Well, this is a loaded question for me. I have gotten caught, I got in alot of trouble, and paid the price. Luckily, I did not kill someone else or myself.
I took classes, and it helped me realize that if alchohol causes me problems, its time to rethink about alchohol in itself, and am I the person that can have self control? I am not sure. I hardly drink now, no desire like when I was younger, but I like to have a good time. I used to binge drink with my girlfriends. In fact, we planned our getting together around wine & beer & bakini martini's.
After I got in trouble, I needed to realize somethings about myself, my life in general. Admittance helped in the "feeling sorry for yourself" (I was so pissed at myself) and being able to learn from it and move on.
Dont drink and drive, the time will come when you get caught, the rules are even stricter now. As of 1/1/09, 1st time DUI sentence is breath-a-lizer device attached to your car before you can turn it on (my case was before this new rule, I got to keep my license)...
Then you need to go to a Victom Impact Unit (volunteers from AIM are there), the people who speak have loved ones that were killed by a drunk driver, its heart breaking, as it should be.