Hi DNC - great to have you here!! WELCOME!!!
hi folks, .
i,ve been lurking for ages and had a password months ago.
only today i've been able to get in.
Hi DNC - great to have you here!! WELCOME!!!
ok, for those of us non-, and never before-jw's, will someone please explain what the big deal is about having responsibility for microphones is all about?
we do use microphones in our church, but ....i mean whoever is in charge of any technology that day sets up microphones.
it could be anyone in the church, male or female, young or old, the pastor, the janitor.
That's my title right now. I'm not in the rotation for attendant, but everything on your list is part of my duties.
SirNose, that's surprising!! I wish I'd known about JWD (or dared to explore such websites) while I was still going to meetings.
real help!
please no criticism and such that people seem to spew!.
i have not been to a bookstudy in a year or been door to door either.. been using travel and health of my wife and family (actually very true) but they're relentless!!!.
Hi 5thGen
Don't lose heart - you're on the right track with missing the bookstudy and field service. Maybe find something else to do on bookstudy night (work overtime, get a 2nd job or do a study course) so your reason for missing will just involve yourself (family illness can't go on forever).
My fade took ages and in hindsight I could have done it much quicker by simply stopping meeting attendance. They can't DS you for that. You could change your email address and screen calls. Just don't answer and take each day at a time. It will always be worse during the CO's visit, but that will pass.
Reasons for stopping meeting attendance that shouldn't result in disfellowshipping:
Good luck!
1) build a hall in the center of the city, not far away like they usually do.. 2) make it 1 hour meetings.
3) dress clean, that's all.
4) beards or no beards, that's not important, it's what's in your heart that counts.. .
Don't call it a kingdom hall - call it a church
Shorter meetings (one hour max, once a week)
No talks, no elders
Wear what you like
Short discussion only of a bible verse, then singing
Reading of bible verse and discussion can be lead by men or women (whoever can read)
Mostly singing
Better songs
No publications
No field service
No pressure
do you find youself still calling it "the truth" even though you are an ex-jw?
for instance, in one posting i just read, the poster wrote "when i was in the truth..." .
not a big deal, perhaps, but really not such a good thing either as it's a habitual holdover from the program of mental conditioning we were subject to.
I do sometimes still call it "The Truth" - especially when discussing topics like 1975 and "the generation" with my relatives. I hope that subconsciously they will associate "The Truth" with teachings that were not the truth.
if you needed my background, this thread will tell it-.
my wife recently asked me about not commenting at a wt study.. our discussion was the topic of this thread-.
Just a few comments from my own fade:
When I was at the point of only attending a few meetings, I received a shepherding visit. They asked me why I was hardly attending meetings and hadn't put in a report for a while, I said simply, "I've lost my faith." They said, "Would you like someone to study with you?" I said, "No, I have all the books and know what I have to do. If I need you, I'll let you know." They were very satisfied with that and I never heard from them again.
After that, I still kept attending some meetings due to family pressure. In hindsight, I could have stopped all meetings sooner. It's just a matter of getting past the pain. Once the family got used to me not going, it got easier. Before that, each meeting was a battle - was I going or not? After the big decision, it was simple - I wasn't going - end of story.
If you are doing it slowly, the book study is the best meeting to give up first because that's where you are under more scrutiny. The easiest is to take up a night course and make it the book study night.
I can't stress enough, how much better life becomes after you stop going to all meetings. You don't have to put on a pretense, you don't have to listen to the irritating talks and comments, you don't have to justify yourself.
Regarding your mother, I don't think you should fear telling her you are no longer an elder. Tell her exactly what happened during the CO's visit (the conversation). She will be disgusted and that will take the focus off you.
Good luck with it all!
hey i am new to this site, just left the jw organization, 20 yrs old and from canada, looking forward to post and chat with others.
yee haw.
Hi sexyk, welcome. Nice to see young ones joining - it means you are thinking for yourself.
when my husband was in the hospital, they told me that they had been going out of town to various states.
they were like mom, you didn't know we have drove to arkansas and (some other state) to go visit some unknown witnesses!
omg, i could of stroked!
MsMcDucket, I wouldn't worry too much. It's all part of changing family dynamics - children becoming independent and older ones letting go. It's natural for them to want to break free and it's natural for you to be concerned. My mother still worries about me and I usually keep her informed when I go on trips (and I'm 51). I'm more conscious of her feelings now than when I was 21. When I look at younger members of the family being inconsiderate, I think, "Oh well, they are on a learning curve too."
i'm still somewhat hopeful my family will one day 'see the light'.
in your experience, did any of your family members finally understand your reason for leaving and communicate with you as a family member and not an apostate?.
My parents were very distressed at first. They accept it now and we have a good relationship. I'm not shunned by anyone because I don't bring up anything controversial. That may change in the future.
jwd to me, and for some like me, is my morning coffee.
if its not up, like earlier today, it gets me to thinking, what if this were a permanent thing?
what if jwd were actually shut down like our friend quotes site in 2006?
I'd go to www.jwfacts.com and email our beloved jwfacts. I'm sure he would know what to do.