On the question of whether God knew that man would sin or not is interesting. I have no idea where this comes from but I remember always thinking that God did KNOW that man would sin. This idea came from the Society or an Elder in my congregation. It was explained that from the beginning God knew that this would happen and that it would take a "holy war" (to coin a current phrase) to prove who is Master over all the Universe. After the initial confrontation and conclusion was established God would then IMMEDIATELY cut off any other opposers based upon the first "case" (so to speak). I'm not sure I buy into that but, at the time I remember believing ANYTHING told to me by the "higher ups". Sad.
JoinedPosts by DazedAndConfused
Genesis Error: The Rainbow Covenant
by JosephAlward inafter the lord had drowned every living thing on the surface of the earth except noah and his family and the animals brought to the ark, he told noah that from that time forth there would be no more apocalyptic floods, and as a token of his good intentions the lord would create the rainbow:.
and god...spake unto noah, and to his sons with him, saying...i establish my covenant with you.... neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.
and god said, this is the token of the covenant which i make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: i do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
apostate gathering in Las Vegas very important!!!
by rekless indung beetle has been in touch with me.... we need to know how many to plan for.... this has to do with trying to find an area that is free possibally even having those living in las vegas making the main meal the those who are out of towners buy deli salids and so forth.. it can happen but please let's get this organized to a degree it will come off smoothly.. if it is just a gaming thing then it is a gaming thing...but if it is a serious gathering to meet and associate then that is another thing which i am interested in.. dan
I would love to go, but I have no idea when it is. Hey Mike, maybe we could drive together?
Biggest Can-O-Worms in a LONG Time
by Adam inso what does everyone think about this whole human cloning thing our intreped scientists recently accomplished?
i haven't read up enough and discussed enough to formulate a rock solid opinion on all the ins and outs of the whole issue, and i like to have rock solid opinions on just about everything (but i don't push my views on anyone or consider opposing views "wrong," that's something else i have a strong opinion about).
i have been away for a few days so if this has been covered, please accept my appologies for the repetition and direct me to the appropriate subject heading.
Cloning to me, as a parent who has lost a child not 1 month old, is abhorrant. When they clone an embryo they are creating life, in essence. When you clone an embryon you are cloning a child.......innocent and naive...............why create it to destroy it before it has a chance to prove what it "could have been"?
Does the light of truth really get brighter?
by sleepy inheres a way that i think shows that the witness idea that the "light is getter brighter " is flawed.. the reason often given for it being the case that jehovahs only reveals things graduly is that if he revealed things all at once it would be too much for a person to take.they would be "blinded" by the knowledge.. so on this reasoning then we must concluded that before 1995 people were not able to cope with the idea that "this generation" was not talking about poeple born in 1914, the light would have blinded them.. in that case why does this new light not blind people who come into the religon today?.
they have gone straight from the "darkness" into the most resently revealed light surely they must be blinded and would need first to learn all the past knowledge that is now considered wrong before they could cope with this new light.. this idea is so stupid.. children who are born today will learn straight away about the way the world works they will learn of gravity , spelling and maths in school.things that people living hundreds or thousands of years ago did not know.
since when has accurate knowledge "blinded" someone?.
I totally agree with what you are saying about the light getting brighter and brighter. I have posted my thoughts on this on a number of occasions............for me, for the light to get "brighter" (to me) can only mean that what you see is "clarified". I deal with graphics all the time. When I see a pic with, let's say,.....a brown "outline"...........with a red "blob" on top of it. As I take it into a program to make it "clearer" to me..........I eventually might see a picnic table (the brown outline) and as it gets clearer (a basket with red apples) I cannot see a basket with a grouping of "yellow banana's" in the place of the "red". I cannot accept going yellow when in the first pic I see red. You cannot make things clearer by changing the whole thing totally. That is a 180 degree turn. Things only get clearer from what has been shown........................THEY DO NOT CHANGE!!!!
70 Hour Pio's & 15 Min Pubs
by metatron inlet's see here - according to the latest rumor.
you can be a regular publisher by putting in 15 minutes.
a month.. you can be a regular pioneer by putting in 70 hours.
uuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhh, I wish I could access new threads. But alas, I can't. I had hoped to access the thread regarding the Elders meeting before my father got here but since Simon changed things around............I cannot access anything that has more than one page. I was hoping to have some ammo when dad came to visit but i cannot access anything new. sheesh!
Concerning Santa Claus
by Duncan ini thought id post this now, because firstly were just coming into that time of year, and secondly the thread started by mulan called confession got into this subject and started me thinking.. i couldve posted this as a reply in that thread, i suppose, but i wanted to discuss it separately.
besides, its been months since i saw my name up there in a thread started by capacity, so i thought it was time.
concerning santa claus, then.. the whole christmas issue is, of course, one of the meanest, most joy-denying, life-diminishing teachings in the whole miserable jw mindset.
You talk about lying to children regarding Santa Claus. While it is true parents "lie" to their children regarding Santa Claus and Christmas.............but think back. When you were at the meetings, or out in service, how many "lies" did we tell? We told children all sorts of "lies" just to get them going. No? In example................I got your nose!!!! (All the while just showing part of our thumb) I get reminded quite regularly about a time that I and a sister out and out lied to our children about something and even today, knowing it was a lie, those very children view that as one of the most fun times they ever had. Let me tell you what we did. This sister and I had read a story about a lollypop tree. In it you "plant" a lollypop and later you go and find a tree that is growing lollypops. Well, we did this with our children. We took them out into the woods and planted a lollypop and after a certain amount of time we went out to that very spot and found a small tree sprouting lollypops. Of course we had gone out beforehand and tied lollypops to a small tree. Considering the ages of the children, some accepted it and some questioned it. But to this day, they all think back upon this as one of the best things that they remember from the past. I think the same thing happens with the "lie" of Christmas. Children need to have something that they can fantasize about. Something that they can look back upon and see that innocence of life is a reality. I would think that if "lying" about Santa and Christmas was such a terrible thing..................it would not continue on generation after generation. Especially in this day of hightened awareness of abuse.
Get an investigation at UN started?
by CatholicGuy indo you think the un would begin an investigation if enough of us wrote them to ask for it?
(letters would be better than email for this, i think.
) perhaps to the secretariat office or the ambassador from the country you reside in?
Cath, I seriously doubt that ANYONE beyond Ex-Jw's would even care. I would bet that there have been a ton of people/organizations who have signed up with the UN but have not adhered their criteria. I don't think most people give a rats ass about this.
How to be a loyal JW 101
by Jigrigger insaw this on greatcrowd.net.
this is it in a nutshell.... http://www.greatcrowd.net/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=000061
Jig, as long as you put what was posted in quotation marks (" ") there is no problem.
Christians and Nuclear Weapons
by VM44 infor some reason i have been thinking about this question, .
and i am posting it here to get your comments.. the question is:.
would it be proper for a christian to work on the development.
If you look at the history in the Bible God has destroyed people himself and there were many wars in the Bible. God has now left the governments of today to do what they can to preserve peace and "human rights" for people. I think that if a government today uses war when needed, and at times it is needed, then to be part of that process no matter what it entails, would be proper in my view.
Getting the UN thing published.
by LoneWolf ini can't say that i've had much success in rousing interest in the reporters that i've contacted about the united nations thing.
however, i'm not discouraged, as i've long used the technique of trying something and carefully analyzing its results, then trying again.
eventually it usually succeeds.. anyway, i've been doing a little digging and it appears that not too many are going to touch it unless we maintain a steady contact and feed them incontrovertable proof in a concise manner, with most of the details reduced to bare-bones.
I thought the letter sounded great for the most part. The one thing I would change if it were me, would be the part where you used the word measly regarding the Library Card to the very people who provide that very "measly" thing.Other than that I thought it was well layed out and well worded. Let us know what response you get from it.