Keep ups informed of your kitty's status. I lost my cat a couple of years ago - he was hit by a car also. I sure do miss him - he was sooooo way cool!
Posts by Dawn
I'm a shallow athiest!
by Marilyn inour cat was hit by a car tonight.
i've been so afraid of this happening.
i saw it happen, and i heard the thud.
Religion Wins Too Often
by Dutchie ini thought this was interesting:.
when religion and children's welfare are at odds, religion wins too often
why is it, in this society, that we have been so willing to accommodate religious institutions at the risk of children's welfare?
Mat 18:10 "See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.
Too often religions put more emphasis on THEIR rules and regulations than on what is really important. And in that instance, children, being the most vulnerable, suffer more than anyone. I would not want to be one of those clergy or "teachers" who must face him one day and explain why one of his "little ones" was made to suffer.
Religion is man's attempt at reaching God - and it too often becomes the source of worship rather than God himself.
by You Know inthings are gettn interestinger and interestinger every day.
on the international scene any number of scenarios can serve as triggers to set off wwiii, or the tribulation, whatever you may prefer to call it.
the next cross-border atrocity by rogue militants could easily detonate a conflagration between nuclear-poised india and pakistan.
Ok - one last question You Know - I promise - just trying to make sure I'm clear on where you are coming from.
The Watchtower has served its purpose in our case only if we have developed a close relationship with God that is able to survive the fiery trials ahead
So what about those individuals that have developed a close relationship with God outside of the Watchtower?
Here's my reasoning on my current spiritual position. I had many questions, and I had studied up on these and asked a number of individuals (JW elders and pastors from other churches) to show me their position scripturally. To make a long story short - after about a year of studying and prayer, I finally made the decision that I could not return to the JW's. I do not believe their doctrines and could not teach it door to door - I believe that they have basically diverted attention from God and Jesus to themselves. I'm sure you don't agree with that - but it is how I feel and I had to be true to my conscience.
Jesus said that we could ask ANYTHING in prayer and it would be given us - so I asked him for 4 things: (1) open my eyes to the truth, whatever it is, (2) don't let me be mislead, and (3) give me the strength to follow the course he wants for me, (4) forgive me where I screw up. I believe his promise - I also feel led by him in the course I have taken - I was re-baptised last year by a non-denominational pastor and began attending Chruch regularly as well as weekly bible studies. I find them very uplifting and encouraging - I'm learning a lot - and I see him working in my life.
So back to your quote - the Watchtower did not help me develop a close relationship with God, but this non-denominational church that I am attending now has been of some help. Although I must confess that all the WORK has been done by God. Anyways.....where am I going with this rambling.......oh yea - my question - What about those individuals that have developed a close relationship with God outside of the Watchtower?
Forgot My DFg Anniversary
by SUSCARRA ini can't believe i forgot to celebrate my disfellowshipping anniversay.
they made the big announcement on june 8, 2000. i was so busy trying to find out when weekend magazine was going to air, that i just simply forgot.
oh well, i guess this means i'm healed and could give a poopy.
Well......It was in 1990 but I'll be damned if I can even remember what season yet alone the date.
Have you out-grown playing pranks?
by noidea inmy daughter was on my pc and i was still signed into my im.
i was trying to take a nap.
anyway, a fellow member of this board ..who shall remain nameless signed in on im and my daughter told them i was napping, this then made me a prime target for a prank..
Right after highschool I moved into an apartment with a girlfriend. Her boyfriend snuck in one night with his buddies while we were out - he turned EVERYTHING in the apartment upside down - yep, furniture, TV, stereo, nick nacks, even the pictures were upside down - even switched the mattress & box-springs, remaking the beds so we didn't know it until we layed down. Then he moved everything in our cupboards around and glued the eggs into the egg carton. It was a riot!!
by You Know inthings are gettn interestinger and interestinger every day.
on the international scene any number of scenarios can serve as triggers to set off wwiii, or the tribulation, whatever you may prefer to call it.
the next cross-border atrocity by rogue militants could easily detonate a conflagration between nuclear-poised india and pakistan.
You Know - loved the picture!! That was funny.
I've been thinking about this and just had to ask you another question. Earlier you stated that the Watchtower was already going to face judgment from Jehovah - and in earlier posts I was under the impression that you expect it to be a major fall-out, that one of the reasons you were here was to guide people through this and to find those that had been stumbled by past actions of the Society. Am I right so far? Please correct me if I'm wrong on these impressions.
So - your warnings that you post, like this thread....are you encouraging people to go back to the Organization? I mean, why would I want to go back to an Organization that is about to face judgment and crumble? Or are you encouraging people to mend their relationship with God/Jehovah? Or both? I'm confused.
What is our major life decision?
by Bleep inin modern times, the term "proselytism" has been used to mean forcible conversion of one kind or another.
the bible does not support such a practice.
rather, it teaches that men were created as free moral agents with the privilege and responsibility to choose how they will live their lives.
Very nice post Bleep - I agree with you that our decision on how to worship God should be taken very seriously - with a lot of research, prayer, and meditation. Too many people just go somewhere for the fun activities, companionship, or whatever reason.
I spent over a year studying before I finally made a decision about my spiritual life. Some people I knew do not agree with the decision I made - but they can't ignore that it was made with a lot of study, research, and prayer.
New Light on Armaggedon?
by tdogg inso i had a discussion with my jw father .
i was pointing out the fact that we were taught that only those who follow the watchtower would survive the end.
he told me that there is now a small period of time at the end that those who were not jw could be 'pardoned'.
Don't you guys know...
Armageddon has been postponed due to technical (aka: public relations) difficulties currently being experienced. We will return with Armageddon prophecies once the problems have been resolved. Thank you and please stay tuned...............
by You Know inthings are gettn interestinger and interestinger every day.
on the international scene any number of scenarios can serve as triggers to set off wwiii, or the tribulation, whatever you may prefer to call it.
the next cross-border atrocity by rogue militants could easily detonate a conflagration between nuclear-poised india and pakistan.
The fear of Jehovah is a quality that the Bible is designed to instill in receptive individuals.
I believe the difference in our beliefs is how we interpret the "fear of Jehovah". You are interpreting this as a fear of discipline aka what will happen at Armageddon, whereas I interpret the "fear of Jehovah" to be like a respectful type of fear.
A child can fear their parents in two ways (1) I better be good or they'll spank me; or (2) I want to please them, I am fearful of displeasing them because I love them, respect them, and want a good relationship with them. I believe that the "fear" God wants is #2 - that is what he deserves.
This really goes down to the heart of what I believe is wrong in the JW religion. The focus is on fear, works, appearances. The focus should be on love, respect, and the heart condition. If you're reaching the HEART, then the rest will the branch that produces good fruit.
by You Know inthings are gettn interestinger and interestinger every day.
on the international scene any number of scenarios can serve as triggers to set off wwiii, or the tribulation, whatever you may prefer to call it.
the next cross-border atrocity by rogue militants could easily detonate a conflagration between nuclear-poised india and pakistan.
I, for one, have always enjoyed reading You Know's posts.
However, You Know - I'm going to have to have a "beef" with you here - hope you can see my side of this.
For years many religions (including the Watchtower) have focused on Armageddon - end time prophecies - aka fire & brimstone. I understand that the intention is to warn people and alarm them to "wake up" before it is too late. However, in focusing on the last book of the Bible you are diverting attention from the message that is so clear in the books prior to Revelation - that of love, grace, and your relationship with God.
If I only went to meetings or church, studied, prayed, etc. because I see what is happening around me and was afraid the end was near - is that really of any good? (Matthew 7:22). Definately Not!! Why? Because I missed the whole point - which is the REASON behind my actions. I should pray, study, do good works because I WANT TO - because it is a natural growth (fruit) from my heart which starts with (1) accepting Jesus as my personal savior, and (2) asking him to be the Lord of my life. If I have the right relationship with Jesus and have developed a relationship with him - then my "works" would come naturally and not be based on some "work ethic" of making it through Armageddon.
BOTTOM LINE - using scare tactics may get some people to the meetings, but it won't make a heart change. Jesus did warn of the "time of the end" - but that was only a small portion of his ministry - the majority of his ministry was focused on the love and grace of God. If you REALLY want to reach people right now - don't try scaring them into submission - instead, show them love, encouragement, and point them to Jesus - not Armageddon.