This scripture really affects me. I went through a JC for "adultery/fornication" (too long and painful to re-write here, but it's in my newbie post) and when I found the scripture some time after, my jaw dropped. Agreed -- how can the "loving, Christian" religion JW profess themselves to be, not imitate Jesus' example here.
I'd love to quote this back at the elders who were on my JC. However, since they didn't follow this, but instead ripped my heart and soul out for four hours, they effectively took my blinders off and chased me out. So for that, I do thank them for my freedom... As well, it's not worth my time or the ink to write it to them.
Many of those that I've told my JC/DA etc story to know this scrip, and the JW not following it have made many of my friends and family just that more determined to slam the door in their faces.