Maybe it's a bit different in Australia - the elders here seem to be willing to help almost everyone avoid a blood transfusion. That's individual elders with help from the HLC. Most hospitals here are well informed about the position of JWs and usually comply quite readily. Different if it's a small child - then they take out a court order and it's out of the parents' hands (much to the parents' relief in most cases).
Posts by penny2
Here is a scenario for you...
by CaptainSchmideo inyou have a relative in the hospital.
he is an "inactive" witness, but still believes in all that malarkey.
the blood issue arises.. panicked, this person prevails upon you to call for help from the "brothers".. so, you call around, 'til you find someone from the hlc.. after the physical situation is assessed, the question is asked: "what is this person's status in the congregation?".
2006 SERVICE REPORT - Feb 1, 2007 WT
by Mary ini'm not sure if anyone's posted this yet, but here are the figures for the 2006 service report.
i highlighted the countries that have either a "0" or negative growth in yellow and i highlighted key countries where the you would expect more growth......i tried looking for england's stats, but i couldn't see it.
i looked under "england" and "united kingdom" but i can't see it.
steve2, that's an interesting table. I'll try something like that with Australia when I get access to the stats.
WELCOME wonderingkid to JWD!!!
by What-A-Coincidence inwelcome wonderingkid.
heard about your grandparents
if you want to understand them and maybe help em out, you have come to the #1 place on the net.. looking to your future post.. btw: i got my fam.
Hi wonderingkid and welcome to JWD!
There's lots to learn here and we look forward to hearing more from you.
Explain to a "Non JW", what it's like to be a JW
by JH inwhere would you start?.
i guess you could write a whole book on what is acceptable and what's wrong, and the consequences to your actions.
you could also say all that you have to do and what you have to avoid..
When you've been a JW all your life, it's hard to share with the outside world. You don't want others to think you're a total weirdo and you also don't want to be disloyal to your family and your own past. It's complicated.
I got the phone call. WARNING, DEPRESSING!
by Schism inwell,my dad called last night, crying.
he says armageddon's about to start and he doesn't want to lose me.
he said i either need to become a good jw and go to the meetings, or he will have to distance himself from me so that he won't be so attached to me when the big a hits.
Hi Schism
The same happens to me every now and then (and I'm 51, so don't think it's going to end). I handled it by clearly telling my parents why I no longer believe it's the truth (1975, generation etc). It doesn't matter what the reasons are - they are my reasons and they are valid for me.
These days, I don't argue, I just let them talk.
Are you celebrating?
by penny2 insome of us can't celebrate openly, but are you celebrating anyway?
yesterday i visited a family member who celebrates in a big way (yes, he is shunned by most of the family).
we exchanged some gifts and reminisced on old times - his partner is struggling to understand what we ex-jws go through.
Some of us can't celebrate openly, but are you celebrating anyway? Yesterday I visited a family member who celebrates in a big way (yes, he is shunned by most of the family). We exchanged some gifts and reminisced on old times - his partner is struggling to understand what we ex-JWs go through. Later I'll be visiting my JW parents and we'll have a nice meal with a bottle of wine.
Tonight I'll just have a quiet beer and maybe join my cyber-friends on JWD (that means all of you)!!
Feeling very depressed
by lostlantern init has been awhile since my last post, my husband and i have been very busy.
we are both back in college, very exciting and life is moving in a positive direction.
it is break between semesters and i have time to slow down and think.
The shunning is a tactic to get you back. They think they are being loving by doing so.
Thinking of you!!
When is a fade finished?
by Nellie inso i was thinking - if i don't da myself and they don't df me, am i doomed forever to this limbo called "fade?
" when do i stop worrying about "what if they find out?
" when will they (if they saw me) just think of me as someone they knew, rather than "one of their flock" - even when they know i'm inactive?
Interesting thread! In my case, fading bought me time to get used to the idea that each day with my family might be my last. 2 decades later ....... yep, let that be a warning to all new faders!!!
YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE! This is not a dress rehearsal for the real thing.
love to you all!
Merry Xmass from our house to yours! (PICS) Slayer,TIGER, Sparky and kids
by Sparkplug inwe are having the best xmass and wanted to send some love your way!!!
all the love and crazies you can stand from texas usa!!
merry holidays you all!!
Sparky, looks like you're having a great time. Thanks for sharing!! Merry xmas to you all!
by ozziepost inyep, downunder it's already christmas day and mrs ozzie and i have returned home from a midnight service to welcome in this special day.. .
we wish you all a happy christmas and a peaceful new year!.
Merry Xmas to Mr & Mrs Ozzie, all fellow Aussie posters and in fact everyone on JWD. I know you can't all celebrate Xmas openly but hope you're celebrating anyway.