They were ALL weird at my KH. Which probably makes me stand out as the weird one for not fitting their mold. Like serendipity, I also do my repairs around the house... I'd tell the sistas about my latest washing machine fixing adventure and they'd just look at me all stupid like. As if I maybe should find my place as the weaker vessel and knock this crap off and call a brudda to help with such complicated things. I also play in the mud in my jeep -- sometimes we'd go thru the puddles on the way to meeting, so we all had to 'jump' or get mud on our spiffy clothes. The elders didn't care much for the jeep dripping goo in the parking lot...
So yeah, I was the weird one. And now I'm gone, so the clone-like sisters are once again united.
That hearse story just made my skin crawl, but I literally laughed out loud at the monitor reading it... oh the indignity!! LOL