JoinedTopics Started by aquagirl
I was shunned today in the post office.
by outoftheorg inwell this poor jw walked to the table to sort out the throw aways just as i headed there also.. i saw him and smiled, then he dropped his head to not look at me.
we both sorted out the things for the trash bin and were only about 20 or so inches apart.. i remember him coming to my house when my daughters were young girls and he wanted to get aquainted.. maybe i should have spoken to him but i just looked at him and he refused to even look back.. how sad.
he always has this really sad disappointed look on his face.
As a JW, did you feel superior to worldly people?
by JH in.
when you were an active jw, did you feel kind of superior to worldly people in some way?.
"A Time to Speak"----When? (with scans).
by Atlantis in(adds found on pictiger are not associated with jwd) urls for watchtower scans can be found at the bottom.
(from kent's old archive).
this was the title on an article in the watchtower 1987 9/1, pages 12-15. this article should scare any employer that do have employees that are jehovah's witnesses.
Found some older WTS publications!
by cyberdyne systems 101 ini was going through some old boxes in my attic and found some older wts publications, mainly spanning late 60's to 90's, but among those was a couple from the 40's and 50's, but the real scoop was the book 'riches' by none other than jf rutherford!
i'm hoping to witness first hand some of the witnesses flip flops on doctrine.. does anyone know if there is anything significant in this book that i should look out for when reading it?.
What did you take with you when you left the organization?
by coffee_black inleaving the organization, it is like packing for a journey you can choose what you take with you, and what you leave behind (other than people).
there are things i chose to take with me.
for example, i have used the sales training to my advantage over the years.
Dad very seriously ill..... How did I find out?
by Gretchen956 infirst let me start off by saying i am very sick myself right now.
i have a virus that settled in my nerves (very very painful and no it isn't herpes), and now two weeks in i caught a very bad upper respiritory bronchities.
i spent my day in bed as i have been for most of two weeks now with no end in sight (dammit).. not trying for sympathy points, but this just isn't a good time for this!.
Rutherford's Views on Women
by Leolaia in"the women make monkeys or dupes of men.
the men have before effeminate, soft and easily influenced and have lost their real manhood and sturdiness in the affairs of state and home.
for instance, when men are sitting at a table and a woman approaches, all the men arise and pay her homage and thereby elevate her to a place above men.
Kingdom Hall Spankings
by JH inmost meetings i went to, children were brought to the washrooms in the back to be disciplined.
often i could hear a child yell or cry due to the spanking given by the parent.
people in the hall would have that look on their face meaning that it was alright to discipline a child by spanking him.
by minimus insome here have been privy to certain scandals such as pedophilia in your congregation.
we have never had such a scandal in our area that became well-known.
one of the worst scandals i've heard was that of how 2 elders terrorized an entire congregation.anybody that disagreed with them, was considered disloyal.
WHO SURVIVED...."75"..?
by OUTLAW inwho survived..."1975"...,i`m just curious,how many of us,are there?those of us that lived though this,will know what i mean.