He needs to know that you are an individual in your own right and he can't force you to do anything. It's all voluntary.
Congratulations on your bravery, doublelife.
so my husband dragged me to the meeting this morning.
i brought my new bible that i bought instead of the nwt and he didn't say anything about it.
in the public talk, the speaker opened to matt.
He needs to know that you are an individual in your own right and he can't force you to do anything. It's all voluntary.
Congratulations on your bravery, doublelife.
i sit here at my computer alone because i had to work too late to go trick or treating with my fiancee and her 8 year old son.
instead i am home to man the handing out of candy.... but for the last 90 minutes..no one...for you see...i live in the 'hood...or at least the borderline to the hood.... most of the kids, like my soon to be step son, go to the nicer historic neighborhoods with all the cool displays and great candy...so instead i am eating snickers bars...lol.. i did have my first carved pumpkin..supposed to be a crow on a branch, but i messed up the template...managed to salvage it i think:.
snakes (rich .
on Haloween night there is a huge parade downtown
Sorry you missed out Snakes, but hopefully you'll be enjoying yourself at the parade.
Nothing much happens here for Halloween - there was a plea in the local newspaper for parents not to let their kids knock on doors of complete strangers.
Amazing, OM! How are your kids coping with all of this?
i just recived this email from a very lovely guy who works in italian bethel.
we met several years ago, he stayed in our house and we had wonderful time.... he really is a great guy and i feel very sad for him now.... yes, jehovah is really "speeding up" the work in these last days..... albert.
hello albert.
That is sad. A pity you can't enlighten him on the real truth about "the truth." Well you could try, but you probably wouldn't hear from him again.
staff of the sanaga-yong chimpanzee rescue centre let the chimps watch the burial of dorothy, an elderly chimpanzee, so they could come to terms with her loss.. workers at the chimp rescue centre in east cameroon were surprised to see the entire family rush to the perimeter of their enclosure to pay their final respects.
the normally lively and noisy animals stood silently in line with their hands on each others shoulders for comfort.
they then watched, apparently in quiet contemplation, as the elderly chimp, aged in her 30s, was buried.
I saw this in the paper today. It was quite moving.
in a recent thread by mr. flipper, he encouraged people like myself - out (although not officially) of the cult, and young enough to live our dreams.
'get an education' etc.
well, i'd love to, excet i am in a dead end job with no satisfaction because i don't have further education.
Welcome, KingAgag.
Do you still go to meetings? If so, you could scrap the meetings and spend that time doing short courses or distance education. Is that an option in your area?
i have been looking at this website for about 2 months now and feel i am now ready to say hi and intoduce myself.i dont want to give out too much info at this point in time as i still am in the org, but have only been to 2 meetings since the district convention in august and last time i went out on service was in march.
i was basically raised in the truth as my parents became jw when i was 2. i was married in my late teens and after 21 years of being married to a total control freak he left me (yay).
anyway since me ex left, i had been doing a lot of thinking about being a witness, and i wasnt really going to a lot of meetings - just didnt feel like it.
Funny, I started reading your post and thought, betcha this person is from Australia.
Welcome nearlyfree, I'm from Adelaide.
i will never miss reniaa's character.
reniaa is gone?
awwww, i liked her/him/it ... (just kidding...**i just threw up in my mouth a little**).
Snakes, bet you're enjoying it as much as the 8 year old!
Congratulations on your new life.
greetings, dear friends:.
the day is bright and beautiful, yet i'm traveling to a space somewhere inward.
i dropped the broom while sweeping leaves on deck and hastened slowly to put my old and fading man's introspection to paper.
CoCo, you wrote that? It's beautiful, I love it.
i was suspossed to go to the meeting today, gotta to keep up the pretense in order to facillitate my fade.
instead i had nice lie in, i visited my non-witness dad, and then met up with my first aspostate from this site mr. majestic.. i didn't want to go to the meeting because meetings make me angry, i can now see the techniques used to control the congregation by fear.
i can't stand the thought that so many good people are being fed a banquet of lies and deception.. i could so easily never attend again..
I could so easily never attend again.
Sounds like a good plan, cantleave!