JoinedTopics Started by beezknees
Meeting Survival Guide Games to play
by unclebruce inmeeting survival guide games we play
one doesn't grow up religiously attending '5 meetings a week' without developing a strategy for survival.
mine started at about ten years of age and gradually grew more sophisticated as the years assemblies rolled by.
when is the truth not the truth
by beezknees inokay i'm still a newbie but i was quite surprised when reading some info of a statement about the 'end being fluid' and that .
'present truth replaces past truth ,however present truth may be replaced by future truth'.
cambridge dictionary definition on truth -the real facts about a situation, event or person.
Create a Convention name!
by Nosferatu in.
how about the "godly oatmeal" convention.
....or how about the "divine chocolate cake" assembly?
feelings on leaving
by beezknees ini'm new here glad to have found a place where people have been thru the same things, i'v been inactive 4 over a year now and after much research realise i have 2 totally break free from this organisation, i was brought up in the religion and am now 30 married to a witness (also inactive at the mo) my dad was an elder until my sister disgraced the family by leaving the jws but he still goes to meetings my mum is hit and miss but won't hav a word said against the 'truth'.
so heres my probs, telling my parents ..i know i'm 30 but its kinda hard i know what i will get mislead by the devil.. apostate..condemned my kids 2 death husband isn't too keen on the research either saying its apostate material., although it has made him think.
and my 2 lovely little boys age 9 and 7 what do i tell them??
What would you change in your life if you knew when Armageddon would be?
by JH ini wouldn't change anything at all.
i'd keep on living the way i'm living right now.. i'd say, take me or leave me behind.
i come this way, and i' m proud of who i am.
the begining of the end
by whatawaste ini would like to ask for some help if that is ok, first ill exsplain my situation.
im 19, male, and for the last 1-2 months have been to no meetings at all, due to all this stuff with the un and many other things.
i was on the phone the other day to one of my close (well i thought so) friends, and we were talking, you see he is from another town and had no idea of me not attending meetings.
by candidlynuts in.
you asked in your first post i'm just curious, is there anybody else on this sight from england, because everybody so far seems to be american or canadian.. cheers.
i'm american but yes there are some from england.. i posted this so they can say hi to you and welcome !
by SWALKER ini guess that one of my first memories, about 3 years old, had to be sitting in a hard chair being made to listen to a boring talk that i didn't understand.
we weren't allowed any toys or books to look at besides the wt publications...i remember getting taken outside and beat for something i did...but i didn't even understand what i did wrong.
i remember that our car didn't have air-conditioning and during the summer how hot and sticky i was by the time i got to the kh.
How Did Things Change After You Were Baptised?
by whyizit ini've noticed that a lot of jws and former jws have said there was a big change after they became baptised.
how were you treated before, as compared to after?
is there really that noticeable of a difference?
by ballistic ini had an idea that i could build a uk map of everyones location which would show you instantly who is in your area from jwd.. (it might be an idea to do a seperate us one aswell but i'll wait and see if this one takes off first, or if anyone from the us wants to volunteer to do that one).
(and australia but you are all in the same backyard anyway - literally!!!).
anyway, all you have to do is post or email me your username and town and i will draw you on the map above which will change gradually to include everyone!.