Gary and all,
Remember how we used to clap when the final prayer was over??
I think now, at least subliminally we said it all.
Gary and all,
Remember how we used to clap when the final prayer was over??
I think now, at least subliminally we said it all.
i would like to start a discussion topic (probably has already been one) on who or how to approach friends and others that are jehovah's witnesses and possible arguments that well get them to examine their belief system.. i have tried without much success, but even though i previously thought these people were "thinking christians" i found that not to be the case.. .
here would be an example: "i try to approach jw's with an unbelieving mate that is having marital problems.".
in all my years at the wt, i was kind of proud that people would call me a "good speaker", or a "fine teacher".
Thank you all for your responses.
Crumpet: Pretty good point of view. Why should they examine their religion when they do it every day and at the Kingdom Hall.
Maybe the approach there, "Are you afraid to discuss with me ideas that may expose a wrong course or teaching or your organization?
Might throw in the WT:
If you are a Witness and feel guilty about looking into the Organization then the following Watchtower statement should put you at ease.
Watchtower May 1 1958 p.261 Is Your Religion the Right One?
“It is important, then, that you "keep testing whether you are in the faith," as Paul declared. Keep checking to see whether the things you believe are in keeping with God's Word. But the question is, Are you willing to put your religion through such a test? There is nothing to fear, because if you have the right religion you can only be reassured by the examination. And if what you believe is not in keeping with the Bible, then you should welcome the truth, because it leads to light and life. - Isa. 8:20, Dy; 2 Cor. 13:5.”
As people of other faiths are encouraged to examine their religion every honest hearted Jehovah’s Witness should be prepared to do the same. If what you believe is the Truth and you sincerely trust in Jehovah, then you can be certain that any examination will strengthen your faith.
Blondie: Good idea.
Rebel8: I like your suggestion, but I made a 40 page brochure to hand out to my oldest and closest friends, and most of them decline.
Garybuss: Very Interesting! Maybe we could somehow capitalize on why they feel so threatened by someone that wants to leave that they have to show them the door. Why not just let people go. Why put such a scare into those remaining, so they are afraid to question anything that the WT says or does. Maybe ask, do they feel they are loving or mean-spirited, and if loving why are they so hard on people that leave, and if they admit they are mean-spirited to those who leave, ask them to provide scriptural proof that is the correct way to do it.
Rooster: Your approach is very reasonable, but the JW's are so caught up with the "light getting brighter" that they do tend to just blow off old outdated lies. Your scripture is great.
thank you all,
Look forward to more ideas.
i would like to start a discussion topic (probably has already been one) on who or how to approach friends and others that are jehovah's witnesses and possible arguments that well get them to examine their belief system.. i have tried without much success, but even though i previously thought these people were "thinking christians" i found that not to be the case.. .
here would be an example: "i try to approach jw's with an unbelieving mate that is having marital problems.".
in all my years at the wt, i was kind of proud that people would call me a "good speaker", or a "fine teacher".
I would like to start a discussion topic (probably has already been one) on who or how to approach friends and others that are Jehovah's Witnesses and possible arguments that well get them to examine their belief system.
I have tried without much success, but even though I previously thought these people were "thinking Christians" I found that not to be the case.
Here would be an example: "I try to approach JW's with an unbelieving mate that is having marital problems."
In all my years at the WT, I was kind of proud that people would call me a "good speaker", or a "fine teacher". But now, I could show these same people a picture of the Governing Body having sex with a group of Cardinals from the Catholic church, and they would merely reply, "Well, no one is perfect."
this is a bizarre thread.
but i was talking to an elder and he was asking me if i've sinned.
but we are all unclean.
First: Blondie, how do you do it every time??????????????????//
The elder is not unusual. They are all liars, (congenital). You see, they have to act like they are holy, and they justify it and their lies and double lives sor the sake of appearance of being better than you a lowly publisher.
Take his lead, though. Lie back to him. Tell him that any sins you have committed that you have talked to Jehovah in prayer, and believe it or not, you could just feel holy spirit working in you and forgiving you.
Ask him politely to get the hell out of your life, and go find someone else to sexually abuse.
the highest i ever got was my being considered for a ministerial servant back in fall'ish 2004. .
of course, i also started college that semester, and was given an ultimatum and now i'm here .
but anyway, when and what was your pinnacle height in the organization?
30 years as an elder, 3 years as a pioneer, 10 years as PO, 9 two week trips to NY to work in Temp Const., 75 Judicial hearings, several appeal hearings, district conv parts, at least 30 circuit assembly parts...........................
..............................but I have to say my spiritual high was last week when I told the elders, "Just as Jesus said to Judas, get what you are going to do done more quickly. If you disfellowship my wife and I because we oppose the WT position on its involvement with the UN, you guys have the Mark of the Wild Beast just like they do. You have now made it clear to Jehovah which side of the issue that you are on."
Needless to say, my wife and I were disfellowshipped last Monday Night.
Brant Jones
it was like i had so many doors already cracked open, so to speak, but this book has thrown them right off the hinges.
i would recommend it to anyone.
it also helped me to understand james thomas' posts a lot better.
I enjoyed all the posts and intend to get a copy.
But a great mystery has occurred in these posts. Did you guys notice Uncle Bruce's post? All serious and everything? I wonder if he is using a 'ghost writer'?????
it's been a long time since i last posted, but something recently happened that is making making me heartsick... i just learned that one of my children is engaged to be married.
all of my children are grown up and when they reach around 18 years old, decided to become jws.
they were quite young when i left the organization, shortly after which my wife and i separated.
Funny you should ask that. I have 3 children who are quitting the org along with my wife and I primarily over the UN episode. I have a 4th child, a son, who is 31 years old now and is an MS in the Austin Tex area.
He called me last week to tell me because we were about to be disfellowshipped that he never, ever wants to see us or talk to us or be around us again, as long as he lives.
I asked him to please reconsider and at least give it a year to see how he feels, and then if he hates us, or if we still embarass him (that is what he said) then we would extend it to forever if he wanted to.
Well, last week, in Texas, a dear friend died, and my MS son was at the funeral and started telling a lot of our old friends that we were being disfellowshipped and we had our own memorial, and that we were basically crazy as March Hares. (I had previously asked him when people inquired about us either to give them my phone number or simply tell them that we were having a rough time staying in the organization because of the WT dallying with the UN. He said he would never tell anyone that, even though he well knows it is the reason we left.
Since he seems determined to go off on us like he has, I see a young man that does not respect his parents. Therefore, I contacted a lawyer today to see what it was going to take to get him out of the "family partnership" which is simply a will that is created to pass the inheritance tax free to the children.
So, I say, tough love. I would call the kids and tell them don't bother me until you are willing to treat me with love and respect, after all, it is the first command in the Bible that is tied in with a promise of a happy life. I am sure you have been good to your children, as I have, and now its going to cost the pompous a** some money. We'll see how he really feels.
a group calling themselves the lord's witnesses has predicted the collapse of the wt administration in late may/early june of 2006. you can see their prediction timeline at their website..
I was just thinking that they are about to fall.
It sure is good to get proof!
i have no ax to grind, so to speak, but it would be nice to remember to click on an ad here once in awhile.
you don't have to buy anything.
I did it too.
ok.. i know i'm relatively new here but could i please get some more tlc?.
need some feedback from my posts!.
want some more stories on my "hypocrisy" topic!
I refuse to fall for any ploys to get me to respond to a post...
Me too.