Women today fight for `women`s right`s` but are they doing women any favours? As far as i can see, they have just made it harder for them. Now they are expected to have the kids, work full time, clean house, cook, babysit, taxi drive, nurse, etc., i think they have done us a disservice, by trying to be `equal` to men in the workplace. I`ve noticed that career women get to about 35 then start to regret not having babies or settling down, mainly because they havent had the inclination up til then. I am glad that i was `old school` as i was very happy in domestic bliss, having all the time in the world to look after my family and please myself, (that`s til i became a jw) but i still devoted the time to my family, and there is nothing better in life than doing that in my IMO. You can still have your own time for any interests once the jobs are done, admittedly it`s harder as a jw as they expect all your `free time` for service meetings etc.
Womens Right`s are they Wrong?
by dido 87 Replies latest jw friends
but i still devoted the time to my family, and there is nothing better in life than doing that in my IMO.
Thumbs up to you.
This in contrast to the WT.
Considering as a JW female, they don't want you to have any rights. It's like living back with the cavemen! Me, Brother Tarzan, You, sister jane--serve me, cook, clean, kids, bible thumping, do only what I say!! And they get away with it!!
Yea, it's hard. But I'll take this any day, over the other!!
Just like Workers Unions.... they are a necessary evil.
There were too many women abandoned and left barefooted.... Nowadays it has a danger of going to the other extreme.
Divorces are starting to cost men too much these days... in the near future there will be a more balanced approach.
Women today fight for `women`s right`s` but are they doing women any favours? As far as i can see, they have just made it harder for them. Now they are expected to have the kids, work full time, clean house, cook, babysit, taxi drive, nurse, etc., i think they have done us a disservice, by trying to be `equal` to men in the workplace.
The problems go alot deeper than that.....For centuries, a woman's fate relied soley on the type of man she married. If she was lucky enough to get a decent loving guy who wasn't a drunk, who didn't beat her and the kids up and had a good job, then she counted her lucky stars. However, too many women did end up with a man who couldn't hold a job, or gambled the grocery money away, or beat her and/or the kids up, or who was a pedophile. Because the woman had no income beyond what her husband gave her, most of the time she had no choice but to stay in a horrific marriage with a sometimes violent nutbar.
Even when women did work outside the home, their pay was much less than a man's and often they were doing the same job. Plus, if your boss decided that you had to put out if you wanted a raise (or even keep your job), then you either put out or looked for another job.
All these things were factored in, when women started saying they wanted "women's rights". Today, if a woman has a degree and makes a decent wage, decides she doesn't want to put up with a man who beats her or who is maybe verbally abusive, then she at least has the option to leave. 50 or 60 years ago, she had no option.
I am glad that i was `old school` as i was very happy in domestic bliss, having all the time in the world to look after my family and please myself, (that`s til i became a jw) but i still devoted the time to my family, and there is nothing better in life than doing that in my IMO.
I'm glad you had a happy family life, but what would you have done if your husband had turned out to be a pedophile or a violent alcoholic? If you had not worked outside the home in a secular job at all, your options would have been extremely limited and chances are, you would have ended up staying, simply out of economic need. This has happened to many, many women. My great grandmother married a pedophile after her first husband died, simply because she "needed a man too look after them." The pig she married used to beat the hell out of my grandmother and great-uncle and tried sexually abusing my grandma. Her mother turned a blind eye because she was totally dependent on this scumbag, emotionally and financially. At least today, a woman has the option of leaving. When Women's Rights started in the 1960s, some men did not want their wives to work outside the home because it gave the wife a measure of independence----something that made alot of husbands uneasy.With that said, I've noticed that after 40 years of "women's rights", alot of women are thinking "okay, I think we made our point: many women are as smart as men" and I know many that have gone back to working part time, so that they have more time to devote to their families.
It doesn't seem to be part of human nature to be balanced in anything. 45 years ago, women had virtually no 'rights' whatsoever; today, they're expected to be supermoms, less anyone look down on them for being "only" a housewife and mother. While I'm neither, I do think that being a parent is the most important job in the world.
I always get the shudders when we talk about 'rights' because they are false concepts that normally involve some form of coercion. The 'right' of a man to treat a woman as property and as a form of slave that was endemic in Western society thinking and legislation is an example in point. We talk in society of rights to do certain things (like the right to free speech) but in order to allow that right we have to allow nutters a voice at all times with no excuse to shut them up. We argue for the right of women to abort babies without affording the unborn the right to life, married couple are given the right to divorce but children have no rights to both biological parents. While I am glad women are no longer treated by our culture as slaves and goods I think that our culture now expects women to embrace this new right by spreading themselves over so many areas of high achievement that they can only survive with an alternating bottle of prozac and vodka. I think the only right you have is the right to be born and to die - everything else is an illusion that society can no more give than it can promise.
I am just coming to terms with what the early suffragists and feminists, real feminists, did for women. Feminism as portrayed by the media, is largely sensationalist and wrong. Here's a sample from one of my new heroes, Betty Friedan.
If you are interested in the origins and purposes of the early feminist movement, I strongly recommend:
The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan and Anna Quindlen
I think the feminist movement in all its forms has positively contributed to the greater rights that women now enjoy- although early radical feminist activities were considered extreme by some, without that publicity it wouldve been nigh on impossible to make people wake up and see that women were and somewhat still are oppressed by a male dominated society.
I still do not believe that we live in a truly equal society and it is down to the law to redress that balance; the UK has a wealth of case law relating to gender discrimination in the workplace and yet even though its been 31 years since the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 was enacted- it is still a failure in its attempt to protect women in the workplace.
Now they are expected to have the kids, work full time, clean house, cook, babysit, taxi drive, nurse, etc.,
Don't forget Girlfriend, Wife, Mistress and Lover!
Gotta be able to change a diaper and then do a pole dance!
*** Runs for cover ***
Dido, I believe that men face the same issues as women in the "modern" world. It's only because of biology that perhaps men don't have to "worry" as much about whether/when they may have children (assuming they want to reproduce). Women's eggs have a definite "shelf life" and, as you know, after a certain period, the odds of a woman giving birth to a child with Downs Syndrome astronomically multiply to the point where a woman in her right mind - at least to my way of thinking - would not even want to take the chance of getting pregnant and having to deal with those issues including the big two - give birth - or have an abortion.
Men's sperm last longer, although over time, if I understand the latest research correctly, male sperm fertility (if that's the right term) goes down over time, too. And then the older geezer would have to find a young fertile woman who would be willing to reproduce with him. That introduces a whole new set of issues into the equation.
Personally, I'm glad I had a choice as to whether to reproduce or not! Just one hundred years ago or so in the USA, a woman really didn't have much choice - about anything. At least today in most of the "western" countries, women and men are able to frame the issues in terms of "qualify of life." It's a sad fact, however, that in many countries today, a woman still doesn't have any choices, if she's born a female, she's treated worse than a sewer rat, and probably has less chance of surviving than a sewer rat, too.