my best assembly is the circuit one i just skipped.
ah, that was a good one.
i remember being at a district convention when three young mormon men came in and somehow ended up sitting next to me.
i was sitting with three of my girlfriends and although we were all 19 years old we had to sit within a row or two of our parents in order to be policed appropriately.
the assembly was a yawnfest as usual but the mormon guys showing up added a bit of interest -- i immediately picked up on the fact that they were there for laughs not because they had any interest in becoming jdubs.
my best assembly is the circuit one i just skipped.
ah, that was a good one.
okay adam and eve lost their perfection because of adam's sin, his eternal life.
so why do animals die?
i am such an animal lover.
yeah, i always wondered about what the hell a serpent looked like before it was cursed to crawl on it belly...
in the new system, if there will be no sadness, tears, crying, sorrow, yadda yadda yadda... when my pet elephant dies... will i be sad? or is he going to live forever in this said new system, hmmmm?
i know i know, i'm so sorry to bug you guys about this but for obvious reasons i can't talk about it with anyone from the congregation and you guys are familiar with the watchtower.
in the watchtower, the woman is expected to be 'chaste.
' so i'm worried that if i decide to marry someone that is a jw if what i did before will be a problem.
uh, i'm confused...
if you "decide" to marry a JW...?
i'll just pretend your question was simply "should i marry a jw?"
to which i can without hesitation say: "no"
see, that was simple.
hi guys, as most of you know i have been inactive for a bit ( august of 2004 was the last time i turned in time) i changed congregations in december and have pretty much faded.
last night i had a talk with someone and he asked me why i was still in, why not just da?.
my answer ?.
my reasons for "fading" are because i created a monster and became the "spiritual star" of the family and were i do da myself, my parents would take it very, very, hmmm let me re-emphasize, very badly. they are already losing sleep over some "comments" i let slip... sigh.
otherwise, i'd totally da myself as i have no friends in the org. they've all left me b/c my husband da-ed himself.... sigh, again.
for yourself, it sounds like you have nothing to lose. but then again, you don't owe the org anything...
that didn't help much did it?
hey everyone,.
just want to thank everyone for responding so positively to my first post (a long rant...and a new beginning).
thought i'd share a little of mys story...well maybe alot of my story!.
hi joe,
i missed your original post, so welcome.
The desire to do good according to the organizatin, but the frustration that results from being human and having a free mind. So I began to have doubts.
i can relate to the above. although i'm still considered a witness "in good standing", i haven't been to a meeting in 2 months. i always had doubts, but it seemed like very few people did, so you learn to just suck it up... "don't get ahead of the [perpetual] chariot"...
anyway, sounds like you've been through some rough times but i've found that sharing and reading posts here is very helpful. it's like therapy, but free!
hey guys,.
listen, we were all "brothers" and "sisters" at one time and it didn't really mean shit.
i'd've turned my back on the lot o' ya when i was a jw and i found out you were apostates.. but now we're all truly brothers and sisters.
i'm with dave,
pm me if you need to talk. don't get to the point of despair...
thanks princess for helping us remember ari's screen name.. the "sad news from maui" thread is here:
terribly sad...
i did not know him when he lived. but all your posts have made him alive in our minds.
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
i'll try to figure out what i'm good at......... i think i'll need some help here..
i'm good at being patient.
but i'm not good at planning ahead.
it's a bit contradictory.
i am relaxing in my lay-z-boy recliner, online with a laptop.
our dog , sparky, is lying right next to me.
he is a 12lb silky terrier- he looks like an overgrown yorkie .
i have the cutest, most adorable cocker. he's red and blond and i just got him groomed like a show dog.
i'd post a pic, but my digi camera is out of batteries...
some people's avatars make me smile, others make me think.
there are some that i just love to look at.
here are some of my favorites off the top of my head.
actually sentient, yours is awesome (in the true meaning of the word).
awe·some (ô's?m)