Sad. I wonder why the courts did not step in and take action... ?
while doing work for a client in her office recently, we got into a light discussion about religion.
she knew i was one of jehovahs witnesses as our business relationship started while i was still a loyal and believing jw.
anyway, i said something that she knew didnt quite fit and she said ... i thought you were one of jehovahs witnesses ... i shared my story ... she felt comfortable to confide in me a story as to why, even though she has had dealings with jehovahs witnesses who she thinks are good people, she would never even consider listening to them about their religion.. i asked her if she would write it down for me so that i could share ... she agreed.. this is her experience.. .
Sad. I wonder why the courts did not step in and take action... ?
we have a visitor from far away with us, "hopscotch" as she is known on the board.. we would to put out a "shout-out" for any and all who would like to join us for a meetup this coming weekend, august 21 or 22. we are open to suggestions for where and when.
i would like to encourage any in the area, and even if you are not, to join us.
i cannot tell you how wonderful it is to meet up with the kindred spirits of those who are on the journey we are all on.
Has it really been 3 years already? My!, how time flies lately.
Thinking of you, Hopscotch - and hope you and your family are well.
i'm just curious....what would be the pros and cons of dating or even marrying someone who is fading or fully aware of ttatt?.
although i'm not in this situation, i've always wondered about it...for're reaching near that age, your parents, friends, family members, others in the congregation are giving you hints that it's time for you to get don't wanna marry anyone that the congregation/parents recommend because they're fully indoctrinated, so you make up some excuse that you're not ready blah blah blah, even though you long for then meet a fader or someone who knows that the wtbs in crap...what would be the pros and the cons...and could it work?.
There is always the risk that the one of the people will return to the org. That would be icky.
But I think the bigger problem is that while each may understand where the other is coming from, they both will likely have the same weaknesses. Probably better to find a compassionate 'worldly' person with a different life history and outlook so you can each temper and support the other. I think there are better personal growth opportunities when we connect with people who have a different background than our own.
Also, many 'worldly' people are likely to be more tolerant and understanding than people raised in a high-control group.
can anyone here, lay person or professional describe or give insights into the effects the following has on a child?.
when my friend, the middle child of 3 siblings, was five years old, his mother took him by the hand and led him to the house where his father was having an affair with another woman.
she opened the door to confront her husband who was actually in the act of having sex with the other woman, and deliberately exposed her young son to this drama.. .
This sort of behavior is conducted by adults/parents who view children as objects or possessions rather than 'sacred charges'. If the mother viewed the child as an individual person who was entrusted to her (and the father) to be thoughtfully nurtured and strengthened to grow into a strong, balanced, compassionate adult, she would have left him at home.
But she didn't. The child was a pawn in the crazy games the parents were playing.
as some of you may know, i'm a pretty troubled lad who was on the verge of getting baptised but stopped when i learned the shocking truth about the organization.
following that my own mother let me have it in anger to my decision.
since then, my life has been true hell.. .
Caupon wrote: Didn't mean to waste everyones time.
Not a waste of time at all - as far as I'm concerned.
You raised a good question. And it seems you got answers that helped to quiet your heart. How can that possibly be a waste of anyone's time?
And... Someone else will likely read this thread and something in it will help them, too. It's all good.
I was baptized just before I turned 14. 14 to 17 is such a crazy time. And every couple of years you have a completely different outlook and insight into the world. I would not want to relive those years at all. From age 22 onward, ... THOSE years I'd like a complete 'do-over'. But not 14 to 17. Very stressful any way you look at it. "This too shall pass."
as some of you may know, i'm a pretty troubled lad who was on the verge of getting baptised but stopped when i learned the shocking truth about the organization.
following that my own mother let me have it in anger to my decision.
since then, my life has been true hell.. .
Hi Caupon -
I don't recall your story so sorry that I'm not up-to-speed on your details. But did want to give a quick comment...
You wrote: Or am I just overthinking this?
I wasn't there, but my opinion is that you are overthinking it. It sounds like you are fairly well-balanced and working to keep yourself well-informed. As long as you stay respectful, don't get into too much trouble and keep your humor about you, the KH should not be horrific for you at this stage. Boring as hell, maybe, but not necessarily horrific.
There are sucky things about growing up a JW. But there are some good times, too.
JW elders are not paid. Neither are they very well trained. Most work very difficult and strenuous secular jobs. Meeting times can become more stressful. I would not dwell much on the harsh response. I doubt it was personal. You just caught them off guard and they wanted their privacy back - for whatever reason.
That said, my best suggestion for teenage JWs is to lay low in the congregation. Focus on school/formal education and get a job. Save money and learn to budget yourself. Learn to cook and care for yourself. Help around the house and help neighbors. Don't get baptized. Follow Jesus example - he did not get baptized until he was 30. Avoid discussions about doctrine, websites, WT history. Casual mention is probably OK but there is nothing to gain from full-blown hysteria over things the WTS did 70 years ago. They did it. You know they did it. I know they did it. They know they did it. But they say they've changed. And all they (elders and your parents) will do is blame you and try to correct your thinking.
Just lay low. Take care of the business of setting yourself up for a good life that is supported by a good career. You can pick a religion after you have explored life a little. There is absolutely no rush and no sense in fretting about it.
I hope this makes sense and helps just a little. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
btw - Welcome to JWN~!! It's nice to have you join us.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
i have a page on facebook and it made some controversial posts (my page is similar to the quotes website, except it translates the quotes to spanish).
i post that we believed in the cross before: meh... "thank you brother for showing us how the light has increased".
i post that we banned organ transplants and were against vaccinations: "you're an apostate!!
Braincleaned wrote: Today's new light is tomorrow's apostasy.
Actually... I often believe it's the other way around:
Today's apostacy is tomorrow's new light.
I've seen it happen numerous times.
the jehovah's witnesses came to our door, claiming to hold the secrets of family happiness.
they told me they had the "one true religion," and had come to save my life.
i was a bible student for quite awhile, along with my husband.
Dansk, one of my favorite posters from when I first joined this site, started a similar thread several years ago.
Here is the link to that thread:
RIP, Ian (Dansk)
not because i agree with him.
because i do not want the divorce.
but because i love him and i want to respect him.
Laverite has good advice. Again.
'Just Breathe' was suggested to me when I was overwhelmed several years ago. A friend gave me this CD:
from (while waiting for new bible to download, i clicked on the link for "christian," which asks the following question...).
"are we christians?
we are christians, for the following reasons.
Semantics. It's a game the JWs play very, very well.
The 'titles' are all either brother or sister. Positions and levels of oversite/responsibility vary widely and are near always mentioned when introducing someone. Their 'position' is their their title. And their title is actually an organizational 'rank'.
It's just marketing semantics. Oh!, those silly JWs.