Righto. Plus this concept of there being modern-day "replacements" for anointed ones who don't "hold fast" is ridiculous. Supposedly the 144,000 were sealed in 1935. Since then, how many professing to be anointed have come forth? I submit thousands. Who were these thousands replacing? Those "anointed" JWs who went bad after 1935? That many fell away? How much longer can they keep spouting this stuff?
This is why they are false prophets, instead of admitting they don't know, they push ahead and spew forth more nonsense. That's the problem with being overly dogmatic, eventually. you get your ass handed to you.
What is so egregious about this is that they demand a high level of acceptance and conformity even though they know how highly speculative this is. The enormity this unethical conduct is shocking, it leave you shaking your head in disbelief.