Hey LL,
Did you get a scan of it? If not, I have the book and can get you a pic/scan of it.
can anyone out there scan from the first chapter of what does the bible really teach book?
it is a newer publication.
aparently on another thread, chapter one explains why questions are good to ask of your religion.
Hey LL,
Did you get a scan of it? If not, I have the book and can get you a pic/scan of it.
after my wedding i sent out an email to every non-witness i know and jw parents and a couple of siblings; the first group to stay in touch with old mates or turn near-strangers into friends in a time of needing them; the jw family group so that they'd know what's going on in our lives and how the wedding etc went and partly because i didn't want to be 'shunning' them; i wanted to be the one showing love and making an effort to maintain contact.
i sent another out recently, i figure i'll make it a biannual report on the life and times of the frass family.
it's nothing at all controversial, just a 'what we're up to' email.
Please bear with me while I analyse this. Firstly; 'public forum'? The only names they knew on the email list were other siblings and our parents. Secondly; 'respect'? They want me to respect them for being loveless, hurtful and, somebody please give me some good words for what they're being? It's been a few weeks since I sent the email so they've probably all consulted and discussed how to handle this situation. How inconsiderate of me!I kind of knew it would happen, but thought they even if they have no love at all, they still might want to keep receiving them so that they can pretend to our non-JW family that they care what happens to us and avoid giving them the impression that they are, those words I can't think of. Maybe the tone of the emails were so upbeat and cheerful that they picked up on the general vibe on my life now; they might have got it sussed that I'm actually happy and can't handle it. More likely, they just feel compelled to play the JW game and don't see anything wrong with it.
I haven't yet read what everyone else has said... My reaction would be to write to him what you just wrote here.
(((hugs))) this sucks. :(
Oh yeah, and -- if he doesn't want emails from you, he can always just block your addy. It's not up to YOU to stop communication, the stupid shunning rule is his, not yours....
ok, it could be a motorcycle or a truck too.
Not really "exotic", but I drive my jeep sans top and doors to meetings. Bugs the crap out of the elders. "stumbles" and it's impractical (so I was told) ya know. (there was a WT last summer -- something about priorities, recreation whatever that had a pic of a guy driving a jeep by the KH as some were coming out of it, probably for FS. I took great offense. LOL Didn't go to that meeting when it was studied....)
The elders here all drive their 4-door Buicks or vans. Good dubs, good.
Appearance -- spiritually speaking.
i tried logging on here last night after i got home, but i kept getting a message saying that there was an error and i couldn't get on.
anyhoo, i walked in the hall last night with my parents, who also roped my inactive brother into going.
I wasn't going to go -- had the kids all excited to go see "Benchwarmers", then middle kid said "Isn't tonight memorial...?" Crap. I'm trying to wean them off this stuff. Anyway, so we went. I was feeling sort of hyperventilate-y before we left and I'm awfully glad that I had a seat in the row of the damned so I could try to compose myself. I was just a ball of nerves because of all that I know and feel, yet had to undergo this torture. (I'm still taking kids b/c I don't know what the ex -- he's JW -- would/will do as far as custody fights yadda yadda. Not willing to find out yet)
Kinda funny moment -- when the wine was passed to my 10yo, she leaned in to sniff it -- looked as though she was about to drink. LMAO
That letter at the end was so barf. I couldn't help but think that it was in letter form to make it sound more "official", therefore VERY IMPORTANT.
I hope this is my last one.
for starters, tonight, i'm going to hang out at my local church's neighborhood gathering and get some food, then i'm heading off to the local synagouge to celebrate my hebrew roots.
how 'bout you guys?
OpenFireGlass, how fast can you get to Minnesota?
....and could you make a stop in Iowa on your way to Minnesota?
i need 4 more posts to be jediiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
I'm at work, too. Kinda slow.
Nearly lunchtime. What are you going to have?
(helping you out here, near-Jedi) LOL
im rose!!!!
would anyone be interested in me?
im very nice, im a jehovahs witness, im 25, im friendly etc... interested in males from any country.
(did you notice the google etc links that pop up based on this post?! ack! LOL)
well it happened, oh my goodnes, it only took like 3 hours going around in circles!!!
well its a very long story people, but i have to thankyou for the help yesterday, because i totally wasnt myself in the meeting and i actually questioned them and challenged them, and one of the elders is like wow you've changed, is this someone else talking?and i was like no, my questions are genuine, from me and hes like what are you studying at uni, theology?and im like no, sport and recreation!!!
!and at first i took my sister and i wanted her to come in but they wouldnt let her, then once i started questioning them, they could only say the same few things like the faithfull and discreet slaves are the directed ones and i have to believe them and then basicaly tried to make it that i was diassociating myself and i was like, no, i dont want to leave as long as i could research from other sources and they kinda ignored that and pretended like it was fine after telling me it wasnt, but disfellowshipping me because i said i couldnt promise them i wouldnt do a couple of things they frown upon again and that i didnt know if i was repentant untill i knew that they were wrong in my heart.
i do feel like a weight has been lifted
I can relate to this. I DA'd in the middle of a "complicated" JC where they were trying their damndest to DF me. I wouldn't let them have the power, so told them off in a three-pager that said it all. It was a weight off my shoulders and heart.
Life goes on -- welcome to it. :)
here are the scanned copies i promised i would post.
thanks to my wonderful husband, he made it all possible, as he is a computer whiz!
these copies show the out and out deception on the part of the organization.
Is there a way to make these bigger?? I really really want to see this...
I'm compiling a hug copy/paste doc of all this stuff. No reason YET, but good to have on hand.
Appreciate all this, LL. XO