I think there may have been two or three in the surrounding area when I was growing up. I remember my father and some of the elders taking the memorial emblems to a person too infirm to attend the KH (the cut-off point was sunset next day, so as to still be on Nisan 14), but I think they died. There was another anointed funeral I attended (why should we be sad, when this dead person has become a King! is what the talk was. A bit silly really.) The last one dying that I was aware of was a relative of a member of the GB who lived in the area nearby.
I was asking my parents about this and as far as they're aware there are basically none left that they know of, in the north of Scotland at least). But then again if someone claims to be an anointed one for long enough eventually, in a few decades, they, too, will be thought of as an 'old-time anointed'.
Anyway the dwindling number of anointed seems to have become less relevant to Witness eschatology now that the Watchtower seemed to change the view on whether there would still be some alive at Armageddon (in the last paragraph of the Watchtower study, of all places! That's really sneaky, not the place you expect to see a major doctrinal change. Was it in the first WT of 2007?)