Hi SanLuis:
Thanks for replying so quickly.
I'm surprised, shocked!
So you are saying among active baptized witnesses in your area, there is a functioning "underground JW rail-road" for escape, for those who are secretly disturbed and doubting, because of searching out or being exposed to errors of the Governing Body & Watchtower Society that are currently being taught to the brotherhood? But, "mums-the-word"... its all hush-hush, Wow!
Okay, I understand.
But I have to admit, this is a very, very interesting development of late among Jehovah's Witnesses.
I'm a little more intrigued by the use of the term, the "Great Apostate and his friend."
You mentioned below:
Trained Company Elders look for answers deep outside the real issue why Elders, Servants, Pioneers and Publishers are compelled to leave the Watchtower either by outward proclamations (The Great Apostate and his friend), or they stop attending the Kingdom Hall and refuse all Shepherding Calls if they are so lucky to receive these unwanted gestures of re-assimilation.
Why are they referred to as the "Great Apostate and his friend"?
From what you have said above, it seems like the "Great Apostate & his friend" are two individuals from the Jehovah's Witnesses organization, because of being very vocal about matters (like making "proclamations" and all) that have become somewhat known among skeptical, searching "brothers" & "sisters" in the organization, in your area.
Do I have that right?
What makes this particular "Apostate" Great, do you know? Do you know why they call him that?
Also, do you know their personal names, but do not wish to tell us specifically who they are, or go public with this info because "they" could be found out and be "disfellowshipped"? (I don't want to pry.)
Or perhaps, among active Jehovah's Witnesses in your area, is the "Great Apostate" known only by that designation, as well as the one they call "his friend"? But his personal name, is not known [as well as his "friend"] among active Jehovah's Witnesses in your area?
Is this something, you can speak about, safely?
...just wondering.
Thanks in advance for your reply,