Brenda that's beautiful. We don't get that kind of winter in Australia (at least where I am). There's a drought, in fact.
enduring the dark season .
the sky painted with watercolour brush strokes.
even now at mid-day, in pastel pink and grays.
Brenda that's beautiful. We don't get that kind of winter in Australia (at least where I am). There's a drought, in fact.
i'm in my twenties and am raised as a jw by my parents.
i've been reading this board for over a year.
have read several books: crisis of consience, apocalypse delayed, who wrote the bible, the bible unearthed.
I'm forever grateful that I discovered the truth about "the truth". I have no belief system now and I'm quite comfortable with that. It's exciting in fact - I can read, learn, explore and discover with an open mind. I regard the Bible as an important historical book.
the melbourne cup is "the race that stops a nation" and it's on tomorrow.
it's a public holiday in victoria (melbourne being the capital city of victoria) - elsewhere it's a working day - but not much work gets done in many workplaces across australia.
in the morning, the "sweep" gets organised, then it's an extended lunch which culminates in watching the race.. as a jw i used to find the melbourne cup quite embarrassing, constantly having to explain - no, i don't want a ticket in the sweep, no, i haven't got a horse, no my horse didn't win, i didn't have a ticket...and on and on.
The Melbourne Cup is "the race that stops a nation" and it's on tomorrow. It's a public holiday in Victoria (Melbourne being the capital city of Victoria) - elsewhere it's a working day - but not much work gets done in many workplaces across Australia. In the morning, the "sweep" gets organised, then it's an extended lunch which culminates in watching the race.
As a jw I used to find the Melbourne Cup quite embarrassing, constantly having to explain - no, I don't want a ticket in the sweep, no, I haven't got a horse, no my horse didn't win, I didn't have a ticket...and on and on. When buying a ticket was a matter of spending a dollar and then being part of the fun.
Now I have no such embarrassments. I'll be buying a ticket or two, entering the hat competition, contributing to the food for the lunch and screaming as loudly as the next person when the race is run!!
<!-- .style1 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} .style2 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style3 {color: #990000} .style6 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #00628c; } --> dealing with the different personality types on this board dealing with the multiple personalities in the kingdom hall.
or life in general can prove to be quite challenging at .
times.. having been a lurker before making the commitment to.
(((wanderer))) - we would miss you if you left. But it's OK to go away for a while and then come back. Sometimes one needs to be alone.
there was a jw funeral i attended this past saturday at the congregation where i grew up and where my mom still attends.
most all of my childhood friends were there.
they had a movie/slide presentation playing at the back of the funeral home of different events, family members, congregation members, etc.
When JWs are loving and caring in the congregation, they are behaving like most humans would in a similar situation. Think of it - getting together 3 times a week and then engaging in activities like field service which isolate them from the rest of society - they are bound to get close.
That's why the shunning policy is so cruel and manipulative.
are jw's as reasonable as the watchtower society makes them out to be in its literature?.
the reason i ask is because one of my clients was shocked when he found out i had once been a jw.. his response was, "i used to work with several jw's and they were the most unreasonable people i have ever known.
Many would consider not celebrating birthdays in the workplace to be unreasonable (yes it was embarrassing).
since the promises of many of us have been found to be lacking in truth, what do you look forward to in the distant future?.
i know we need to live for the day and enjoy our families and the little things,but do you have hope for a future where true justice will ever prevail?.
I look forward to living a life of freedom, making my own choices, reading, learning, helping others, growing old. Yes, growing old. I never thought I would - I wasn't good enough so I would die in Armageddon. That burden has been lifted off my shoulders.
Do I think true justice will ever prevail? No, but life can still be good.
in a former life i worked on 27 quickly-built kingdom hall sites.
i got onto the 'plasterworks' team just as i turned 16, yippee!!
over the years we got the schedule pretty tight, in at 2:30 pm on saturday afternoon, put the panels up.
Wow, you were involved Sass! I guess you would have learned some handyperson's skills at least - that's one positive out of your JW experience.
i thought you guys might get a hoot out of this letter that i just mailed..... dear elders (or should i call you glorious ones?).
you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can never fool all the people all the time.
and you certainly do not have me fooled anymore.
But I am at every meeting
Be interesting to know how many still attending every meeting feel this way.
i continually check for new posts, and enjoy the fluff as much as the serious stuff.
there are so many different personalities and it so interesting to see any ones "take" on a subject.
the intellect, humor, or just honest responses and real life experiences fascinate me.
It can get addictive but I regard it as time spent with friends.