I think Lovelylil hit the nail on the head.
Many religious people, even those who claim to be born-again Christians, are so tied up in legalism and doctrines, they completely ignore the Gospel. Just because some one claims to be a Christian, does not mean that they actually are. Some are Christians, however they are very carnal in their attitudes and legalistic notions. They are missing out, by being like that. Some have no idea what a Christian really is, they just think they are one because they attend a church that has Christ in the name.
In Galatians, it tells what the fruit of the spirit is. (Anger is not one of the attributes.) However, everyone gets frustrated and angry at some point. Even Christians. Some people are bullies and blow-hards that insist that you HAVE to see it THEIR way. I have a self-proclaimed preacher in my family and he is the most obnoxious person I've ever met. He causes trouble every where he goes. He has to be right. (He even gives you physical "cues" on when you are suppose to nod in agreement with him! ) I doubt that many have become Christians as a result of listening to him. Infact, I imagine many have high-tailed it to the other direction, because if that is what a Christian is suppose to be, they want no part of it. He start religious wars every place he goes!
On the other hand, my father-in-law is a peaceful and kind man. He displays the fruit of the spirit in his life every minute he breathes! He is one of those people who makes you want what ever it is that he has. He is one of the people who led me to Christ, and he didn't have to thump any Bibles to do it. That is the kind of Christian that I long to be. A contagious Christian. The type that people just can't help but be drawn to and wonder, "What does this person have that I don't, and how can I get it?" I bet my father-in-law has led more people to Christ than church full of preachers!
Just bought a shirt the other day at a Christian book store! It's my motto. It says:
"It's against my relationship to have a religion."
Isn't that so cool and so true?! Jesus never preached religion. Infact, he admonished the religious leaders of His day for their legalism and self-righteous attitudes.