If Bro Prince can wear a soul patch under his lip, like so many brothas in my area do, then so can I!
jojochan...the scruffy.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4666132.stm .
this caught my eyes and reminded me when as a ministerial servant that we had to go into the back room for instructions from the po (not very clever man), he tried his best to explain to us ms and elders about the wearing of beards in the congregation.
he must have gone on and on for 30 minutes about not having beards, but kept impressing that this was not a rule, but beards should not be worn, but its not a rule, just dont expect to have any privileges if you grow one on your face and wear it (sounds like you wear it like a tie he he) but we are not making it a rule, just dont wear a beard.
If Bro Prince can wear a soul patch under his lip, like so many brothas in my area do, then so can I!
jojochan...the scruffy.
a 5 page letter was read last night from the gb in reference to the hospital liaison committe.
i never knew those guys had so much power!
i tried best i could to write down all the important points word for word as they were said: (apparently the letter will not be posted on the board but anyone is free to speak to an elder with any questions concerning the letter:
Those who should seek HLC: pregnant sisters, childern, those due to go into surgery (even if it is somethng minor) In fact, it is better to contact the HLC before choosing a surgeon
Seriouly folks. They now what they are doing. I could go on about this but I'm too tired of this....
They really have TOO much stroke.
yep, i'm 'homophobic' and damn proud of it!
I would see it just for that one line," I WISH I'D LEARN HOW TO QUIT YOU!!!" (to be read with country voice only)
the state of california is conducting an experiment by releasing some sexual predators, who have undergone treatment at a state hospital into some communities.
one such example is cary verse, who is now in bay point.
convicted of sexual assault of three boys and a man and treated in atascadero state hospital, he left treatment in feb. 2004 and is now on conditional release.
I'm going to be attracted to guys forever, and she needs to understand that."
Yo, I gotta give him my ex's email and pic. I bet she would really like him, he would'nt have to bug her for sex at least.
jojochan..the matchmaker.
the state of california is conducting an experiment by releasing some sexual predators, who have undergone treatment at a state hospital into some communities.
one such example is cary verse, who is now in bay point.
convicted of sexual assault of three boys and a man and treated in atascadero state hospital, he left treatment in feb. 2004 and is now on conditional release.
The thing with verse is, is that he desires to have a theocratic sister as a wife and to have a "normal" family. I had read that in the gaurdian some time ago and it also talked about his past. Very interesting article, he was dangerous around the homless men though, and prison inmates. As small as he looks, don't be fooled, I would'nt want him around me though. I would have to walk backwards around him.
jojochan..keeping on the watch
thinking is the virtue man prizes most.
all other virtues proceed from thinking.
logically, the greatest source of all evils stems from evasion of thinking.
Circular reasoning maybe? At least that's what I had noticed whenever I used to read their publications. On one question, you would get eight paragraphs for a round about answer, and you would hardly ever get a clear answer.
i'm curious what the current wtbts stand is on medical marijuana, especially in states and countries where it is legal.
if not the herb itself as medicine, then their attitude towards marinol (thc pill) and satiex (thc + other cannabinoids in a spray).. i am an oregon medical marijuana patient, and i know there are a couple other medical marijuana patients around.
This goes to show again, that it is a matter conscience, it also falls under don't ask don't tell, for fear it may stumble the collective. Although marinol may as well soothe the conscience maybe because they don't have to smoke it. At least that's was happening around my neck of the woods.
someone mooning someone or tig-o-bitties?.
it's like an optical illusion.
remember this one:young lady or old lady?.
hi there witnesscorn, i saw your posts and wanted to wish you well in whatever is going on for you at this time.
hope everything is okay.
oh yeah... welcome to the forum.
i am relaxing in my lay-z-boy recliner, online with a laptop.
our dog , sparky, is lying right next to me.
he is a 12lb silky terrier- he looks like an overgrown yorkie .
I have my once fat peach faced lovebird buried outside under my lemon tree. r.i.p romeo, there will never be another
but all of YOUR pets are adroable.