I was never prepared. When I was little I used to take naps during the meetings when I was with my grandparents, but then my step mom ratted me out to my grandparents. I had to stay awake..I was getting jabbed in the ribs every time I dozed off.
I never wrote my own script when it came to the Thursday night meetings & I had to "pretend" to do a house to house call or whatever they wanted. My mom wrote it for me cause I refused to do it & she didn't want to be embarrassed. I always got a good report. I tried to tell the elders that I didn't want to do it cause I was afraid of public speaking...which I still am. The elders said ok, then a week later I was scheduled to do another one..only on the main stage instead of the back room one. BASTARDS!!
There was only ever one Elder that I didn't want to disappoint because he was such a great person, always helping people for REAL (unlike the others), & he was very nice. When we moved I asked about him through my local elders & they said they didn't know him but they would find out for me....THEY NEVER DID. So after I left I asked through someone I knew who was still a JW & she asked her father who is an elder & he said he didn't know. My guess is that he's passed, last time I saw him he was almost 90 yrs old.