How could there be any openings left when Russell came on the scene in 1880? The book of Acts mentions at least 100,000 saved, and this was the BEGINNING of Christianity!
Acts 2:41- 2,000
Acts 2:47- daily saved
Acts 4:4- 5,000
Acts 9:42; 17:12, 19:18 - Many
Acts 13:48- as many as were ordained to eternal life believed
Acts 21:20- many ten thousands [lit. myriads] NWT (large ref. edition) footnote: tens of thousands *A very large number of both physical and spiritual Jews.
The Finished Mystery 1917, says there were 861,000 martyrs. Surely a great number of these would have been in the 144,000, wouldn't they?
If she tries to use the schpeel about the Bible saying there will be a falling away, point out that the Bible says the falling away happens in the END times. JWs claim we are living in the END times NOW. In order to fall away, they must have something to fall away from in the first place.
Another thing I would point out: The WTS taught that the 144,000 number was closed at 1935. Just about everything practiced by JWs of that time is now considered pagan. (Voting, war, observing holidays, birthdays, etc..., smoking, blood transfusions, no proper name for God, no proper oragnization, Jesus on the cross, worshipped Jesus, believed ALL JWs go to heaven, Christ's return was in 1874, and so on.) Why would God choose people with such pagan beliefs to live and reign with Him?! If the light is getting brighter, why wouldn't He wait until the very end and choose those with the purest doctrines and practices?
That's a few of the things I would ask about.