Geordi LaForge and B'Elanna Torres just because I thought there jobs were so cool. I wanted to be an engineer for a long time just because of them. I've never really seen any of TOS episodes, I've seen a few of the movies, I guess it was before my time. I dont really have a favorite there. I always like Dr. Bashir on DS9.
a lot of people in the states have their service meeting on tuesday and i'm wondering what was the announcement????
i couldn't wait to check the board when i got in to work this morning.
c'mon somebody spill the beans.
Nothing happened at my hall. I was waiting but nothing was announced but make sure you turn in your time.
kw13 has set this up for me in order to help get exposure outside our little circle.
he will explain more!
i am new to this site but look foward to posting regularly. .
sorry for the long file, is there anyone that can clean this up a bit, the quality is actually pretty good considering the mic was hidden and i was in a big room.
as a witness, most if not all of my friends were married by 18, with many woman married by 17. it was so normal, that when i left the religion and met all these people married in their 20's and later, that it seemed like they were starting late.
i actually was a late person in getting married, i was 23. i remember being one of the few people my age in the congregation, not married yet.
i actually remember thinking, where am i going to find someone to marry, that is not yet taken.
The past six weddings I've been to have all been between teenagers( Ok, 2 of the guys were in their 20's, but not the brides). In 2 of them the parents had to sign for the daughters b/c they weren't 18. One has already split up. I read that the average age for women getting married in the US is 25, but for witnesses it would have to be much lower. Homeschooling is very popular here, so they graduate from high school at 16, don't go to college, what else are they going to do? and if they make a mistake they will be df'd. That's not for me.
just wondering out there, who is still active?
makes most of the meetings, all the conventions, comments, is still active socially with the congregation,out in service, hall building etc.
just wondering, because we know who are the elders, or recently former elders and i usually seek their posts for some interesting comments... .