I'm a non-denominational, Bible-believing Christian.
(Jesus was always criticising the "religious" leaders. Anti religion, pro relationship. I follow His lead!) :0)
ok, i'm now da'd as many of you already know.
it's so fresh that my stomach turns everytime the subject comes up about religion.
however, something that does puzzle me a bit.......is how do you answer people when they ask you the question "what religion are you?
I'm a non-denominational, Bible-believing Christian.
(Jesus was always criticising the "religious" leaders. Anti religion, pro relationship. I follow His lead!) :0)
i haven't flown anywhere in quite some time.
my family and i are going to a wedding on the opposite side of the country.
would love to call it a vacation, but "in-laws" are involved, so..... you know how that can go sometimes!.
Great advice about the creepy brother-in-law, Crumpet!
The rest of the advice is terrific too. It puts me more at ease to know what to expect. I guess I need to make sure we don't have holey socks! :)
i haven't flown anywhere in quite some time.
my family and i are going to a wedding on the opposite side of the country.
would love to call it a vacation, but "in-laws" are involved, so..... you know how that can go sometimes!.
I haven't flown anywhere in quite some time. My family and I are going to a wedding on the opposite side of the country. Would love to call it a vacation, but "in-laws" are involved, so..... you know how that can go sometimes!
(I have a very perverted brother-in-law that cannot keep his hands to himself. I'll be trying to dodge him a third of the time.)
I've been told NOT to take carry on luggage, and the bare-minimum in my purse. No cell phone, no liquids. I've even heard NO reading materials!
I live in the USA, by the way. I am assuming that I can take liquids in my luggage? Such as make up? If this is not true, please inform me! I really don't want to get to the airport and have to throw my whole bottled up face in the trash. (If I don't take the make up, this could be a very handy deterrant for the pervert brother-in-law. NAW! He would still be a perv. Scratch that thought.)
Since there will be many photos taken, and I am not very photo-genic as it is, I would really like to look my best. Vanity is a terrible thing. But there are enough unflattering photos of me floating around out there. I would really rather minimize the damage.
Any tips on how to pack, what to take, what not to take.....???? (I'm leaving the day after tomorrow.)
The saddest thing of all is that I won't be able to plug in to JWD again until Aug.22! I'll miss you guys! I have a little apprehensiveness creeping up on me, because of the terrorist threats, etc..., so if you could pray for me to have peace, I would appreciate it.
God bless and keep all of you! I have been blessed beyond measure by the wit and wisdom that the posters on this site have brought into my life. You are so courageous and inspiring. Take care!
In Christ's Love,
my anxiety and stress levels are really bad lately.
i think i'd be doing myself a favor to quit caffeine, as it has become a real catch-22 for me, where i need it to stay awake, but it causes me to lose sleep, so i need more of it to stay awake, etc.. i've learned through experience that i'm very sensitive to any sort of chemical substance that affects neurotransmitter flow, and, given my general propensity towards depression/anxiety/paranoia/add, i think that at least one thing i could do to give me a calmer, more stable neurotransmitter mix would be to eliminate caffeine.
i've tried to reduce before, and i've found that i just start making excuses to have a little more, a little more, until i'm right back where i started.. so, i'm just wondering if anybody else has had a similar experience where they felt the need to not just reduce but eliminate caffeine altogether, and if so, how did it go, did it help, how long has it been, etc.
It's best not to go "cold turkey". I like a little caffeine. I go with the 1/2 caffiene coffee. Never drink it after 3pm.
Heard there is a new product out. It's a pop-sickle stick type device, that when you stir your drink, it sucks the caffeine out.
Best wishes to you! Always love it when someone makes a good decision for thier health!
i'm in a relationship now and its my first serious one.
she keeps telling me that she's scared because she believes i'll eventually get bored with her and start wondering how it feels like with other women.
so she wants me to hook up with other girls when she goes out of the country for the fall semester.. personally i dont want to, but this is making me wonder, in the average person's first ,serious relationship, whats the cause of the breakup?
I knew the guy wasn't very thoughtful when he asked me to help him take his German Shepherd with her 13 puppies (25lbs. each) to the vet in the front of a pick-up truck. He pulls in to KFC and gets a bucket of chicken!!! I was fighting those puppies all the way back to his house, 20 miles away! He's munching on chicken like it's no big deal! (At least he did ask me if I wanted any.) Idiot.
The real cause of the break up was when I realized that he was DEEP into the drug scene. He was talking to a friend of his (while I was present), and stated that there would never be a girl that he loved more than his drugs. Two weeks later I moved to Tennessee with my brother for the summer, so I could make a clean break.
when you went out door to door, or just talking with non jw friends or family, what false beliefs did some have of the jw's?.
I can answer this one!
I thought they were just another denomination of Christianity. I thought people were annoyed by them, because they would wake you up Sat. mornings giving out unwanted magazines. People in my neighborhood found it especially annoying that they would have their little children standing at the door, knowing that a large percentage of people were going to send them on their way, sometimes in a very rude fashion, hoping they would get the point NOT to come back again. Most felt like they were fishing for donations.
I thought most people didn't want to be around JWs, because they didn't celebrate holidays or like the flag. I thought it was kind of odd that they didn't have any windows in their buildings. I wondered what they would do if there was a fire?
The JW friends I had in school seemed genuinely embarrassed by not being allowed to be in the Christmas programs, have a cup cake on a classmates birthday, or they would have to go to another area to do an art project that didn't reflect the most recent holiday. Mostly people seemed to pity the kids.
What I didn't know? I didn't know they thought Jesus was Michael the Archangel, until about 1 yr. ago! I also never knew they didn't allow blood transfusions, and that you were pressured to die before taking one. I didn't know that they were baptised in the Father, Son, and "spirit led org."--where is THAT in the Bible? I didn't know they kept track of the time they spend with you, so they can make "special guy of the month" or whatever it is. I didn't know they don't refer to Jehovah as "Father", even though Jesus instructed us to. I didn't know they think the Holy Spirit is not a person. I didn't know the 1914 date was arrived at from the measurement in a pyramid. I didn't know oral sex was forbidden. I didn't know that the majority of JWs believe they will live forever on paradise earth, even though "paradise earth" is not even mentioned in the Bible. (And Rev. 19:1 specifically says exactly where the great crowd will is.) And the fact that the 144,000 they believe are going to be in heaven, were all involved in pagan practices: participated in birthdays, Christmas, believed in the cross, thought Charles Russell was the faithful and descreet slave, the laviathon was a locomotive, smoked, took blood transfusions, ...the list goes on. Seems more reasonable to believe that the people who survive to the very end and have the most "new light" would be the ones to go to heaven, especially since they aren't involved in all those pagan beliefs that the founders of the WTS were up to their eye-balls in.
Just a point of view from someone who has never been a JW.
it seems that everyone i know who claims to be in the right religion, has the idea that their religion is some how more pure or perfect then all others.
whether is a christian faith as a whole, or an individual sect of christianity.
yet, no one seems to be willing to see that their religion, has, does and will do the same.
Pure religion is a lie. Only God is pure. Jesus was always putting the "religious" people of His day in their place. He was anti-religion, pro-relationship. The very religious Pharisees were always being admonished by Jesus for how they treated "sinners", not recognizing all the sin in their own lives.
Many religions attack God's grace and make slaves of the members. There is no freedom in being religious. No joy. No peace. You only find that in the relationship you have personally with God. Not in a religion.
i can see from this forum that many jws took quite awhile to decide that the wts was not the "truth" after all.
some stayed in, even after making that decision, for various reasons.
did any of you ever come to the conclusion that some of the things you were teaching to others were not biblical, and then try to dissuade prospective converts to discontinue their study?
I can see from this forum that many JWs took quite awhile to decide that the WTS was not the "truth" after all. Some stayed in, even after making that decision, for various reasons. Did any of you ever come to the conclusion that some of the things you were teaching to others were not Biblical, and then try to dissuade prospective converts to discontinue their study? Expalining why? Did any one heed the advice?
I would love to hear details, if anyone has had this experience, or is perhaps going through it now.
I think I would have a hard time teaching others a religious belief that I myself was questioning. How would you get around that?
not long ago i bet no one from this site would have been able to stand me for 2 seconds.
i was one of the most fiercest jws of all time.
i'd argue until i was blue in the face and i was darn good at it to.
I've really gained a lot of insight by reading of your experience. I sure hope you don't "throw the baby out with the bath water" when it comes to the Bible, however. Just because someone did a bad job of representing God and His word, is no cause to decide His book is not true. Yes, many religions do mirror the Bible, as well as use it to their own advantage. Never forget: The best counterfiets are the ones that closely resemble the real deal. That's how they get you hooked.
a fellow poster privately asked me this question.
it's a great question and i thought it was worthy of a public response, so here it is.q..my best friend has been studying with [the jw's] for 9 yrs.
not baptised yet, but heading that direction.
Thanks for the encouragement! (I can sure use it.)
Back in the season of what we "worldly Christians" call Easter time, my husband and I were invited to the "memorial" and we attended. Although it was not the same congregation that my friend attends, she did know that I was going, and she did ask what I thought of it.
Basically, how it compared to other churches. I told her kind of non-chalantly that it was differnet than some, same as others. No biggie! Then I went on to point out something to her that I noticed about one of the gentlemen who was insisting on speaking to me and my husband before we left. He would start off with the small talk (how are you? where you from?, etc...), then he would out of the blue mention Jehovah, then he would go back to talking about how many hours he spends in service, etc...., then he would throw Jehovah and the end times in again, then he glances at his watch, .... AND IT DAWNED ON ME!!!! Mr. 98-Hours-A-Month was using our conversation as "counted time"! He didn't care anything at all about us as people. We were just minutes in his log book, making him look good. I told her that it was very obvious and I felt used. I don't know where he got the idea that being a phony to promote your hourly count is appropriate, but I'm quite sure it is not condoned in the Bible. She agreed with me and thought it was really a lousy thing for him to do!
Could it be possible that she doesn't know that her JW gurus are counting their time spent with her? This might be a big heads-up for her, should she ever become baptised. Especially if they all of the sudden don't "love-bomb" her any more.
If she ever invites me to anything, believe me, I WILL be there! Any opening at all, I am jumping on the wagon. None of the JWs I have met have ever labeled us as opposers. I intend to keep it that way.