Thanks everyone for the positive feedback and kind words. And to Valders; keep on posting.
The reason why I put that post that here instead of the private support section was to reach the lurkers. To reach those that have doubts and fears and questions that need answering. And Blues Brother, you are right. Things are definitley dumbed down for the collective. The still talking while the emblems were being passed around were in my opinion disrespectful. Back in the day my dad who gave the memorial talk years ago NEVER did that.
Brothers now these days love the sound of there own voice. A little bit TOO much.
And I am confused when It comes to the issue of my spirituality, what does IT mean for me. I do admit I have been obsessing about it for ahwhile now. But not all the time mind you, I do like to think that I have a life, LOL.
But really, it's like that movie dogma, where they said that your faith, when one is a small child is like shot glass, it does not take that much to fill the shot glass up with faith. But when one grows up the glass gets bigger, so more is needed to fill it up. Do you get it? I guess that's where I'm at right now. But when I was younger, I did get a rush from the memorial, I did, I really did. Because i believed that THAT was the right way to do it. But I do believe that it will get better for me in my search for spirituality, wherever that may be in my path of life.
But i do get sad sometimes. Sad for those that choose to stay in the dark about the real truth especially when they know that it is wrong and very pharaseical. But it's not my place to judge their reasons why they stay.I will though give them a listening ear when they need it.
thanks for reading