Is that selfish or what?
No, sometimes you just have to say, "Enough is enough!" And walk away.
cooking dinner for the folks and the oven caught fire.
john is an ass as his fuel pump went out and wants us to fix it.. told him to go to the dealer.
john threatened to hit jake and it was awful.
Is that selfish or what?
No, sometimes you just have to say, "Enough is enough!" And walk away.
my letter to danny should sum it up.
i'll follow this post with a group photo.
hi danny, .
was 'mother' ever sanctioned by the Org
"If we are to walk in the light of truth we must recognize not only Jehovah God as our Father but his organization as our mother."
(WT 1957 5/1 p273)
(I just happened to have the WT Library CD handy. I find it a strange term too, but have heard it used.)
Fatfreek, must have been good to catch up with an old friend. Sad to read what happened with you and your kids.
*** w58 10/15 p. 613 what will armageddon mean for you?
"sometime between april 15 and 23, 1957, armageddon will sweep the world!
millions of persons will perish in its flames and the land will be scorched.
He identifies them by making the messages he delivers through them come true.
Amazing that they said something like that as recently as 1997. Then again, when you read the current magazines.....
okay last night the sopranos got voted the best drama ever to be shown on tv.
i have never watched a single episode, but before i commit myself to starting from season 1 and working my way through to season 6 or whatever it is up to can anyone here tell me what is good about it.
what are its strengths?.
Crumpet darling, you are not nearly middle aged. I'm 51 and I'm not middle aged yet. So you have at least 20 years to go before you can even start thinking about it.
okay i know the answer already.. you can.. but i like to ask about this situation.. this jw is been divorced and of course found a new girlfriend.
quite clear that the relationship is more then just a friendship.
if you know what i mean.. so in this case is it following the rules that this person isdf-ed, and it is anounced in the cong.
They will do what they want.
That's exactly right. And if you complain, they'll tell you to humble yourself, come back to meetings and apply for reinstatement.
a very nice lady and very pretty who has been coming in for a few weeks now, is starting to become a fatal attraction.. she comes in for the most idiotic requests and has asked me out numerous times.
i keep giving her some excuse for not going out.. i can't tell her i am gay as that can destroy everything at work here.. any ideas?
i don't want to hurt her feelings or stop her from spending her money here as well as sending her friends and neighbors.
I told her thats what I like and she almost puked
Hambeak, that's funny. Glad your problem is solved.
i thought i'd open a discussion on the mental health condition of most practicing jws.
and get viewpoints on what kinds of mental health effects the wts.
may have for most of the people that are practicing witnesses.
Some examples of mental health issues amount JWs:
JWs believe that if they don't preach, they will bear bloodguilt for the lives of those who are destroyed in Armaggedon. Therefore, they really do have the weight of the world on their shoulders.
a new board member asked me this.
i asked if it would be all right to publish my reply.
the question, in full, is, .
I don't come from the context that life is a struggle. That is a Witness concept.
It took me a long time to realise this.
alright, i admit it.
i have been this close to posting a number of times.
i saw uuus2b1 post and the welcome he received and figured i'd post too.
Hi skeptic1914, welcome to JWD. Glad you plucked up the courage to post - we hope to hear lots more from you.
a very nice lady and very pretty who has been coming in for a few weeks now, is starting to become a fatal attraction.. she comes in for the most idiotic requests and has asked me out numerous times.
i keep giving her some excuse for not going out.. i can't tell her i am gay as that can destroy everything at work here.. any ideas?
i don't want to hurt her feelings or stop her from spending her money here as well as sending her friends and neighbors.
I've been in this situation and I told the person I was already in a relationship. To complicate things, I was working from home and my admirer was coming to my house. So I had 2 towels and toothbrushes in the bathroom and some men's clothes scattered around.
By the way hambeak, I think you're very good looking so it's no wonder that women proposition you occasionally.