What gets me is how the women in practically every illustration, whether a current photo or drawing, or a drawing depicting the New World, is wearing a dress or skirt. Sisters picnicing in dresses. Hiking in dresses. Never wearing shorts or slacks. My wife has commented on this many times.
Posts by DB
Why do they have clothes on?
by Simon injust a thought.... in most of the publications that have pictures of people in the new order / new system / paradise earth - why do they have clothes on?
not only that, but they usually wear their national costumes !.
i guess the practical reason is that if everyone was naked then the watchtower would be classed as soft-porn and could only be sold from top shelves.... anyone have any thoughts on this?
JUSTICE #2 - Making Mole Hills into Mountains
by Amazing inmaking mole hills into mountains .
we had a wonderful and most exemplary family in our congregation.
they are hard workers, hospitable, caring, generous, suffer with you through hardship, kind, compassionate, and as loyal to the organization as any family could be.
This matter could easily have been handled just by the parents alone, or at the most, ONE elder could have been sought out for advice/counsel. Taking it further than that just made the matter worse, as Amazing has reported. What a shame.
Children should feel free to.....
by biblexaminer ini have one question to ask my local jw's, be they on the body, or be they higher up in the heirarchy.. it is this... .
watchtower literature tells me over and over again, that as a parent, i have to make my children feel that they can "freely speak" about whatever is troubling them.
the question is, at what age i should make them stop feeling this way, and help them to see the need to shut up, sit down, and quit rocking the boat.
Yes, it is a contradiction. Putting pressure on young teens to get baptized, then saying they are not old enough to decide on their own about going to meetings. Also, as some others on this thread have mentioned, why pressure them to make such a big decision as baptism so early on, when on the other hand we tell them (and rightly so, in some cases) to put off marriage, driving a car, etc. Or, the laws of the land prohibit certain things (voting, driving, marriage, sex, etc) to those not deemed old enough, yet jw kids are pressured to get baptized so early on in life. And when a teen gets to be close to 18, 19, 20, without getting baptized, other Witnesses become critical of them and their parents, wondering what is wrong, or saying (and I have heard this) "it's about time!" when an older kid does get baptized.
Notes from 2001 District Conv.---Friday
by LostMyReligion inhere are a few notes i took at the friday session of the 2001 "teachers of god's word" district convention.
i thought i would share these upbuilding theocratic point with my new friends, along with my thoughts as i was listening to the program.
1st instruction of the day: sing loudly and listen to the prayer!
I attended only on Sunday. But the F&G comments do indeed reflect the way I felt while sitting there. I just want to learn about the Bible. Is all the pummeling really needed? By the time the morning session ended, I felt, not "spritually refreshed", but like I had just been beaten over the head. I wish it could be different. As I said, I really like studying and learning about the Bible.
Notes from 2001 District Conv.---Friday
by LostMyReligion inhere are a few notes i took at the friday session of the 2001 "teachers of god's word" district convention.
i thought i would share these upbuilding theocratic point with my new friends, along with my thoughts as i was listening to the program.
1st instruction of the day: sing loudly and listen to the prayer!
I attended only on Sunday. But the F&G comments do indeed reflect the way I felt while sitting there. I just want to learn about the Bible. Is all the pummeling really needed? By the time the morning session ended, I felt, not "spritually refreshed", but like I had just been beaten over the head. I wish it could be different. As I said, I really like studying and learning about the Bible.
So Will You Appease Or Confront?
by Englishman inits been getting pretty lively on this board of late.
at the moment there is a great diversity of opinion as to how anti-social behaviour should be handled.
'course, its easy when someone like yk posts his umpteenth attack on the exs.
Englishman, you caught my attention with what you stated about love for children being 'performance-driven'. It seems that way sometimes, indeed.
More Notes from 2001District Conv.---Sunday
by LostMyReligion inhere are some of the spiritual gems i gleaned from sunday's sessions.. symposium on book of malachi:.
points in which we can magnify jehovah.
do not be like priests at mal.1:13 to whom temple service was a burden.
Thank s for the accurate summary, LostMY. You must have been really busy taking notes.
I did not make the first two days. frankly, it's just so difficult...travel, those long days, etc. I never looked forward to conventions, and dragged myself there for all the sessions in the past. This year, one day was sufficient.
Interstingly, several of the folks I have talked to did not go on Friday (despite the big push to attend all three days). Several cited work, school exams, etc. But in reality, to me anyway, I think many are just getting awfully tired of all the travel, long sessions, etc.
New Theocratic Ministry School
by DB ini missed one day of the 2001 district convention.
i heard from someone seated nearby that, beginning in 2003, the theocratic ministry school will be newly formatted.
does anyone here know what that new format will be?
I missed one day of the 2001 District Convention. I heard from someone seated nearby that, beginning in 2003, the Theocratic Ministry School will be newly formatted. Does anyone here know what that new format will be? Thanks!
Question for any elder/recent ex-elder
by OrangeBlossom inthe elders keep dropping by every couple of saturday's after bookstudy to check on us and try to encourage us back to meetings.
it has worked out that my husband has been gone when they visit so they keep coming back hoping to catch him sometime.
anyway, i told my hubby that we should at least go to the meetings once a week to keep them off our trail, which i went this past thursday night and wouldn't you know it the one elder approached me and mentioned that they still want to sit down with us and go over an article on meeting attendance.
Recently, one elder asked if they could make a call on my wife and I. Things have not been going well for us lately. BTW, I do have experience serving as an elder. My reply was simply "no", adding that I did not think a visit would be a good idea. I told that elder that if anything changes, I'd let him know. This approach has worked for me.
I do feel bad for you. Yes, there is no doubt that you have been labeled as "weak", etc. It has happened to me as well.
I attended the meeting tonight.....
by silentlambs ini went to the meeting tonight to check out things in the local congregation.
this spiritual paradise is showing a few cracks.
when i arrived about ten minutes before the meeting started, i felt like a ghost.
This is my first post. Greetings. I am currently a Witness, and have been for well over two decades (guess I'm not supposed to be vivting such sites, wink, wink). I have been following this matter for the last couple of months, the matter being the incident involving SL. If his message about what went on at that meeting is true, then it seems to me that either the local body of elders or the Society (by means of some special instructions sent to that congregation) has decided to "put the screws" to SL, perhaps hoping that the matter will resolve itself by prompting SL to stop attending meetings or perhpas even Disassociate himself.