Spiders freak the living daylights out of me. I will not get within like 5 feet of them, someone else has to kill them for me... ask WhyamIhere, Buttlight and JH from camping this weekend... huge phobia!!!!
JoinedPosts by collegegirl21
What bothers you more, snakes or spiders
by free2beme init is pretty common among us humans to have an issue with one of the big two.
we either have a discomfort with them, or just dislike them all together.
personally, i am not real against being around either, but if i had to choose which one i see in a more negative way, it would be spiders.
thoughts from you....
by morty in.
a little prayer for my hubby and i would be greatly appreciated.... grandma passed away last night battling cancer...we stayed by her side to the end... she was a lovely lady...we will miss her tremendously... i could go on forever on, how young she was at heart....... many thanks,.
(((Morty))))... my thoughts are with you. I am so sorry for your loss.
Witness accepts transfusion to save life.
by bigmouth inmy wife, who is studying midwifery, has just finished watching an episode of maternity ward wherein a dub by the name of yvette thompson was having a caesarean due to fibroids among other things.
she told the doctor she wouldn't have a transfusion because of being a jw.
her 'fiance' said he disagreed with her stand but he would intervene if need be.
At least she is alive... and I am also guessing that she isn't an active JW, actually probably not even baptized since her fiance is there with her and they are not married.
Do you come from a family that totally avoids talking about problems ?
by troubled mind ini do.... when i was young my mom kept us from speaking to my non witness dad about anything that might upset him .we also could not openly share our problems of being witnesses at school, like the ridicule we endured for not saying the pledge or celebrating holidays .
we had to say we were happy not having birthday parties even if that really was not true .
my husband was raised in an abusive household and must have learned some of those same lessons .
With my family, it isn't so much talking, its more about my parents telling me what I am doing wrong and what I have done wrong and how I am wasting my life away going to school. But when anyone else wants to voice an opinion on the situation, if it doesn't agree with theirs then you are wrong.
Lying about going to meetings...what are your thoughts?
by stillAwitness inas many of you know, i live on my own now and yesterday was quite a scare since my bf and i are $35 short on the rent!
we are already 5 days late but thank goodness i just started my very first waitressing job and made my first $45 tonight.
StillA -
you know I am in the same predicament you are in, except my mother is threatening to take my car away and its hard living in a small town of like 9,000 to find a local job to pay my rent and pay for school. So I think she knows that she is slowly breaking me. As for me, I lie and tell her that I am going to the meetings, but eventually I am going to tell her the truth, I'm just not sure when the right time will be. Good luck with everything... it does feel nice paying your own rent, doesn't it? :) Yeah... I thought so!
~CG21 -
A Drunk MissPeaches
by chuckie77 ini had a phonecall last night from an intoxicated lady most of you will know as misspeaches.
it was hilarious, especially when she offered to send a photograph of herself to me in the middle east, to give to some philippinos that i work with!
of course in return they had to smuggle some alcohol onto the boat for me, fair trade i say!.
Lol... too funny!
Tutor says sex assaults are sacred ritual
by Big Tex inyou know, i've said before that pedophiles are insane.
i truly believe that they see nothing wrong at all in raping children.
i've read accounts where pedophiles say that boys are "naturally hedonistic".
And I only thought the witnesses were a little off... I guess there are few more nutjobs out there than I thought.
Bookstudy moved to Saturday am
by yaddayadda ini heard that one of my local congo is going to experiment with moving all the bookstudys to saturday mornings just before fs.
can't tell if this is just a local thing or part of something bigger happening in the org.
anyone know?
We only have 2 book studies that are on Saturday mornings, but I guess they work out well. I dont' go to book study though b/c of school, but I guess they like it a lot.
Hello, new here.
by Rob Lenski injust trying out my id.. what denomination do you enjoy sharing with most?
which do you enjoy sharing with least?.
Welcome to the board! :)
Should we be concerned?
by 2112 ini was just thinking that there maybe a dark future ahead.. i hope i am way off but you never can tell.
we have all seen a lot of talk recently about the end is near, etc.... yes, i know they have always said it.
but they were never in this bad of shape, shrinking membership and funds.
Its just you getting scared because you see all the JWs preparing for this big time... you do have to remember, this big time happened in 1914 and 1975, but look at us now. Noone knows when "the time" will be, they are just trying to scare people into being under mind control to them. As long as they have them under mind control, nobody will be able to tell the believing JWs anything about the time not being near.