much more material success since leaving. I started investing much more (having a bit of success in that); since I don't build kingdom halls anymore, I have more time to work overtime and even relax when I don't want to work the OT; since I stopped contributing, I have more money in my pocket (I do contribute more to outside charities more now.
But best of all, I just feel happier since I left and can engage in hobbies, finish my college degree, and pretty much develop natural talents.
Note: one thing that has helped me tremendously socially is attending meetup groups on I belong to a lot of social groups and met a lot of interesting people. I really recommend everyone try it... it is also free.
JoinedPosts by thecarpenter
How many of you feel you have had more material success AFTER leaving JW
by BBOARD inhow many of us since either mentally or physically leaving the witnesses have had more material success ... or any other kind of success that needed time ... the kind that was given back to you when you stopped attending jw meetings.
you see my mother has come down with a little flu over the past two weekends and this has in proxy allowed me to miss, already, 2 thursday /saturday (book study & field service)/ and sunday meeting.
in just these two short weeks i have had more time to go online and run my small-time book business, study more for those tests, and live fun.
My fading brother(ex-PO) thinks he was marked this week!
by nvrgnbk inand he doesn't even post here cause he's afraid of his wife.
she came home from meeting thursday night and told him they had a local needs about the difference between "willfully" inactive ones and "discouraged" inactive ones.
is there a category for the happily inactive?
anyone here in the stock market?
by Gregor inwhat a roller coaster it has been lately.
no way i would want to manage our investments.
leave it to the brokers and try to ignore it.
Well, I am in the stock market big time, this has been a dissappointing few weeks but I am not really worried. I have a good bunch of investments that have been doing well and I am in it for the long haul. I think by the end of the year, everything should be alright and should realize a small profit for this year.
Incidently, as the emotions start to cool down, people will come flocking back... there are a lot of good stocks on sale right now, the financially shrewd one may want to go shopping soon... -
by Seeker4 inbarbara anderson has just released a new book on cd that contains some 5000 pages of public court records from the nine lawsuits involving 16 victims that the wts settled secretly in may of this year, plus documents from two other cases the society settled in 2000 and 2006.. .
its called secrets of pedophilia in an american religion: jehovahs witnesses in crisis.. .
the book, and more info from barbara about it, is available here:.
Just ordered mine, it should be interesting to read about these court cases... I plan to print out a few sheets and leave it around the office where some JW's work....
PROOF that the GB lurk HERE ???
by AlphaOmega ina while ago, i posted this thread....
in which i said.... this is strange, i read that in 1995 they did away with the "generation" teaching, yet the official watchtower website still says this, over 12 years later !.
thus, all the features of the last days must take place within the lifetime of one generation, the generation of 1914. so some people who were alive in 1914 will still be alive when this system comes to its end.
Terry, the teenager mentioned she got her "first card" when she was 16, she may have gotten another at 17 and some more at 18.
At one time, I had 5 or 6 credit cards to my name and still had banks sending me more applications. (I used them 'properly') -
Guys, do you lay your wifi laptop on your lap?
by Elsewhere inone of the things i enjoy most about wifi is the way i can sit in my favorite living room recliner and surf the web while watching spongbob.
i was just sitting here browsing around the web when it suddenly occurred to me: am i microwaving my "boys"?
has anyone heard if there is are, ahem, "manly" dangers to using a laptop on the lap?
I think elsewhere could also be concerned about the radio waves from the wifi transceiver.
Kool-Aid Campaign anyone???
by SnakesInTheTower inso i was thinking with the new kool-aid edition of the craptower and the (now proven and confirmed) september 07 km basically telling us to only look at society literature, and the light getting brighter and brighter the noose getting tighter and tighter.. .
why not start a campaign to let the society we have noticed.
i would love to hear your thoughts and this wont cost any of us much money or time.. buy 2 packages of kool-aid (make sure it is that brand)...and preferably grape.
what a great idea, I'm in...set a date to mail it in.
wow, killing someone and taking their blood is not acceptable... is this new light? I love it, keep it coming.
Oh man, these are great. I love how you format the page to mimic the format used by the society. Just goes to show that most people will attach more significances to anything in print. The onus is on us to check up the info.
We'll All Be Dead Someday
by nvrgnbk inand with that thought............everybody have a great weekend!.
i'm hoping to live forever....