Threads like these really help me with non-jw family. Since I have some family still in, they don't understand why there is rift between me and my active family while the non-jws have done worse things - normal, but worse by jw standards.
When I try to explain to them, they seem to try real hard to believe what I'm saying about the org but there is something in their eyes and voice that makes me think that they think/assume there is something terrible in my own past or that I'm just trying to cause trouble for my still-active relatives.
So I try to avoid the discussion when I can.
But when the conversation turns to those 'lovely' JWs in my life and my relationship with them, it's great to have a thread like this that I just send a link to. When 5, 10, 30 50 people post and all have similar experience, it helps take the personal emotion out of the equation and highlights that it is a system-wide problem inherent with the JW organization and JW mentality.
Thank you for posting this. And special thanks to Data-Dog! - I had not read that transcript for a long time. Never knew of it when I was 'in', but played out conversation along that theme in my head when I started to awaken to my own 'Truth' about the truth.
-Aude. (AudeSapere - meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself.)