DC, I agree, they should show the rest of us. Its interesting that most people apparently don't do it because they say, "Oh, that will never happen." Which it won't, know why? Because they said it wouldn't. My point is not that everyone should drop what their doing and hold hands and stuff, because that is a silly notion. My point was in reference to what you asked about God wanting us to have knowledge and progression and so forth, to become ever increasing entities. It cannot happen, will not happen, as long as there is one person who suffers an injustice.
Do you realize that it costs about 3 million dollars a minute to advertise on the Superbowl? To do what? Sell cars? Financial planning? Soft drinks? Beer? Tacos? One has to admit, theres a lot of people being employed and fed and clothed and housed off of that 3 million bucks; but, please, tell me again how that is "progression"? Please, I'm really, really curious, how is the world one iota better because there is another Lexus in the midst of the afternoon traffic jam? I could tell you (but you already know) how the world is made just a little bit better when the six year-old in Sao Paulo is rescued from the spider hole in the city landfill that he calls home (because his parents literally threw him away when he was four, although he can barely recall it), and he is given the first full, healthy meal that he can remember in his life. Do you realize that there are TV stations in the mideast (primarily Iranian and Palestinian) that show commercials (Public Service Announcements, really) aimed at children 5-7 that extoll the virtues of a suicidal, martyr's death, for Islam? What the f*ck are we gonna do with these people in 10 years? But, look on the bright side by golly, we now know there is water on a moon of Saturn!
Again, your question is legit and should be asked. Please, don't stop asking your questions, they make me think.