Are you people for real? Sheesh I can't believe I'm reading this. Let me get this straight: Decriminalize drugs and go ahead and throw guns and prostitution into the mix. Now that sure ought to solve everybody's problems, shouldn't it. Well, at least Spanner and Truthseeker have a little bit of sense. Let me share with you a question from today's (Monday, January 27) Dear Abby column. I'll just copy it word for word because it seems pertinent to this discussion :
Dear Abby : My husband has a serious problem with alchohol and drugs, and I don't know what to do to get him some help. He's tried to quit on his own, but he just can't fight it. It's really gotten bad, Abby. I want to save our marriage, but don't know where to begin. New Jersey Wife
Abby goes on to give the only advice that she can give: counseling, Al-Anon and good luck. My observation is that one of this poor man's problems, alchohol, is legal. The other isn't. For the life of me, I can't see that giving him two legal addictions is going to help him in the least. I think his problems would spiral completely out of control. He and his wife can't even handle the legal one he has. Would his problem be well-served by giving him legal drugs and letting him buy as many guns as he wants, just wait 5 days? It makes me shudder to think about it.
So what is the solution? I wish to God I knew, but I don't. I used to think I knew everything, but in my old age, I've decided that I don't know nuthin'. (Old age is humbling.) But making drugs available over-the-counter at Wal-Mart is ridiculous. There seems to be a popular trend going on that is called "WWJD". You know : "What Would Jesus Do?" To tell you the truth, I have no idea what Jesus would do about this. I doubt if there's anything he could do.