That looks like a sturdy vehicle - to go with the surroundings!!
Posts by penny2
Is there a bird watcher in the house?
by unclebruce inthis evening i went for a walk near the mouth of the bega river, several kilometres from my place.
i enjoyed the peace and took a few photos.. for several years the pelicans here were my concern (keeping an eye on them and occationally capturing them to remove fish hooks and the like.
while there a duck billed mud stinky arrived.
Melbourne Cup
by penny2 inthe melbourne cup is "the race that stops a nation" and it's on tomorrow.
it's a public holiday in victoria (melbourne being the capital city of victoria) - elsewhere it's a working day - but not much work gets done in many workplaces across australia.
in the morning, the "sweep" gets organised, then it's an extended lunch which culminates in watching the race.. as a jw i used to find the melbourne cup quite embarrassing, constantly having to explain - no, i don't want a ticket in the sweep, no, i haven't got a horse, no my horse didn't win, i didn't have a ticket...and on and on.
Last year was the first time I did the sweep
Did the people in your office notice you joined in whereas you hadn't before? This is a new job for me - no-one knows anything about me which I like. They just take me at face value.
Melbourne Cup
by penny2 inthe melbourne cup is "the race that stops a nation" and it's on tomorrow.
it's a public holiday in victoria (melbourne being the capital city of victoria) - elsewhere it's a working day - but not much work gets done in many workplaces across australia.
in the morning, the "sweep" gets organised, then it's an extended lunch which culminates in watching the race.. as a jw i used to find the melbourne cup quite embarrassing, constantly having to explain - no, i don't want a ticket in the sweep, no, i haven't got a horse, no my horse didn't win, i didn't have a ticket...and on and on.
winner iiiiiis some Japanese horse
not just the winner, but no. 2 as well. See, I know my Melbourne cup!!
Is there a bird watcher in the house?
by unclebruce inthis evening i went for a walk near the mouth of the bega river, several kilometres from my place.
i enjoyed the peace and took a few photos.. for several years the pelicans here were my concern (keeping an eye on them and occationally capturing them to remove fish hooks and the like.
while there a duck billed mud stinky arrived.
Wow, they are beautiful pictures. No wonder you love it there. A bit different to the suburban streets of South Oz!!
What was the reason why you were never made an elder or Ministerial Servant
by twinkletoes inthe reason i heard constantly by the elders, as to ones spiritual progress in the organisation was, .
"brothers are appointed by holy spirit.".
if this is the case, why is god speaking to himself when he says in 1 tim 3 v 6 .not a newly converted man, for fear that he might get puffed up with prideetc.. to re-iterate if god appoints elders, why would he give himself this advice ???.
Yep, I'm a woman too - and proud of it. I did once read in the group study when there were no men to do it.
Melbourne Cup
by penny2 inthe melbourne cup is "the race that stops a nation" and it's on tomorrow.
it's a public holiday in victoria (melbourne being the capital city of victoria) - elsewhere it's a working day - but not much work gets done in many workplaces across australia.
in the morning, the "sweep" gets organised, then it's an extended lunch which culminates in watching the race.. as a jw i used to find the melbourne cup quite embarrassing, constantly having to explain - no, i don't want a ticket in the sweep, no, i haven't got a horse, no my horse didn't win, i didn't have a ticket...and on and on.
Hope you had a good day sass. And stephanus, hope you had a good day too, even though it might not have included that free glass of wine courtesy of the public service.
No wine at our workplace! Straight back to work after the race and because there is machinery in the place, the boss decided that alcohol wasn't appropriate. That's ok, we had a good time anyway.
lil ol' me
by gay pride inhi my name is crystal...i am 20 and was disfellowshipped two years ago.
that was the hardest thing i have ever been thru in my life yet.. i was disfellowshipped for falling in love with and having relations with another female.
tried to fight it for a long time... but shit happens.
(((gay pride)))
Disfellowshipping is cruel. Others have travelled this road, so hang around.
What should I do?
by lmspink ini have been disfellowshipped for 8 years now.
since then my family wanted nothing to do with me.
now that i have a child (a 6 mth old baby boy) my parents want to know about me again.
Suggest you and your husband start visiting by yourselves and find out what's on their mind. They may only be wanting to get close to their grandchild for the purpose of "witnessing" when he is a bit older. On the other hand, they may have changed.
By taking your husband, it will be more difficult for them to revert to jw-speak designed to make you feel confused (or guilty).
Hope it goes well!!
Hi I am new at this
by lmspink inhi i am new at this.
i am so glad to have found this site.
didn't realise there were so many people who felt the same way i do !!!
Hi imspink and welcome!! There are lots of Aussies here (not that national boundaries are important on the internet but sometimes it's good to know people are close by).
Hope to hear more from you.
Don't know what to belief anymore?
by GBSJG ini'm in my twenties and am raised as a jw by my parents.
i've been reading this board for over a year.
have read several books: crisis of consience, apocalypse delayed, who wrote the bible, the bible unearthed.
Leaving the WTS really makes you doubt everything you have ever learned and that causes some stress
Yes it's very stressful leaving the WTS - on many levels.