It's very difficult and very boring. I love it.
Do you have a higher boredom tolerance factor after years of meeting attendance?
It's very difficult and very boring. I love it.
Do you have a higher boredom tolerance factor after years of meeting attendance?
any one out there go this summer?
what was the basics of it all this year?
i am just curious.
My extended family are there this weekend. What I've heard so far - the music is beautiful and it's great catching up with old friends. It sounds more like a social event than a serious spiritual learning experience.
Just reinforcement for the brainwashed mind, I think.
when i was a little girl, i was very afraid of thunderstorms - every time we had one i thought it was armageadon (did i spell that right?)..
so what were you afraid of?
what made you think the "big a" was here?
I was afraid of torture. Even now, I can't watch torture in movies.
for about a week now, there's a fella where i work who has made known his plans to take off...well, it started out thursday & friday of this week to go to belton, tx.
i know he is a jw (he don't know i am an ex-jw), and so figured he was going to the annual picnic... err... i mean assembly.
anyway, things changed at work, and he had to come in thursday morning for something work-related.
It's assembly weekend here too (District Convention). That's Adelaide, South Australia.
recently an elder called mike's mob phone wanting to speak to me, the only person who could have passed on that info was my elder dad.
mike has been waiting for my dad to call him to arrange to see the kids, as he wont deal with me at all.
so mike said to him i dont appreciate you giving our number out to the elders, we want nothing to do with them or your religion etc... mike than called me and said there was so much more i wanted to tell him.. i get a phone call about 30 mins later, mike had rang my dad and said if you want to see your grandkids then there are a few rules you will need to follow, 1. dont ever give out our personal details (which my dad apologised for and acknowldeged that he shouldnt have done that ) and 2. if you want to see your grandkids you need to speak to your daughter, you can msg her phone or even speak to her.
Wow Es, your dad is a stickler for the rules, isn't he! Then again, some JW grandparents never make any effort to try and see their grandkids - they shun the whole family.
To someone who has never been a JW, it must all seem very strange.
Good on you Mike for taking a stand.
my wife and i have been married for 8 years and we have 2 boys (8 and 3).
we are both unbaptized publishers and a few weeks ago she told me that she couldn't me married to me anymore and that she wanted her freedom and independence.
now we are pretty much separated and she has been pushing for divorce, she stays and home about 2 nights a week and the other nights she stays somewhere and doesn't tell me where.
Hi ttc99wilson, welcome to JWD!
Sorry you are going through this.
I'm wondering if maybe you should hold off on the baptism while you are in an emotionally vulnerable state. It's something you may regret in the future if your life takes a different path again.
for those of you don't know our story sweet pea and i stopped attending all meetings quite abruptly about 4 months ago.
since then we have had a few ill-advised conversations with jw friends and family stating our reasons - sometimes in emails.
also sp emailed a new friend on another forum her experiene with going to a new church.
besty, I see you still have your sense of humour!
this discussion board is vitally important now, and will become even more important in the coming years.
lots of reasons, but here's just one from my own experience: .
for many years i was a super zealous, firm believing jw.
A few other thoughts on 1975
I was about 12 when the 1975 propaganda really started. That must be an impressionable age because I swallowed it hook, line and sinker. My aim from that time was to pioneer and help as many people as possible to gain everlasting life - "in the short time remaining" - remember the terminology?.
I find it insulting when elders claim nothing was ever written about 1975 - that it was just hearsay.
I agree that sites like this are going to be very important in the future. The younger ones are not as afraid to research on the internet and it's all here waiting for them.
when i was young, many pioneered after hs or went to bethel.
that was normal.
it was not until 25, some realized they were waisting their life away and made changes / df.
The problem in Australia is that many kids don't even finish high school.
for those of you don't know our story sweet pea and i stopped attending all meetings quite abruptly about 4 months ago.
since then we have had a few ill-advised conversations with jw friends and family stating our reasons - sometimes in emails.
also sp emailed a new friend on another forum her experiene with going to a new church.
I like the idea of writing letters to your friends telling them your reasons and the anguish you've been through in getting to this point. You never know, you may give someone else the courage to face their own fears.
You could tell the elders you reserve the right to have your solicitor present at the JC.
Whatever happens, I hope you have peace of mind in the end.