Great article. All the local JWs will be reading it too and trying to justify their shunning. Or deny it?
Posts by penny2
Our small town newpaper article on "Shunning"
by ButtLight ingogetter from here on the jwd, finally got an article in our paper.
if i remember correctly, she has tried several of times, but they wouldnt print anything that mentioned jehovahs witnesses, or if "kingdom hall" was mentioned.. im sure most people put two and two together, when "door to door" was mentioned anyway lol.
way to go girl!
Adjusting well after leaving the dubs
by greendawn inafter you left the jws what were some milestone events that helped you adjust to normal life outside the cult eg meeting a genuinely christian group, or getting a good job with high income, marrying a nice "worldly" person.
after leaving i had a nice girlfriend which helped a lot to ease the tensions and an interesting job where i met a lot of people and had some good social life.
soon the jw world became a distant storm far below and after the internet came out i got the long since needed information on some still outstanding issues and lost all esteem for them as i realised the fds was definitely an elaborate con.
Tyrone, I know of someone in a similar situation. Unfortunately, he's probably at the stage that you were about 10 years ago. The WTS sure stuffs up lives.
Glad you found us. And I'm still hoping to celebrate your birthday this year - in cyberspace of course.
Why does the WTS insist everyone sign up for the Ministerial School ?
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini never enjoyed giving # 2 talks.
i never enjoyed being at a podium and speaking.
i took drama in high school just to get over the fear of being in front of people and speaking.
how come some Elder's wives would not sign up for the school
Good on them too! They would have done this at personal cost to themselves because their husbands would not have been happy.
Wives who don't sign up are setting a positive example to others in the congregation who don't want to do it either.
A history of failed watchtower prophecy in verse
by dedpoet inhere's a little poem that linda and i put together last night about the prophetic .
failures of the watchtower.
linda had the idea, and i did most of the writing, so i. thought i'd post it for your amusement.
I love it, Linda and Trev. You are wonderful, both of you!
really important - Eurovision
by Crumpet ini need to come back to america asap!
so here's my whacky plan.
i just put some money on betfair on britain to win.
I loved it this year. Eurovision is very popular in Australia. The voting has been political for years now - best to just watch the songs and then look up the winner on the internet (we can do that here with the time delay).
by Vernon Williams inin christ, by shared concerns and a common history, .
my name is vernon williams.
i live in monett, mo.
Hi Vernon, look forward to hearing more from you!
As "Believers" in the bible do you feel "foolish" at the things you swallow
by booker-t ini was listening to a radio program the other day and i must admit after the dj finished i felt so foolish to be a believer in the bible.
he was asking listeners if someone were to come up to them now and say that their donkey talked to them or their snake said a sentence to them or that their neighbor turned into a pile of salt would they want that person committed as "crazy" or want to know what "drugs" they were on.
but as believers in the bible we swallow anything it says without proof and rely solely on faith.
I feel foolish that I believed the "end" was coming by 1975. I feel foolish that I stuck around for another 20+ years, still thinking it was going to happen any minute. I feel angry that I'm still not allowed to explain this to some of my relatives (well I could, but that would be our last conversation).
I'm happy that I learned the truth about "the truth".
by Warlock inthe world plays the "race card".
jw's play the "guilt card".. my wife gets up this morning, with great difficulty i might add, and starts getting ready to go to the meeting.
that's fine with me, and i don't mind taking her.
I don't know what's going to happen when I have to finally set my butt in one of the seats for a meeting, other that the Memorial. I really don't.
It gets easier once you've told your family you are never going back (including never going to the memorial again). There will be short term pain (crying, threats of shunning etc) but it's worth it. They'll get used to the idea. We are, after all, creatures of habit. It's a matter of breaking the old habits and setting up new ones.
by RichieRich inso i work at a bar.
i'm a bouncer.. a floor guy to be specific.
(in any bar, there's people assigned to the door, and people assigned to the floor- newbies get to stand in the rain and look at ids while floor guys maintain order inside the joint).. anyhow, i had kicked some guy out of the bar last week.
Richie, glad you're OK. I have a sneaking suspicion that anyone who messes with you comes off second best. Do be careful though. You don't want to get into a situation where you have to be looking over your shoulder all the time.
Need some books here, folks
by Farkel ini am in need of a copy of the nwt of the "holy" scriptures (hahahahahahahaha!
) also, i need a copy of the "proclaimers" book, the "aid" book and the "insight" book.
this is for a new project of mine, and i haven't done a new project in over a year.. anyone willing to send any of these to me will make me grateful.
Farkel, you are very funny! But you're not having any of my books. I'm holding on to them for now. I started getting rid of my bound volumes and regret it - luckily I hadn't progressed to the books so still have gems like, "God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached." Don't be too jealous.
I also had all the KMs from 1973. Elders would sometimes ask to borrow one, but I'd never get them back. Once I realised I no longer had a complete set, my sense of order was disturbed and I threw them all out. How stupid can one be!!! Actually, I got some non-JW friends and thought if anyone finds these, they'll think I'm a right old idiot!! So in the bin they went (appropriately wrapped up in numerous plastic bags).