goodbye littletoe
JoinedPosts by thecarpenter
My time on this board has now come to an end
by IronGland ini'll miss some of you.
i curse others.
it's been an interesting 3 years.
WTS Has Lost +35% of Elders in US Since 1994????
by Seeker4 inzack, on another thread, said he heard this figure from the platform at both the 2006 elders' school and his recent pioneer school:.
that there were 93,000 elders in 1994, and less than 60,000 today, in the united states.. i thought these figures deserved their own thread, as they are shocking to me, and to see if anyone else has heard anything similar.. i'll post a link to the other thread as well.
One of the congregations that I attended between 5~10 years ago went from 11 elders to 5 (two stepped down, 5 moved away, one quit the religion cold turkey after a emotional breakdown and two moved in). The congregation isn't what it used to be, very lukewarm. Another congregation I was in lost several elders who just decided to step down, two left the organization. They also lost several MS. They appointed several new elders but it is not the same congregation... also lukewarm and sometimes cold. Several congregations I visited lost many people who just slowly faded away, they merged four congos into two.
Incidently seeker4, I believe it was in either in a SAD part or a KM last year or so that mentioned that the organization needed 40,000 men reaching out. This brain drain that Elsewhere mentioned is really a major cause of concern for the organization.
Yep, jah is speeding up the work hee hee
WTS Has Lost +35% of Elders in US Since 1994????
by Seeker4 inzack, on another thread, said he heard this figure from the platform at both the 2006 elders' school and his recent pioneer school:.
that there were 93,000 elders in 1994, and less than 60,000 today, in the united states.. i thought these figures deserved their own thread, as they are shocking to me, and to see if anyone else has heard anything similar.. i'll post a link to the other thread as well.
How to Get Rid of JWs - You Tube
by Scully in
heh heh heh .
Amusing, I saw it before. I was curious while there and clicked on this link inside youtube and got this
Poor guy, looks like he is trying to convince people that following a christian cult is the best thing we can do. Seems like a nice guy but unfortunately indoctrinated hook, line and sinker.
(sorry scully, I had posted this and couldn't delete it... didn't mean to hijack the thread) -
Where are Gumby and Mary?
by UnConfused injust saying i have noticed them not around the last few days.
Hey Mary, good to hear you are better, the flu can really suck.
Poor gumpoztate, having to go back for his family, I think the only reason they reinstated him was because they wanted in on the nutsack polishing business, not Walmart but "Walnuts" Gumshine is selling them the newest high speed buffers guaranteed to shine the dullest and limpest nutsacks.
Hs slogan is "At Walnuts, we take nutshining serious, never met a nut we couldn't crack."
Go from this
With all the money Gumbtrump is making, he got his hair styled,
My old KH had a personal visit from me today!
by moshe ini was on business in the area of my old congregation ( i live out of state)- the one i first got baptized in back in 1973. they were just getting started on their discussion before service- it was 9:03 am and i just impulsively turned into the parking lot and decided to pay them a surprise visit.
i just walked into the kh and looked at them for 30 seconds.
i didn't recognize anyone and finally they asked me what i wanted.
moeshe, I love what you did, I'm going to do something similar to some JW's I know.
Your thoughts and ideas on how and why the WTS.started, a background study.
by thetrueone inhi folks, i've been reading your comments in this forum for awhile now, and they certaintly have been enlighting, but i'm interested in your .
ideas on who, why and how the organization started, and how did it maintain itself for all these years.
what was the underlining intent of the people who started.
I also believe CT Russel started the religion up with the best of intentions, money was not the goal. The same could be said of William Miller and perhaps a host of other individuals. The problem is that many of these individuals start to feel as if they are god's channel and then rely too much on their own understanding or hunches and start teaching these things as truth. I think the organization today is stuck in this mindset.
As for the money issue, although money is important to keep the organization running, that is not their focus and I think it is a little dishonest to imply that without giving greater evidence. From the way the governing body lives, it is a far cry from the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I am not saying there aren't some perks like traveling first class and so on but I think it is more of the power that intoxicates the GB. -
In the WT's Defence
by shadowofbathory inhi electronic cyber pixels.
occasionally these days i will log onto this forum to scan for interesting topics.
even though this is my first posting under this moniker, i am a reincarnate of a previous beast.
the watchtower isn't perfect, they never claimed to be. the truth gets brighter and brighter so old doctrines will be disgarded. Issues such as child molestation and the UN scandal was a unfortunate mistake due to the imperfection of man. As for 607 bce and the blood issue, in time if it proves to be wrong, we will adjust and move on but we won't let up in preaching the good news that our lord has given to us as a commission.
this sound a bit more geniune. Answer that you evil poztates!
... I-I am stunned! I cannot answer such a bulletproof defense!
ha ha, I thought someone would get a kick out of this... It really is hard to come up with a defense... sort of like trying to defend OJ, you feel dirty doing it.
Watchtower never took preaching work seriously!!
by proplog2 inthere has been a lot of discussion about the claim that the gb feel they have fullfilled their obligation to preach.. this would be no surprise.
jesus said if you want to really do what is right you need to sell your property and give to the poor.
and then... you could follow jesus.. after pentecost there was an arrangement where an individual could sell his property and give the proceeds to the apostles.
If the Watchtower REALLY believed in the life saving nature of the witness work they would be on an emergency basis.
I think you are going a little too extreme in your expectation to preach. Christians were given a commission to preach but it was left up to the individual as to how much they were to do it. People have families, jobs, etc... Jesus also said later on that the preachers would have to carry a coin purse latter on because of the inhospitality they would eventually find.
The pioneer arrangement, missionary arrangement and other arrangements are different levels of public preaching that individuals can avail themselves to according to their circumstances. IMHO the witnesses have taken this commission to preach more seriously than other churches.
If they took it seriously they would discourage people from spending money on luxuries, - cruises, vacation homes, luxury automobiles, . Everyone would REALLY be content with sustenance and covering.
I think they do this all the time. As for being content with sustenance and covering, what compromises this is a individual choice.Christ wasn't setting up a little Nazi state.
They never took it seriously.
I think they are not as effective as they could be. They us only one primary method of mass media, the printed page ( and to a much lesser extent, the internet) . As IP_SEC mentioned, they have Radio, TV, greater internet use, ads in other magazines available to them, etc... but they don't really avail themselves to these other forms. (the media terms for this is called horizontal integration and symbiosis)
In the WT's Defence
by shadowofbathory inhi electronic cyber pixels.
occasionally these days i will log onto this forum to scan for interesting topics.
even though this is my first posting under this moniker, i am a reincarnate of a previous beast.
Yeah man, screw all of you and your druggy satanic AIDS carrying friends, the WT is da shit man, and Jeeeeehooovaah is going to smite your ass all over the pavement. Attend meetings or die!!! There's no child molesters nor any UN scandal, you guys just smoke too much crack just like the latest Awake! magazine said you did. Satan and his demons got you by the nutsack, and I'm gonna live in Paradise Erf with the rest of my JW buddies, and we're gonna have a party to celebrate when you're dead! I am better than you.
Pretty good try, but you have to say something like this.... the watchtower isn't perfect, they never claimed to be. the truth gets brighter and brighter so old doctrines will be disgarded. Issues such as child molestation and the UN scandal was a unfortunate mistake due to the imperfection of man. As for 607 bce and the blood issue, in time if it proves to be wrong, we will adjust and move on but we won't let up in preaching the good news that our lord has given to us as a commission.
this sound a bit more geniune. Answer that you evil poztates!