JoinedTopics Started by seahart
Has your brain been re-wired with the "F" word?
by Gregor ini learned an interesting fact from my father's doctor when he was being treated for a stroke.
mom had mentioned that even though dad couldn't speak well enough to ask for a glass of water he could clearly say, "goddammit".
the dr. explained that epithets are from a different part of the brain and this area had not been affected by the stroke.. i found this very interesting.
Gun control logic
by Gregor inthe v tech shooter bought his guns legally.
gun control laws don't stop this kind of determined killer anywhere in the world.
the defenseless victims couldn't carry a gun legally on campus if they had one.
Quick thanks
by seahart inmy wife and i are getting ready to hit the traffic.
i would like to take a minute to thank all that have taken time to read,post,pm to my posts this year.
also to simon for creating the site.
Have you had to fire anyone?
by seahart inughh, i had to let my accoutant/book keeper go.
by the why she took it you would have thought we had been b-friend/g-friend.
she called after a half hour to say she wasn't believeing me.
How Much Do You Wanna Bet That The Pope Is Going To Be Assassinated???
by minimus in.......or at least an attempt will be made on his life for insulting islam?
Did you fall for the "hype"?
by seahart inanyone here fall for the (what should have been straight to video) hype of snakes on a plane.
i am proud to say i saw right through it.the studios are getting wise on how to use the internet to do the dirty work for them.
they must have saved a ton and maybe even made a little.
Can we be honest?
by seahart inok, seriously people, can anyone here say they honestly enjoy las vegas?
what an utterly depressing place.
my wife and i went there for a "wedding".
"We all scream...."
by seahart innow that we have entered the hot season, my question is what is your flavor of choice when it comes to ice cream.
i have to say for me there is nothing better than a premium vanilla.
sounds boring, oh no.
To kill an American
by LovesDubs ini really thought this was poignant.. .
written by an australian dentist....and too good to delete..... .
to kill an american.