Joliette, this is my first post here in a while but this mistake had to be corrected. It was CAN YA smeeeelllll.....
If however you were suggesting that somebody here is in need of a shower, forgive me.
it's hard to describe how i reacted to this last night.
Joliette, this is my first post here in a while but this mistake had to be corrected. It was CAN YA smeeeelllll.....
If however you were suggesting that somebody here is in need of a shower, forgive me.
so i'm stopping at the local pizza shop this morning .
when i see 4 jw's dressed up in their wt uniforms about a block away, just pointing at houses, for about 5 minutes.
so they break up and this one 21 year old kid is standing at this door.
JudgeRutherfraud. You should have explained yourself fully to the first young man you met, not 'tailed them' while they did their ministry. You scared one lad and quite possibly alienated another. As for JunkYardDog, i recommend you calm down. Someone doesn't believe your 'brother' and you feel you are in a position to start dealing out threats? Grow up.
i'm currently researching the above, as the term has come up here frequently.
if you have merely a good memory, or truly an eidetic memory, do you literally see [inside your head] every page and every word of a book you've read?.
Snowbird said : Karl, I know well the toll anxiety and depression can take on anybody.
Aye, good news is that all is well now!! i hope you are well!
Compound Complex said: Greetings, exwhyzee and KW13:
Remarkable experiences. I can identify with what you have stated more than to what is termed eidetic. Isolated but significant data recalled.
My pleasure
i sent a .pdf to a few friends and one of them betrayed me and forward it to a elder i know, along with the emails of the recipients.
i cant believe i was so naive to think that i can trust someone..stupid.
i have not talked to the "benedict arnold" yet, but hopefully soon.
There is a chance the Elders will come prepared with printouts/screenshots, proving you sent the emails.
Perhaps you could say you lost your copy of the Watchtower Library so you were downloading it from a torrent site because it was getting late and you didnt want to disturb anyone, and the Elders pdf appeared on there too and you assumed it was freely available, why else would it be on the internet?
i'm currently researching the above, as the term has come up here frequently.
if you have merely a good memory, or truly an eidetic memory, do you literally see [inside your head] every page and every word of a book you've read?.
Before depression and anxiety really took hold i was able to memorize things easily and everything i saw, i could recall in my mind (and still can sometimes to be honest) where people were stood, their expression, where things were in the room and so on and see it as one would a photograph.
Weirdly, i can also see in my mind like a 'tour' my way around a home after i visited if i happen to pay more than passing attention. Although its much more vague than it used to be. Prior to my anxiety took hold, i could almost accurately remember the placing of objects such as a used cup, a vase, the remote control, where there was a blemish on the wall and so on and see that in my mind (blemishes on the wall would have to be after a few visits). I think sometimes my head 'filled the rest in' with generic stuff to make the image seem complete so it wasn't 100% accurate.
Smells, Songs and so on used to trigger memories or even just feelings that i could relate to when i first heard that song. An intense form of nostalgia.
As 'useful' as all this seemed, it took its toll on me i think. My mind was working in overdrive most times while i tried to make sense of all i had took in.
Another strange thing, when remembering spellings of words i could see them in my head..
just wanted to share an exerpt from what must have been an apostate ;) in a local craigslist add in my area:.
"up for sale my membership as a jw, with the package you will recieve everlasting life, a virgin wife, a clear bloodguilty free concious, an excuse note for not giving gifts on holidays as well as not having to work on sundays at your job, a magical invisable bubble protection from satan the devil, jury duty excuse, no pressure for having to choose the right vote for president of america, head knowlege and endless argument busters, debunkers, granny slammers, door jammers, window spamers, and a host of other cool stuff you can get away with!!!!.
note: no returns or exanges aloud, pickup only at my door, free with contribution, no rv's or co/po visits may insue, along with guilt, shame, shunning, embarasment, lost of loved ones comunication, no spiritual advice, and you may be visited by the demons who are going to haunt you for the rest of eternity, and not to mention no more hand shakes at memmorials.
I disagree Sam Whiskey, because whoever wrote this cannot spell
my whole freaking family is still in.
i am 5th generation and i use to have tons and tons of "friends" that are still in.
when i was little my dad was co substitute for years so we got to travel alot and meet even more jws.
CyberJesus i am glad you know exactly what the Society is because ultimately, awareness is what will save others from the same fate. I can imagine it hurts sometimes, but be proud because you made it through what has broken so many others. You freed yourself, you made the choice to become free. Hold that head high buddy, because you are fucking amazing.
I had 3 very rough years, anger and severe depression amongst other issues. My anxiety was intolerable. Now Medication and a beautiful family see me through. You'll get there in the end!
i'm new to the forum, though i had been a lurker for quite some time now.
i studied w/ the witnesses for a number of years, to be specific, for 10 years (since i was a child) but never actually became one; though, i was counted as one in the yearbooks as a "publisher.
" so, as far as i got was as an unbaptized publisher.
Sobrino1 with all due respect, i think your longing desire to remain on earth and your attempts to prove that this is Biblically sound, is down to the Society. I honestly believe the idea of heaven either frightens you or at least doesn't feel right because for so long you believed you would never go there.
how long before the watchtower goes bankrupt and goes away?.
does anyone know how the watchtower is doing financially?.
Because the Org is running on the backs of volunteers who also happen to be brainwashed, there will be no backlash if and when they have to downsize their operations. Nothing will continue forever though, regardless of how many dollars invested into it. I wholeheartedly believe that one day their time will come.
Governments worldwide will realize that the Society is essentially a huge cash cow and then like in France i hope, TAX, TAX...and more TAX!. More bans, more restrictions, stripping and liquidation of assets. I may not live to see it, my children may not even live to see it but its coming.
i'm familiar with the two witness rule and just read that it still stands in the new elder's book.. .
if a child accuses someone of sexual abuse:.
1. call the branch.
Unfortunately the Society are sticking to the Old Testament on this and other matters. Two Witnesses or no justice. Quite a joke really because not many rapists, child molesters, murderers and other dregs of society plan to do this with a friend present for moral support.