Topics Started by Franz
How aliens are seizing control of Earth (Meol'gadik)
by Franz inif you sit back and analyze how things are run, one thing is evident: that power on earth is in the hands of a nefarious few and they are not human.
humans are controlled.
unless you are a believer and follower of the most high with your eyes opened as to what's going on, then you are most likely being manipulated or controlled by them in one way or another.
Upcoming expedition to the 'Holy' land.
by Franz inmyself and a number of other scholars i've met on the internet have decided to pool our money and expertise and undertake a fact-finding mission to the 'so called' holy land.
as i've stated previously, we strongly feel that phenomena discussed in the bible, especially ezekiels wheel were indeed interplanetary craft, driven by lord's from beyond our star system.
based on descriptions, we believe these may have been nuclear as a primary power source and we expect to find strong evidence in the desert of past nuclear activity.
For Stevenyc:Epic of Gilgamesh and UFO's
by Franz inin a previous topic of mine regarding satans (chariot) stevenyc suggested i study gilgamesh for information on the giants (maha'ladriel) i have posted some thoughts: .
in ancient sumer clay tablets describe visits of the gods.
the gods fly in vehicles, called shems, or mu, which are described as being tall rocket like "rocks" from which fire flies.
A hypothetical "ride" in Satan's Spaceship.
by Franz inis satan in possession of an alien spaceship?
will the devil use this advanced technology to deceive the nations?
welcome to the mystery of genesis:6:4. .
Government acknowledgement of Alien visitation may trigger "End Times"
by Franz ini claim that our forefathers received visits from the universe in the remote past, even though i do not yet know who these extra-terrestrial intelligences were or from which planet they came.
i nevertheless proclaim that these "strangers" annihilated part of mankind existing at the time and produced a new, perhaps the first, homo sapiens.
as was illustrated in the hollywood films contact, and close encounters of the third kind, erich von daniken's hypothesis took america by storm in the 1960's with the proposition that mankind was possibly the offspring of an ancient, perhaps ongoing, extra-terrestrial experiment.
Wicked angel was driving the UFO the wise men saw
by Franz inif an angel was in a ufo that led the astrologers (the 'wise men') to the young child jesus in that house (mt 2:11), then it must have been a wicked angel.
we have these pagan astrologers (greek, "magoi"; see de 18:10-12 and isa 47:13,14) traveling along and they see a "star".
(how convenient; astrologers.....stars.....) does it lead them directly to jesus?
Fruit trees in eden. Alien vegetation?
by Franz inin genesis we read that god created man and set him in the .
garden to tend it.
(genesis 2:8).
How are Mesa Indians connected to the LORD's intent with alien visitation?
by Franz in1. the secret shadow govrnment.
2. aliens (fallen angels).
3. the apocalypse described in the book of revelation.
"Rapture" (Qua'salseth) could possibly be an abduction by UFO's (chariot)
by Franz in1. it was the cause of the flood.
"and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of god (fallen angels) saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them (abducted them?
) wives of all which they chose...there were giants (fallen angels?
Noted Bible scholar concurs that Israel was led through wildeness via UFO
by Franz inbible scholar, barry downing, firmly believes that biblical .
the author .
downing believes this .