'We hate Apostates' District Conventions 2007 or 'Expunge doubters in our midst' District Convention 2007
JoinedPosts by thecarpenter
What name would like to see for the "2007 District Convention"?
by new boy inthere many to choose from --------------how about .
" millions now living will soon be dead" (with no hope of a resurrection)--------------that means your unbaptized freinds and family members.
"how we have created god in our image" (jealous, hatedful, petty).
SAW III - A review of the movie
by Elsewhere inunfortunately i can only review the first 5 or 10 minutes of the show as a result of the fact that i got seriously nauseous twice in that time period resulting in my having to walk out.
simply put, that show is seriously f. i've never been a big fan of horror movies because the plot lines and acting have traditionally been of extraordinary poor quality.
the main characters always make some seriously stupid decision and end up being killed by... whatever.
die die die
SAW III - A review of the movie
by Elsewhere inunfortunately i can only review the first 5 or 10 minutes of the show as a result of the fact that i got seriously nauseous twice in that time period resulting in my having to walk out.
simply put, that show is seriously f. i've never been a big fan of horror movies because the plot lines and acting have traditionally been of extraordinary poor quality.
the main characters always make some seriously stupid decision and end up being killed by... whatever.
These types of movies are too sick for my taste... I saw Saw and it was too sadistic for my taste; I had no desire to see saw II. Anyone who likes movies like these will die die die at armageddon... sick bastards!!!
College Degree = $23K more a year salary
by under_believer incheck out the news on this recent press release from the us census bureau.
here's the google news listing for it (so you can see all the places this story has been covered): click here.. .
lest anybody think the society is taking a softer stance on this issue, well, they're not.
By the way, earning more with a college degree is one of the benefits. Expanding your mind and options are other great benefits. I really enjoy learning new things and celebral pursuits. This is one of the things that I really resented about the organization. They equated a college education to material pursuits mainly and discounted the educational part of it as a wasted effort. This is like saying that marriage is only for sex (what a ignorant view). Yes, you can increase your earning potential with a college degree but it also opens a whole new world that most didn't know existed. This is one of the most wonderful things you can do for yourself. It is sad when one misses out on this...
College Degree = $23K more a year salary
by under_believer incheck out the news on this recent press release from the us census bureau.
here's the google news listing for it (so you can see all the places this story has been covered): click here.. .
lest anybody think the society is taking a softer stance on this issue, well, they're not.
Well, it depends on your view of money. The scriptures actually say that the love of money is the root to all sorts of injurious things. On the other hand, when one doesn't have enough, that also leads to alot of anxiety. It is not fun to be behind in your rent or not being able to repair your car. The key is balance and living beneath your means. I personally am quite impressed with some rich people like Mayor Mike Bloomberg who is a billionaire (5 billion range) and yet he is well grounded. He even takes the subway to work in the morning. Yes he has cars and planes but it doesn't define him just as lack of money shouldn't define us.
Personally, I view money as a tool to do things. The amount isn't important as long I have enough to do what I want to do. That makes me happy (haven't went on vacation in 5 years but didn't really want to go any where anyway). On the other hand, brought plenty of gadgets which I do enjoy. Everyones level of comfort is different. I think I will start going away on vacation though, starting to get that urge to travel again....
Apostfest in Las Vegas, here I come!!!! -
College Degree = $23K more a year salary
by under_believer incheck out the news on this recent press release from the us census bureau.
here's the google news listing for it (so you can see all the places this story has been covered): click here.. .
lest anybody think the society is taking a softer stance on this issue, well, they're not.
A liberal arts degrees can help somewhat but you still have to be proactive in securing work (even if it means moving to another area or going back to get marketable skills) . I never finished college but still managed to secure a terrific job with a great salary and benefits but I had to really work hard to get this job. I'm back in college now finishing my degree and plan to get my masters or other type of professional degree (MD, PC,...).
A college degree doesn't guarantee success nor being a dropout guarantee failure but generally a college degree will make it easier to secure better employment as the statistical sampling from the US Census Bureau under_believer posted shows. Likewise, high school dropouts and high school graduates statistically will find it harder to increase their income. Society can dispute this with all sorts of anecdotal evidence they want but really it just makes them appear that much more foolish.
Were you Socially inadequate after leaving the Organization?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style3 {font-size: 14px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; } .style5 {color: #810304; font-family: arial, sans-serif; } .style7 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #436a91; } .style8 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #b7babd; } --> socially inadequate after leaving the organization the organization encouragedno demanded that individuals who were.
jehovah's witnesses to restrict their association to other individuals who.
also were jehovah's witnesses.
Well, I have been out for about 7 months now and I found I had some major adjustments initially. I seem to be moving along nicely now, making more friends and a little less guarded now. I think one of the reasons things have been going along well is that I took and continue to take the initiative to meet new people and get involved in activities. I find that many people are a little reserved anyway (it is not just me) and sometimes need a little coaxing. In any event, I can truly say that I am enjoying the formative friendships I am currently making. I am also finding that I am smiling a lot more now. (not the glumly person I was while a witness)
Interestingly, some of my old witness friends still call me and want to do things together (they are unhappy but yet lack the resolve to investigate the society). I have been avoiding their calls but yet they still call (one of them tried to turn me in a few months back and tried to play it off recently). I feel sorry for them because they are so miserable but they need to make their own decisions and stand by it.
Single Dad- spark
by D in Dallas inhey all, i've been reading this sight for a year now and have never posted.the last topic sparked my "need" to do so.i got a girl pregnant 13 yrs.
ago that i really didn't know that well.
she turned out to be a "non-practicing j.w", according to her, until she became pregnant and realized that i was not going to marry her....i knew her for about a week.
Introduce him to this forum and have him familarize himself with the various teachings of JW's by ex-JW's. Unfortunately, you don't have a deep enough understanding of the belief system and may not necessarily have enough bible knowledge to answer his questions. Also let him read 'Combatting Cult Mind Control' by Steven Hassan. Very interesting reading.
Diane Sawyer in North Korea this week what do you think?
by hambeak ina prominant news woman is in nk this week and doing interviews i wonder how the nk will use it as propaganda or the us.
what's your take on this?
I always thought diane sawyer was a korean spy in disguise. She is revealing all the US military secrets she obtained to korean's dictator Kim Jon Mentallyill (the king of the north)
Who is your favourite Star Trek character?
by slimboyfat inmine is garak because he has a healthy cynicism about everything, yet is good deep down.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/garak .
Picard was the best character and the Next Generation the best series; 7 of 9 was the best female character (I can't stop looking at her when she is on the screen).