Congratulations mama!! That's wonderful news!
i can stop my complaining now because she is finally here!!!!
after 26 hours of labor followed by a c-section.
but it was worth all the pain, she is absolutely perfect.
Congratulations mama!! That's wonderful news!
well its all happend, got to the hosp early friday morning, had my waters broken at around 7:30am had to wait for an hour and a half to see if labour would begin naturally, it didnt so at 9am i was hooked up to the drip, man that was intense, put it to you this way, blakes labour was about 8 hours all up kaia's labour was 3 hours and i would rather go through the 8 hour one anyday.. it was a very short labour, kaia was born a bit shocked as it happend so fast so she was rushed up to nursery for a bit as she was purple and not breathing properly but after an hour on oxygen she was fine, me on the other hand had to be stitched up coz pushing a 9 pound 1 baby out naturally with no drugs does damage heheh, then i had to be hooked up to a drip for 4 hours as i lost a bit of blood.
but once we were all sorted it was all good.
she is doing so well we are at home now, she is beautiful and very content.
Es, congratulations!! The baby is just beautiful and you're looking incredibly well!!! You're very brave to do that without drugs.
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going back to the kingdom hall.
details other than the thought was there.
The mind is a mysterious force. I've been doing some research on 1975. When I read through the old books I occasionally get that same feeling of excitement again - even though I know it was complete rubbish (obviously). I get angry when I think about the mind control and manipulation.
when i was four, i believed that my life could be painfully and tortuously taken from me, in a ball of flame, crashing down from the heavens, just while i sitting down to a bowl of oatmeal in the morning.. when i was nine, i believed that my life, as i then knew it, would be drastically altered, that i would be tortured for being a jw, and after suffering for who knows how long, i would die (because i still hadn't lived up to jehovah's expectations).. when i was 13, i wanted to be a nuclear physicist-because it sounded cool, but in the meantime i believed that i would die in armageddon because i wanted to go to college, get really educated, and have a great, "worldly" life.. when i was 15, i felt guilty that i hoped armageddon would never come, because i so desperately wanted to go to college.. when i was 17, i was offered an honors early admissions in a prestigious program in a highly regarded engineering program.
my mother flat out said, "no!".
when i was 18, i scuttled semi-secretly to the local university, part-time, trying to hide my daily activities without actually lying to anyone.. when i was 19 i quit pretending and disassociated.
Congratulations, La Capra. You've come a long way!
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ceive recognition for it?
one thing that many of us on this board have in common is .
I make the best chocolate cheesecake in the world.
i had a chat with my mother the other was "business" as she just retired.
but i took the opportunity to tell her about the russell graphing his dates to pyramid measurements and told her to look at studies in the scriptures vol iii, 1904 edition would give a 1881 date, but the 1910 edition would give the 1914 date.
i know my grandmother has these books in her library...and she lives with them, so my mom can look them up and see the "truth.".
Lights may flick on and off. However, usually when a light flicks back on, everything looks exactly the same as before it flicked off. I guess you mean, while the light is off, they get it all wrong. I like that!
I've had these conversations with my parents too, but usually their purpose is to pin me down on my complaints so they can 'explain' them, after which, of course, I'll come back into 'the truth'.
For a good analysis of 'light getting brighter', I recommend jwfacts' website, (menu on the left).
when in "the truth" did you often have problems with motivation?
did you ever turn to motivational aids such as neuro linguistic programming?
or were you solely motivated by the prize of everlasting life and the regular dose of watchtower and awake?
Had I been interested in Neuro Linguistic Programming while still in "the truth", I may have been motivated to leave earlier than I did.
Right now I need to be motivated to turn off my computer. It's late and I need to get up early for work. Hmmm!
sexual child abuse is the flavor of the day.
but to me the whole jw religion is child abuse.
sometimes through the parents directaly, i.e.
Been there! Done that! I suspect you have too!
Strangely, I was quite fearless when I went to school. I placed mags with several kids from school when I met them from door to door. I did projects and talks about my religion, was on a debating team - and took both the religious and non-religious side. A bit of a strange child I must have been.
I really became conscious of the fear of "witnessing" when I recognized it in my nieces and nephews. It greats my heart.
in last couple of weeks since in new zealand i was struck by really stark differences between australia and new zealand.. well lets start with simple things.
what are australian national colors, what colors do fans on rugby match paint themselves with?.
well anyone who was ever in australia knows the answer, these lively colors such as, white and blue; blue and gold; and green and gold.
Zagor, sorry that what should have been a good experience turned out to be negative. Hope you're safely back home again!
i have just received the transcript of the disfellowship appeal meeting from a person i know from a recording he took.
it is quite typical in the condescension of the elders.
unfortunately he did not record the initial meeting.
And in one foul swoop they take away your life. Hope he's coping OK.