The situation you described is sickening. My heart goes out to you.
JoinedPosts by baltar447
DF'd and struggling....LONG story.
by confuzzled777 inhow do i make a long story short?
i am fully aware that if anyone in my area were to read this that they will know who i am.
i was disfellowshipped on january 28th 2010 after an "interview" about an evening of bowling with friends and family back in november 2009. i was among 4 who were disfellowshipped and 6 who were publicly reproved.
Highlights of Annual Meeting 2010
by elderelite infor those who are interested, the following changes were announced yesterday at the agm.
1) mts school has been done away with.
a) in its place two new schools have been formed.
Anyone like to speculate as to their end game? Are they expecting Angels to come from heaven and direct them?
Highlights of Annual Meeting 2010
by elderelite infor those who are interested, the following changes were announced yesterday at the agm.
1) mts school has been done away with.
a) in its place two new schools have been formed.
At the latest 2 day, the DO said a few thing such as the bible's guidelines are all we need, we don't have a talmud of rules, we have to use our own conscience, he also suggested reading the bible on family worship night. I'm not sure, but I just got the impression that while what he was saying sounded right, it didn't sound as hard line as some of the other talks. Sounded almost conscious class speak, idk I could be reading it wrong.
Car accidents make the Congo BLOODGUILTY
by hamsterbait infurther to sebastious first very good video on bloodguilt -.
can anybody post the kingdumb misery saying that the entire congregation is bloodguilty if a brother accidentally kills somebody on the road?.
it seems ridiculous to claim that jehoobie will have it in for all the dubby babies and their parents because of an accident on the road, but there it is.. they say the elduhs should investigate - don't you think the police are better qualified to do this rather than window washers and cracker and cheese men?.
Ask and ye shall receive:
*** w63 8/15 pp. 510-511 Questions From Readers ***
Questions From Readers
? If a Christian driving an automobile has an accident that results in death to others, what would be the Christian congregation’s responsibility, in view of possible bloodguiltiness? What if the driver has violated “Caesar’s” speed or highway laws or has been careless?—K. F., West Germany.
In cases of automobile accidents where a life or a number of lives are lost, the question of the extent of bloodguilt, if any, is certainly one that deserves to be considered by the judicial committee of the congregation with which the car driver is associated. Even if a law court decides that the accident was not the fault of the driver, it would be proper on the part of the judicial committee of the congregation to examine the driver and try to determine whether, in actuality, there could be bloodguilt attached to that driver. This is important because the congregation does not want to come under any community responsibility for the accidental loss of life, arising from a Christian’s carelessness or disregard for “Caesar’s” traffic laws.
If the driver in an accident with fatal consequences is a representative servant of the congregation and it is established that bloodguiltiness is attached to him, it would not be proper for him to continue as a servant. If carelessness is the cause, the driver must bear the responsibility for such carelessness or lack of caution.—Gal. 6:5, 7.
Thus if a road with a railroad crossing had no special warning lights, bells or gates, the driver still should have been careful to look before crossing. If a flying insect was causing annoyance, the driver should first have stopped the car and then remedied the situation. If a passenger in the back seat was speaking to the driver, he should have kept his eyes on the road, not trying to drive and also look at the back-seat passenger. If the weather situation was bad, more care should have been exercised by the driver. If the driver was drowsy, he should have relinquished the wheel to someone else, or he should have stopped the car and taken a rest until he got over his sleepy condition.
Consequently, it would be proper for the congregation judicial committee to inquire into the matter and determine just how far the car driver shared in any responsibility for the fatal accident. It is well to remember that the unintentional manslayer in ancient Israel who fled to the city of refuge had to stand trial before the city authorities before he would be allowed to remain in the city of refuge, safe from the vengeance of the avenger of blood.—Num. 35:6-25.
If the accident was due to circumstances over which the car driver had absolutely no control, then, of course, he could be excused and there would be nothing to blemish his record, should he be a responsible servant in the congregation. But if it is found that a measure of blame does attach to the car driver, it would then be in order to remove him from his position of service and not reconsider him for a position of responsibility for at least one year. This will make it known that the committee does not want any community responsibility for accidental loss of life to attach itself to the congregation by its maintaining in a prominent, representative, exemplary position a brother to whom a measure of bloodguiltiness is attached. If the blameworthy driver is not a servant in the congregation, he would, of course, not be considered for a servant’s position for some time after this. Since the driver is not a proper example to the flock, discretion on the part of the committee would also require that they wait a suitable length of time before giving him any assignments to instruct the congregation.
If the car driver has been careless, it would be well for the committee also to counsel him and to help him see the measure of his responsibility. The committee would determine whether he realizes this and feels repentant about it and has appealed to Jehovah God for divine mercy through Jesus Christ.
After the termination of his disqualification, as a result of which it is manifest that the brother involved has benefited as well as shown the right spirit together with due repentance, he might be appointed to some responsible position if one is available and there is a need.
If the driver, however, continues to show carelessness or pays no heed to “Caesar’s” highway or speed laws, then he could not be considered for a servant’s position. A car driver ought not to exceed the speed limit that “Caesar” sets for his roadways, streets and avenues. If he is a dedicated Christian and does exceed the speed limit, not only is it a failure to render to Caesar the things that are due to Caesar, but there is also the pressing danger of accidents, with the possibility of fatal consequences.—Matt. 22:21.
Those who have exemplary positions in the congregation should therefore set proper examples when they are driving. What kind of example would it be to the flock if an overseer were careless about “Caesar’s” traffic regulations? (1 Pet. 5:3) What effect would it have upon young men in the congregation if the overseer were a speedster? (Titus 2:6, 7) In view of the serious responsibility that goes with driving, Christian parents who permit their teen-age sons to drive their car should be certain they are properly trained and counseled. Especially do they need counsel concerning their responsibility to “Caesar” and to God, also counsel not to copy the worldly thrill-seeking youthful drivers who are so often involved in tragic accidents, usually due, somehow, to excessive speed. If any dedicated Christian engages in wild or lawless driving that results in destruction of the property of others or injury to other persons, then the judicial committee of the congregation should take appropriate disciplinary measures.
Moreover, in congregational or other dealings Christians should not require others to be at a certain place or locality at a time that would clearly be impossible to meet without breaking “Caesar’s” speed laws. Sufficient notice should be given to a person so that he can travel at a lawful rate of speed. Thus if someone required a true Christian to travel to a certain place within a certain time and to do so would require violating “Caesar’s” speed laws, then the Christian will choose to obey “Caesar’s” law, taking whatever consequences might come as a result of such obedience. But it could be explained beforehand to a worldly employer, for instance, that the Christian’s conscience will not allow him to break the traffic laws.
Most of the time, however, whether the driver realizes it or not, it is simply a matter of his starting early enough or of changing or reorganizing his schedule to allow sufficient traveling time. Then the Christian will not feel under any pressure or temptation to drive faster than he should. This compliance with the traffic laws of the “superior authorities” will not only help guard against fatal accidents with the possibility of bloodguilt being attached to the driver but also help ensure a good conscience, which is so vital to our eternal salvation.—Rom. 13:1, 5; 1 Pet. 3:16.
Notes From the Annual Meeting - Oct 3, 2009
by daniel-p infrom a little bird... .
interesting portions highlighted.
notes from annual meeting (oct 3, 2009) .
Predictions for this year's AM? Anyone?
For those still in- why do you (really) stay, and what would it take for you to leave the org?
by serenitynow! infor the so-called conscious class, those of you who know it's all a disgusting lie, what is the real reason you stay in?
i find it hard to understand how ones who know what the org truly is would continue to be an active jw.
i'm not talking about the "faders"- those with an actual plan to get out as painlessly as possible.
There's many things I think they are smoking crack about but I haven't come to my own independent conclusions yet about whether it's all right or wrong. I have a family, my wife knows my doubts we don't talk about it alot but I think she's also come to the same conclusion that something's really amiss but another minute she'll be saying she doesn't want to talk about it. We both have said that we need to each read and study the bible on our own and see what it has to say to us. Not in a bug fired hurry to make any decisions.
Demons and the WTS
by brotherdan ini remember growing up and hearing all sorts of stories about demonic activity from people.
some would be experiences that people had going door to door and visiting a "witch" or "warlock".
some would inadvertently go to a fortune tellers door and have a demonic experience.. i was always facinated by all the stories.
Wow, I watched like one second of that video and closed my browser, lol. If it's its one thing that I've never been able to tolerate, it's watching things like that. Anything involving exorcisms just trips my built in alarm. I do believe that there are wicked forces in this world, that doesn't mean I walk around in fear but it also means I don't consider watching the possible exploits of them entertainment. I've never even liked horror movies.
Crap my District Overseer says
by easyreader1970 inhere are some things that came from the mouth of the district overseer over the course of the two days.
1. the recession isn't going to end.
things are screwed because the demons are controlling the world.
We had an assembly over a year ago where they had a demonstration about a brother purchasing some kind of iphone or smartphone. His internal monologue showed how he was concerned that he'd start missing studying and other theo activities since he'd be spending SO much time just LEARNING the damn thing! It had a manual bigger than the bible in the demonstration! Not to mention now he could view porn on it! Of course, I challenge you to find less than 50% of elders that don't have some kind of smartphone. It's completely ludicrous to have an assembly part on this.
January Watchtower sets ambitious target for growth!
by slimboyfat inindividual action toward increase.
7 when we look at our task and the results thus far, the per cent increase for all nations on the average is splendid; but if we are going to see kingdom interests increase as we have never seen it before, what must we do during the year 2011?
individually, we cannot bring in a half a publisher or a third of a publisher, but we can, as publishers of the new world, aid another creature to understand gods purposes, help him in going out in the work, grounding him well in the truth, and letting him see his privilege of being a minister of the most high to join in this great shout like that of thunder and sing praises that jehovah is king.
Wow, nice way to pull one over on us with that article. Turns out is WAS a WT article, with a few modifications.
January Watchtower sets ambitious target for growth!
by slimboyfat inindividual action toward increase.
7 when we look at our task and the results thus far, the per cent increase for all nations on the average is splendid; but if we are going to see kingdom interests increase as we have never seen it before, what must we do during the year 2011?
individually, we cannot bring in a half a publisher or a third of a publisher, but we can, as publishers of the new world, aid another creature to understand gods purposes, help him in going out in the work, grounding him well in the truth, and letting him see his privilege of being a minister of the most high to join in this great shout like that of thunder and sing praises that jehovah is king.
Ok, I call the article bullcrap. I've caught some errors in it and wording that the writing department would not use.