Maybe 'cookies' and 'spyware' for all who go to their website???
Shepharding Made Easy... ?
i've been pondering......with this new "push" to direct individuals to thw website, even when the dubs are out preaching...what do you think the future will be for the preaching work?.
some time ago i read that the mormons have implemented a live chat feature that allows you to speak with their missionaries....i doubt the borg would do this, but i think they have something up their sleeves.. peace.
kool jo.
Maybe 'cookies' and 'spyware' for all who go to their website???
Shepharding Made Easy... ?
i've been pondering......with this new "push" to direct individuals to thw website, even when the dubs are out preaching...what do you think the future will be for the preaching work?.
some time ago i read that the mormons have implemented a live chat feature that allows you to speak with their missionaries....i doubt the borg would do this, but i think they have something up their sleeves.. peace.
kool jo.
Maybe they want more people logging on to *up* the metrics used for google search hits? This would balance out the JWN, JWFACTS and Freeminds hits. No?
look what i just found.... "the jehovahs witness convention, christian congregation was approved for a $30,000 grant to offset the cost of renting veterans memorial arena july 4-6 and july 18-20.".
i wonder how much are they charged for that event or if it ends up being close to free since the city will say it will generate revenue for the city.
There have been several threads about convention deficits in general and many more on specific incidents (ie: Tacoma), but here a thread from 10 years ago that is pretty informative:
look what i just found.... "the jehovahs witness convention, christian congregation was approved for a $30,000 grant to offset the cost of renting veterans memorial arena july 4-6 and july 18-20.".
i wonder how much are they charged for that event or if it ends up being close to free since the city will say it will generate revenue for the city.
Gosh... There was a great thread about Assembly/Convention donations that explained how it all worked. Essentially, the assemblies are designed to be money-makers for the org and no matter how much money is actually collected in the first half, they will *always* be deficient and beg for money to 'cover the necessary expenses'. Those 'necessary expenses', include a sizable donation to the WTS well over and above any actual operation costs.
Maybe someone can find one of those old posts that explain so much...?
i have bdd, it isn't just the meetings it's everything.
i don't want to go but i feel guilty of not going cause he said everyone is wondering where i am, but i dont want anyone to see my face... and tomorrow they said they'll call me to make sure im going but it's so tough.
also how do i cancel talks thx.. .
Demokan wrote: I cancelled it, surprisingly he didn't ask why he just said OK. And then asked me if I would be at the meeting next week and I said "Idk".
Easy Peasy. Next assignment, cancel as soon as you learn about it. Tell the school overseer that you are "just not ready to give talks".
Repeat as needed.
In the meantime, focus on studies. Maybe try to find a job. Learning, developing thinking skills, earning your own money all help to boost your sense of self and will help you separate from the JWs and get on with your own life. Talk to your counselor/therapist about how to find job placement assistance.
Looking forward to hearing more from you soon.
after reading another thread on pedophiles i was wondering if there is a pedophile epidemic or is it just that we now have more access to the information?
it seems like everywhere you read there are more and more cases being reported.
are we becoming a nation with no morals at all?
I had been thinking on how to respond and had many words and paragraphs in my head. Then along comes jwfacts and says it all in two lines.
The only thing I would add is that with the reporting (and in some cases, monetary compensation to the victims), more people are speaking up rather than hiding in shame.
a story from my days as the accounts servant (not verbatim).
me: hello, [brother] here's your copy of the money slip for this meeting, i just finished the count.. cong.
secretary: thanks... who counter signed that there?.
I had a few related experiences while *in*...
First was when I was about 10 or 11. We were new in the org and my recently-baptized dad was appointed as literature servant. Twice per year he had to take physical inventory of every piece of literature. Me, my mom, and my younger brother were all enlisted to help with the count. Kudos to dad, I think.
Second, I often wished that I could be used for something other than cleaning (I rarely showed for this) or ministry (I pioneered for 3 years). Managing a very busy health office, I was good with #'s and with organization and delegation. When in my 30's, I mentioned to a childhood friend that I thought 'sisters' should be allowed to assist at the literature counter, he laughed and laughed and laughed. That was the 2nd to last time I saw him. He is now serving at Brooklyn Bethel with his 2nd wife. (The first one left him.)
Third one to share here was either my last or 2nd-to-last District Convention. I worked in the auditing department for many (10-15) years. The former elder in charge of our counting department had moved on to something else. With the change of elder came a change of 'brothers' to assist. Women could handle all the dirty money, sort it, repair the torn bills, bundle the bills, etc, but the real counting and making out deposit slips was reserved for the brothers. Since my secular job involved handling much money, I had nice desk top adding machine and my employer was generous enough to lend it out for the convention. So I bring my calculator and it is put in the little alcove next to my 'counting' table and assigned to a 'qualified' brother. Arrogant dipshit could not figure out how to get a subtotal. Since he was sitting about 4' from me, I got up and offered to show him how to do it. I got the dirtiest look as he told me he didn't need to be shown, he could figure it out himself. Later in the day he was again bitching about not being able to get a subtotal and started banging on the machine. When I asked if he needed help, he snottily told me 'no'. His pretty wife came in to say hello to him and he quickly showed her off to his buddies then dismissed her. The day went on. The next morning, he starts in again about having to re-do his 'count' because the subtotal button didn't work the way he wanted to and was again banging on the machine. So I got up from my seat at the head sorting/counting table, went over to him and unplugged the calculator. "Hey!! What are you doing??", he asked. I pointed to my business card that was taped on the machine and said "I'm taking my machine away so you don't break it." I put the machine in my car for the rest of the convention and never worked there again. Like I said, I think it was last DC.
OMG! Doctor's, with valid licenses, running million dollar businesses would call *me* for advice and this stupid asswipe felt it was beneath him to let me show him how to work *one* button my MY machine. LOL So incredibly happy to be gone from that misogynistic insanity.
i haven't heard from dave, also known as seven in a long time.
i sent him a message here a while back and heard nothing.. does anybody know how he is faring?
Funny that you post this, min. I was just thinking about him yesterday and did a little searching.
(It was the news post about Farkel that got me thinking about him.)
Anyway, I found him on Facebook. It was pretty easy to do as he uses his real name.
I did not message him, just poked around a little bit...
in this yahoo answers quesiton jw apologists are trying to give the impression that the watchtower never published any information about parents fondling the genitals of their infants leading to masturbation later on.
the jw apologists claims vary from saying it's not true to accusing the questioner and one ex-jw answerer of not having proof and being untrustworthy with the truth.. i want to provide proof to the contrary but the online library doesn't go have magaizes as far back as 1973 when the article was published.
i think that the best proof would be a screenshot of the watchtower library open to the article with the statement highlighted.
OMG~! What parent *does* this? I have never heard of this but agree that any adult doing this to a child, parent or not, is a pedophile.
if your sister and brother died of cancer and now your body is starting to show all the effects of the disease, would you want to know even if it might mean a death-sentence?.
my dad, sister, brother and now mom will die from this ugly disease, all of them had aggressive forms of stomach cancer, my mother's battliing it has me putting my health on the back burner because i am very obstinate and hate doctors, why should i go see a doctor if the last four people i loved all died of cancer once they got their dx?.
If you are still in California and near Ventura County, I can give you a few referrals.