2 regular meetings, and bye bye! then I hid under my unbeliever husband, Gerard, who's a poster here as well. you see, I have to respect "the head of the house". he answered all the phone call and the random door knocks. they gave up quickly though. a woman, married to a non JW... they don't care much.
Posts by rowan
For anyone that was df'd and got reinstated
by Iamallcool inafter you got reinstated, how long did you stay as a jw before fading away or got df'd again.
were you zealous after you got reinstated?
i would like to hear your stories.
Is this true? Do the elders really do it like this?
by Julia Orwell ini put this week's wt paragraph about disfellowshipping on my fb page and said how poor robert's family didn't even check to see whether he was dead or alive in 16 years and a friend of mine of the 'conscious class' commented about how unchristian she felt disfellowshipping to this degree is, and i agreed.. another friend, and uber-jw who has a host of illnesses and yet pioneers, who everytime she and her husband go to another congregation, if he's not appointed within three years they move to another and try for an appointment there - he used to be an elder and no one is willing to promote him again- replied to my thread.
now keep in mind she has a dfd son and she doesn't even know whether he is dead or alive, because she follows the wt to the tee.
she replied, among other things,with this:.
It was one mistake and out for me. and no, no elder warned me of the consequences. cold hearted biatch.
Yet another "Shunning is good for you, honest!" quote in the June 15th 2013 Watchtower
by cedars inhi folks.
that's right, the new june 15th 2013 study edition is out now on this link.... http://download.jw.org/files/media_magazines/28/w_e_20130615.pdf.
the following quote caught my eye, from the final study article on page 28.... .
Well done WT! you are succeding in creating an army of spiteful insiders that are going to be quietly working against you.
I too, because I was craving to see my parents went back just for them. well, guess what? my dearest, best, life long friend upon hearing of my reinstatement wanted to associate with me again. I was way too hurt and harshly responded I was done with conditional friendships. To be back because of my elderly parents (whom I don't think I will ever be able to fully forgive for their shunning), was one thing, but I was going to have NOTHING to do with the rest of "the friends" who had shunned me. It happens my friend was having strong doubts herself, and this e-mail from me opened the flood gates. she kept pestering me, and I sent her CoC.
The rest is history. I woke HER up. she woke up 5 others. and now we are true friends, no matter of denominations, sexuality, or politics (we are both very vanilla married ladies with the same views about almost everything, what I mean is that the above factors would not have a say in our friendship)
For the born-in/raised in, you ever get resentful upon seeing kids involved with organized sports?
by Theocratic Sedition inthis past saturday, i was watching the georgetown/syracuse game, and a nike commercial was played during one of the breaks.
i couldn't locate the exact commercial, but below is a variation of it that has scenes from the same one that aired on saturday.
man did i feel some heavy resentment towards the wt during and especially after the commercial aired.
about the family above, one of the sons recently told me, that when his father was confronted by the elders because of the kids doing sports, his response to them was, "well, brother so and so, I prefer my kids in the open air exercising, and not alone in their rooms j-----g off". they were left alone after that, and always looked down upon. they all grew up to be balanced, happy adults.
For the born-in/raised in, you ever get resentful upon seeing kids involved with organized sports?
by Theocratic Sedition inthis past saturday, i was watching the georgetown/syracuse game, and a nike commercial was played during one of the breaks.
i couldn't locate the exact commercial, but below is a variation of it that has scenes from the same one that aired on saturday.
man did i feel some heavy resentment towards the wt during and especially after the commercial aired.
I was never the athletic type. but I remember a particular family in the hall, good healthy young boys, the parents would allow them to swim competitively and also play soccer. big time bashing, but they were mostly normal people, so they did what was healthy for their kids. they are out now.
I would have loved to learn music. at least to be able to read music. I begged for it, but my father considered it a waste of time. I am not resentful though, because compared to other witness kids I had a heck of extracurricular activities. My dad wanted me to learn practical things, such as English, and boy! am I thankful for that! He also funded my going to graduate school in spite of all the bashing we got from the platform for that.
Ignorant Judgemental CO's and DO's
by Scully inbadwillie wrote the following experience about an ignorant comment from a do:.
case in point:.
a friend received a full scholarship from a local college to study to become a veternarian.
Cobaltcupcake, he would only go out in service with children? kinds of rubs my sensitivities the wrong way... yikes. not saying anything, but with the current climate... yikes.
What song would you dedicate to the borg?
by krejames inzed's thread on powerful albums got me listening to darren hayes after ages and i decided i would like to dedicate this song to the borg.
step into the light.
Eurythmics- Sweet Dreams
Girl scout cookies are demonized
by Gojira_101 inokay so i think it might be the concussion making me go on this rant...not too sure.. the girl scouts started selling their cookies yesterday and for the first time in my life i will be ordering cookies.....i mean wtf is so wrong with ordering cookies from them?
i love the thin mint's and guess what?
you can only buy them from girl scouts!!!!!!.
Girl Scouts: they give you cookies for your money. WT: they suck your soul for your money.
I am exhausted emotionally.
by PaintedToeNail ini have been reading ashley judd's 'all things bitter and sweet' autobiography, and it has exhausted me.
she paints a picture of neglect and abuse from early childhood on.
as i sat reading, i realised i was identifying with so much of what she wrote.. why, when having an emotional breakdown as a teenager, major obsessive compulsive disorder, obvious depression symptoms, would you refuse to get medical help for your child?
Even though what I went through does not compare to your story, I can relate with the pain of having missed my childhood to a cruel sick cult. give yourself a big bear hug from me.
More connect-the-dots madness...
by cedars inthat's right, a knife and a baby in close proximity.... .
anything goes, so long as you're proving how "wise" king solomon was.. .
I always hated that story as a child. it gave me a lot of anxiety. what if the real mom had not said the right thing and that innocent baby was killed???